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It is necessary to keep a balanced diet if you want to keep healthy.You'd better eat enough vegatables which contain rich vitamin, proper meat is needed,too. Avoid fried or toasted food.It is important to do regular exercises, such as running or playing badminton. Keeping high mood is good for mentally health. We should renew our spirits and release our stress, so that we can have a good attitude towards life. To enjoy our beautiful life, we must be bound to keep healthy. 如果想保持健康,均衡的饮食很重要。你最好吃足够的蔬菜,因为它包含丰富的维生素。适量的肉类也是需要的。避免油炸和烤制食品。 有规律地做一些运动也很重要,比如说跑步或者打打羽毛球。保持好的情绪对心理健康很重要。我们应该有新的思想,而且要释放压力,这样我们才能对生活有一个好的态度。为了享受美好生活,我们必须保持健康。

  Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday.They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us. We also should eat less meat everday.And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at night. Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary nutritions. Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from them. It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the morning. It is very bad for our health. Breakfast is the most important meal for people.

A: Sometimes we have disorder diet, especial for girls. They want to keep slim through reducing diet. This phenomenon is common, and will cause diseases. How should we do?
B: Healthy eating is important for us in our daily life. Food can give us energy and help us build up our body. We should have the power of self control. What and how should we eat to be healthier?
A: First, we should have enough clean food each meal. Second, it's important to keep a balanced diet. Different kinds of food provide us different nutrition we need every day. Third, we should have a regular meal. In this way, we'll be strong and healthy, and we'll do well in our study
B: yes, you are right. Everyone knows this rule, but it is important for us to carry out this rule.

A: First, we should have enough clean food each meal. Second, it's important to keep a balanced diet. Different kinds of food provide us different nutrition we need every day. Third, we should have a regular meal. In this way, we'll be strong and healthy, and we'll do ...

饮食方式 早饭要吃的丰盛些,午饭要吃的饱些,晚饭则吃的清淡些少量些。俗话说,早上吃的像皇帝,中午吃的像百姓,晚上吃的像乞丐。维持低油、低盐的饮食习惯。尽量以蒸或煮的方式来烹调,以减少油脂摄取。如果是在外面用餐,可要一杯白开水将菜稍微过一下,选掉多余的油分与盐分。多摄取高纤维的...

I hope everyone can eat in a healthy way.翻译:如何健康饮食大家好。我是李华。今天我的主题是如何健康饮食。首先,我们不应该吃油炸食品或高糖食品,因为它们对健康不好。其次,尽量多吃蔬菜和水果。因为它们能让我们变得更加健康。我的饮食习惯很好。例如,我经常吃健康食品,比如早餐吃全麦面包、鸡...



平衡膳食必须由多种食物组成,才能满足人体各种营养需要,达到合理营养、促进健康的目的。因而要提倡人们广泛食用多种食物。 多种食物应包括以下五大类: 第一类为谷类及薯类:谷类包括米、面、杂粮,薯类包括马铃薯、甘薯、木薯等,主要提供碳水化物、蛋白质、膳食纤维和B族维生素。 第二类为动物性食物:包括肉、禽、鱼、...


脂肪中含有大脑记忆功能和活动必需的物质——磷脂和胆固醇,因此,适当吃些脂肪性食物,如奶类、蛋类、动物肝脏、瘦肉、花生和核桃等坚果,对中学生来说,可帮助学习,还可增进身体生长发育。值得一提的是,油炸、油煎、油泡、肥肉等食品,因脂肪含量特别高,不利于健康,宜尽量避免。食物多样保均衡 新鲜...


15个饮食习惯让你受益终生 进入新的学校,换了新的工作,甚至季节改变,都可能影响你的饮食习惯。不过,无论环境如何改变,只要你雷打不动地坚持以下15个小习惯,健康就不会离你远去。 1、复合维生素早饭后吃。研究表明,补充适合自己的复合维生素对身体健康大有裨益。那么,为什么要在早饭后吃呢?一来...

英德市15819397934: 怎样才是健康的饮食英语作文 -
盖勇达内:[答案] A: Sometimes we have disorder diet, especial for girls. They want to keep slim through reducing diet. This phenomenon is common, and will cause diseases. How should we do? B: Healthy eating is important for us in our daily life. Food can give us ...

英德市15819397934: 怎样健康饮食的英语作文60字左右 -
盖勇达内:[答案] Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday.They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for u...

英德市15819397934: 英语作文:怎样做到饮食的健康 -
盖勇达内:[答案] Health is more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health leads to nothing. How can we keep healthy Here is some advice. Firstly, it is very important for us to ...

英德市15819397934: 怎样才是健康的饮食(英语作文) 1、均衡饮食 2、少吃垃圾食品,如油炸类食物 3、定时饮食 -
盖勇达内: Nowadays, more and more people are in poor health. If we want to keep healthy we should go on a healthy diet. First, we should have a balanced diet.Though we may not like eating vegetables, the vegetables have a lot of nutrition. They are very ...

英德市15819397934: 求一篇英语作文是有关于建议如何健康饮食 -
盖勇达内:[答案] An increasing number of people are becoming aware of the significance of health maintainence .Just as the basic need of human beings for survival ,like food to prevent starvation ,and clothing to keep away from cold ,being healthy is one essential ...

英德市15819397934: 如何保持健康饮食 英语作文 中下水平 -
盖勇达内: First of all, we should pay attention to sleep. Hold the prime stage of life, so that the very next day more spirit of learning and working. Second, pay attention to diet, not picky eaters, not a partial eclipse, not overeating. We must pay attention to ...

英德市15819397934: 英语作文关于健康的饮食 -
盖勇达内: Health is more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health leads to nothing. How can we keep healthy Here is some advice. Firstly, it is very important for us ...

英德市15819397934: 写一写我们该如何健康饮食.要求不少于50词.英语作文 -
盖勇达内: Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday.They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us. We also should eat less meat everday.And we had ...

英德市15819397934: 用英语写一篇 如何保持健康?怎样饮食?的作文 -
盖勇达内:[答案] Nowadays,more and more people are in poor health.If we want to keep healthy we should go on a healthy diet. First,we should have a balanced diet.Though we may not like eating vegetables,the vegetables have a lot of nutrition.They are very good for our...

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