
作者&投稿:柯征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

--- 嗨。Tony。快来看电视上的足球比赛。
--- 好的,比分是多少?

World renowned short article writer of fiction. After his creationfollows closely Maupassant and the agreement tan oak husband, but alsoestablishes a new school. His work has "the encyclopedia which USlives" the reputation.
European Henry 利原 the William Sydney baud (William SydneyPorter),1,862 years on September 11 is born to the northern card comesmiddle the natrium state xiaocheng Grimm Si Boluo. His father is placedoctor. His childhood mourning mother, the family circumstances arepoor, fosters since childhood by the grandmother.15 years old to in a distantly related uncle's pharmacy work asapprentice. 20 years old come up to the Texas state, first works asthe herding cattle person, latter to state capital Austin. After 1884at first has worked as pharmacist, plotter, first national bankcashier. This time his life is extremely unstable, but actually for inthe future will write accumulated many lives source material.
In July, 1887, he you 阿斯特 Si married with Arthur, in October,1894, the bank discovered his account short cash, after the courtinterrogation announced did not give investigated, thereupon heresigned left Austin, came to Houston's humorous publication "To rollStone" worked as the fine arts edition, the second year became "theHouston Postal Newspaper" column author. This section of tranquil lifeis not certainly long-time.In 1896 the federation bank procuratorial agency started the criminalactivity to him to investigate that, subpoenaed him once more. Hedrops out the wife to be young, goes into exile places such asHonduras avoids. Soon, he knew the wife is critically ill, hurriesback the family to visit is arrested. In July, 1897, his wife becausethe pulmonary tuberculosis died. In February, 1898, he embezzled thebank government money crime to sentence 5 years imprisonment, closedin the Ohio state Columbus city jail.
In the prison, he endured the enormous spirit to suffer, his name hasbeen cancelled, displaced is the criminal numbers. Luckily soon thejail medical office needs medicament, he can resume old profession,but also has leisure the free time time. 1899 at the end of age, hethought must give the daughter a Christmas gift. He recollected ownexperience and the homeless tramp, had written a novel "the WhistlingDick's Christmas Gift".He take a French pharmacopoeia book author's name as the pen name,threw for "Mike Lu You" the magazine, has published in the Christmasday eve. But is beyond redemption from this his round, the workpublishes one after another, European Henry's name along with itsudden rise in reputation. In July, 1901, he because "the performanceis good", is released before a sentence expires. 3 years half front heis 贪污犯 the baud, comes out when has become writer of fictionEurope Henry.
European Henry settles down New York. He take creates as industry. InDecember, 1903, he was responsible for "Sunday World" the weekly. From1904, a his year must publish 12 short stories collection, more famoushad "4000000" (1,906), "Cuts Bright Lamp bowl" (1,907), "the WesternHeart" (1,907), "Sound of the City" (1,908), "Good Swindler" (1,908),"Road of the Destiny" (1,909), "Choice" (1,909), "Does not stretch therules" (1,910), "At sixes and sevens", "Rolls Stone Collection","Waif" and the only 11 novels "Cabbage And King" (1,904) and so on .European Henry is good at describing the American society inparticular New York common people's life. His work idea novel,language humorous, the result frequently is beyond expectation; Andfurther because described the multitudinous character, is rich in thelife appeal, by the reputation is "the humorous encyclopedia which USlives".
European Henry besides has the social dealings with 杂志社 boss and出版商, very little makes the friend. In 1907, he married withsarah gram Rieman. His excessive drinking custom has not been able tochange, in addition long ago lived drifts about destitute, the bodilycondition date saw the failure. On June 5, 1910, European Henrybecause the liver cirrhosis passed away in New York, year only 48years old.
弄的不杂好 希望谅解 不正确之出往你体谅 毕竟真多来

我叫XXX,(Hello everyone, My name is XXX, and you can call meXX(你的昵称).)我来自南京,(Nanjing is my hometown)我是个比较内向的女孩,虽然我不太爱说话,但是我很乐意帮助我身边的每一位朋友,以后大家有什么困难都可以来找我。(I m not quiet talkative, even though i dont talk much, but i d like to help everyone around me. So if you have any questions or problems, i d like to help you guys)
我的爱好有很多,比如:唱歌、写作、听音乐和看电视等等。(i interested in lots of things, like singing, writing, listening to music and watching televisions.) 我最喜欢的偶像团体是东城卫,我最喜欢东城卫的团长---陈德修,修不仅人长得帅,而且很有才。(My favorite band is Dong Cheng Wei, i really like their group head--DeXiu Chen, he is not only a good looking guy, but also full of talents.) 东城卫是一个摇滚乐团(Dong Cheng Wei is a rock band),我之所以喜欢他们,完全是因为他们为了音乐而坚持不懈的精神(The reason i like them is because their put their soul into their music),他们为了音乐经历了很多(Their music is full of their experience),听了我的介绍希望大家能和我一样去支持他们(Hopefully after my presentation, you will support the band with me)!!
我的介绍就这么多,谢谢大家!!(That is all my presentation, thanks all)

Ps:我不知道你这个演讲是不是一个很正式的演讲 我写的比较口语化。 希望可以满足你的要求

My name is XXX, I am from Nanjing, I was more introverted girl, although I do not love to talk, but I am willing to help me each and every friend that we will have any difficulties can come to me.
I have many hobbies, such as: singing, writing, listening to music and watching television. My favorite is the idol group Dong Cheng Wei, one of my favorite East Side --- David Chen, head repair, repair is not only handsome man, and very just. Dong Cheng Wei is a rock band, I like them, simply because they are for music and perseverance, they experienced a lot for music, listening to my presentation and I do hope that we can to support them! !
My introduction to so much, thank you! !


建议瑢瑢不要采纳 西哦唉 (楼上的楼上)的答案,他的答案有许多语法错误。他可能是到网上弄的英语翻译器直接翻译的。里面真的有很多语法错误,例如 David Chen, head repair, repair is not only handsome man, and very just 里面,你说他很有才的意思是说他很有才华。你在看看他翻译的什么??just 却是表示 才,但此才非彼才也 !!!

My name is XXX. I'm from nanjing, I am a bashfulness girl, though I don't love to talk, but I'm happy to help my side every friend, later everybody has what difficulties can always come to me.
I have a lot of hobbies, such as singing, writing, listening to music and watching TV, etc. My favorite idol group is enterprise, I most like enterprise who defended colonel - ChenDeXiu, make not only people grow handsome, and very talented. Enterprise is a rock band who, the reason that I like them, completely because they to music and perseverance to music, they have a lot of experience I listened hope everybody can like me to support them!!
My introduction is so much, thank everybody!!

我个人觉得不太好学,因为我的英语不太好。我本人是北部湾大学金融工程的学生,对金融工程这门专业还是有点了解的。身份证明 首先呢,我们来了解一下,金融工程到底学什么,金融工程研究经济学、金融学、金融工程和金融管理等方面的基本知识,接受理财、投融资、风险管理等方面的技能训练,主要运用计算机...


本人的英语语法差 有一句不懂它的结构 people passing by would...
1.第一句pass by(路过)是一个词组。People(是主语,就是所指的对象)passing by (修饰people) would (助动词)stop and say, 整句意思:路过的人们都会停下来议论纷纷。2.playing to the rhythm(节拍,节奏) that the drivers made (修饰rhythm) 我感觉这句话不完整,少了主语。 主语...

我的英语一直都不咋地,在此跪求各位大师一个学好英语的方法,本人今年初 ...
果家里没有语言环境,就当是自言自语也可以啊 读:这是比较重要的,每天放学回家,应该抽出20分钟来阅 读你的英语课文,学过和没学过的都可以;主要是 练语感。时间也不宜过长,20分钟足够。也要坚持。写:在中国,写是应试教育最重要的,单词量一定要过关,背单词要有技巧,蛮背自己累够戗,效果...

《A New Day Has Come》歌手:Celine Dion 专辑:A New Day Has Come A New Day Has Come A new day has come,A new day has come,I was waiting for so long,for a miracle to come,Everyone told me to be strong,hold on, and don't shed a tear,Through the darkness and good ...

1:飞机上会用到一些。比如空姐问你需要吃什么(国际航班时间特别长会提供2-3餐),你可以直接指给她们看(会有一个菜单给你里面有abc套餐可以选择,指给他们看如果不会很多的话)发放饮料零食的时候 (不会就只给指出你要什么就好,不要怂)快到旧金山填写入境表的时候(空姐发纸笔给你,可以直接...

第一、尽量不要蒙、要团结同学、万一周围的人有会的呢、答对的几率就很大了。第二、必须蒙时学会根据选项选出答案。给你举个例子例如:A、to for、B、for on、C、to on、D、to to、首先排除B、它太突出了根据老师考试的心里不可能让那么容易就选出正确答案。再根据B的第二个on选出C、蒙对的...


1、They are standing near the door.2、Would you like a bottle of orange?3、Who is he wringting to?4、Where you father is?5、Where is Mr Green from?6、Dose kate go to chinese classes every week?7、There are not any apples in the bag.8、What subject dose Mr King ...

Don‘t speak English to me ,because my most mournful thing is unable to learn English well. 我觉得这样翻译比较好

萝北县13931882113: 请地道地翻译成中文,谢谢了!我的英语不太好,所以还请你见谅.我只能用简单的英文表达我要说的话,给您带来的麻烦还请您原谅! -
贠栏臣功:[答案] 一级那个的就别用了,三级那个的Excuse me不要,taking改成bringing还可用,其实你大可不必这么说,他们都完全不介意的,那位专家你记住就行了,下次问问他用的什么机器翻译的,真是的.

萝北县13931882113: 帮忙写一个简短的英文E - mail?我的外语不好, 所以麻烦把这段话翻译一下,非常感谢!顺便把信件格式也写一下.呵呵``````` 大致内容: 你好! 认识你很开... -
贠栏臣功:[答案] e-mial不用像写书信那么正式,如果你是写信给你旅游时遇到的外国朋友,大概可以这么写 Dear XX(名字):How are you... so it is a little late for me to reply your e-mail.认识你非常高兴.非常抱歉我的英语不是很好,所以回信晚了点.) I come from An...

萝北县13931882113: 本人英语特差,现在想好好补,可不知道杂学,各位帮帮忙!
贠栏臣功: 天天坚持上早自习 先保证词汇量 再就是多训练训练听力和阅读

萝北县13931882113: 英语翻译1您好请问几位?2.请问您要点餐吗?3.如果你要点餐的话,请你在菜单上指一下,方便我记下来,因为我的英语不是很好?4.麻烦看一下只是你点的... -
贠栏臣功:[答案] 1 Hello,I would like to ask a few?2.I would like to ask you your meal points?3.If you are the main points of the meal,please refer to the menu you like,I can not remember them easily,because my English is not good?4.Just look at trouble spots you food?5....

萝北县13931882113: 想去留学,本人英语不是很好,有没有对英语要求不高、学校也还行的学校??麻烦各位推荐下.
贠栏臣功: 英语不太好的话,就选择小语种的学校呗.现在就业的话英语人才市场也已经达到了饱和,小语种会更加有竞争力.学校的话个人还是建议可以选择欧洲,不仅文化底蕴还是教学质量的整体水平,也都在世界前列.只是学校、国家的选择还是有...

萝北县13931882113: 麻烦帮我翻译一段日文谢谢~~~ -
贠栏臣功: 1楼明显用翻译机 我给你手工的吧..私の英语は上手では无いから、ほかの人に日本语の翻訳をおねがいしました.こんなに多くemailを书くのは、ただ一枚の写真がほしいだけです、その写真を昆明に行ったときの记念物にしたいです.お愿いします、写真を一枚ください.旅行楽しみに!不知道楼主是不是写错了,如果你想吧因为我的英文很不好改为因为我的日文很不好.的话,只需将 英语 改为 日本语 即可 希望有所帮助

萝北县13931882113: 我的英语不是很好,要如何学好英语哩?? -
贠栏臣功: 坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色. 一、多“说”. 自己多创造机会与英语教师多讲英语,见了同学,尤其是和好朋友在一起时尽量用英语去问候,谈心情……这时候你需随身携带一个英汉互译...

萝北县13931882113: 我的英语不好,但是想考研究生,怎么样才可以提高英语,达到考试要求啊?麻烦大家给点建议啊!谢谢了! -
贠栏臣功: 我的建议非常简单,秉着一句话:你现在所想的,就在创造你的未来.我英语也很不好,我是艺术生,但今年也考了.所以定准目标,开始努力.

萝北县13931882113: 在线等,麻烦谁帮我翻译下: 因为我英文差,没能很好的沟通,所以没正确的表达我意思. -
贠栏臣功: Because of my poor English, I didn't communicate very well, and didn't express my opinion correctly.

萝北县13931882113: why should we do exercise(锻炼)? 的英语作文?各位好!本人是高一在校生,因英语确实不好,而老师又一直在逼,所以只有在网上来麻烦麻烦大家了,... -
贠栏臣功:[答案] Exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. So, how does exercise actually helped us? well, the question is answered by NHRC(National H...

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