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Mathematics teaching in the reading material in the elective content, junior high school math teaching in the reading materials into classroom teaching is one of the important means of mathematics teaching. It enriches the teaching content, broaden the horizons of students, deepen the knowledge of mathematics. As a teacher, must be clearly read mathematics thought, mathematics method, material implication of the education idea, scientific spirit, analyze it in the position and function of teaching materials in teaching, and the rational use of reading material, reading knowledge, explore interesting material, improve the students' ability to analyze and solve mathematical problems; to cultivate students' ability active thinking, learn mathematics knowledge meaningful, valuable truly, and preliminary exercise questions, analyzing problems, solving problems; enhancing student's mathematics application consciousness and the mathematical understanding, understanding of the value of mathematics and mathematics culture, give full play to the function. Therefore, exploring reading mathematics thought, mathematics method, material implication of the education idea, scientific spirit, analyze it in the position and function of teaching materials, teaching in the teaching design, and the rational use of reading material, have an important role to promote mathematics teaching.

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Progress cool clothes.勤奋的 assiduous; diligent; industrious; studious ;

The experts, the judges:Hello, everyone.Today's lesson content is PEP primary school English ___grade ___ book Unit -??? Below, I will from the analysis of the teaching material, teaching objectives, key, difficulty and so onseveral aspects to my lesson.First, I will read t...

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鄹巩雪纳: 1.尽管缺乏资金,他还是继续他的实验.(tocarryon)Thoughhewasshortofmoney,hedecidedtocarryonhisexperiment2.上大学期间,他不时在图书馆里寻找资料.(fr...

清原满族自治县13544434144: 求英语大神帮忙翻译一下这篇短文 在线等 急急急 感谢!!! -
鄹巩雪纳: 我最喜欢的一个衣服店是我们镇上的一个折扣店.里面卖新的和二手衣服,但是质量都很好.所有衣服都挂着供你去看,有童装区,男装区,女装区.如果你看到喜...

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鄹巩雪纳: The flowing water and withering flowers, in the flying years, already changed their color of memory. Even if the happiness owned flashes away , the elegance of a man is worth to be remembered too, smiling in mind for long lasting. In the long scroll ...

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鄹巩雪纳: 1.货代安排空的集装箱到我司仓库,我司负责安排装箱.empty container freight forwarding arrangements to our warehouse, arrange our packing.2.货代根据海船离港时间倒推装箱时间,一般上海的海船是周天或者周二,货代会安排在周一或者周...

清原满族自治县13544434144: 求大神帮我翻译一下英语课文,自己实在无能为力了 -
鄹巩雪纳: 我一如既往的在闹钟响起前五分钟醒来.一听到闹钟响我就从我床上蹦下来.洗漱吃饭花去大概14分钟时间,我离开去赶公交.我总是第一个到办公室的人.早晨一向忙碌,下午更是手忙脚乱.会议和打电话占据了一天大部分的时间,一天的每一分钟都充满着繁忙与杂乱.大概8点之前我就花时间做工作,回复私人邮件.差不多十点到家,收拾好带回家的文档,这样明早上班就不会麻烦.夜深了,我爬上床,孩子和妻子早已进入梦乡.我很少有时间去和家人娱乐参加各项活动.家人时常抱怨,但我还是坚持工作,挣尽量多的钱养活家.此外,我也习惯了繁忙的生活.无事可做甚至会使我感到无聊.

清原满族自治县13544434144: 请求日语大神帮忙翻译以下内容!!翻译成日文,如果有汉字在旁边备注(假名)、非常感谢!! -
鄹巩雪纳: 先(さき)言(い)わせていただいたことは、わたしにとって、ただの自己绍介(じこしょうかい)ではありません、课程(かてい)が终(お)わった総括(そうかつ)です.皆(みな)さんは何(なに)をきっかけとして日本语(にほんご)を选(えら)んだか分(わ)かりませんが、一绪(いっしょ)に勉强(べんきょう)してくださって、本当(ほんとう)にありがとうございます.短(みじかい)い间(あいだ)ですが、いい思(おも)い出(で)ができたと思(おも)います 根据日本人的说话习惯有的地方稍微改动了一下,不过没有改动原意

清原满族自治县13544434144: 请帮我翻译一下工作经历自己的英语能力有限,还请哪位大师帮忙翻译下以下简历,感谢! 一共只有80分,还请帮助~~ 需翻译的内容: 第一部分: 工作描述... -
鄹巩雪纳:[答案] Work Experience 1,Raw material purchasing management. 2,Supplier management, maintain good relation with supplier, do... manufacture process and assist with PM, superintend, port and export, finance department. 纯人脑翻译,就一段,上班先要...

清原满族自治县13544434144: 请大神帮忙翻译以下内容~最好是懂金融知识和英语知识的大神!~~ -
鄹巩雪纳: 他还在伦敦金融研究所学习了先进的利率衍生产品和先进的期权交易,以及以马来西亚货币零吉特为基础的新型期权.

清原满族自治县13544434144: 英语翻译求大神帮忙翻译下列几个句子,汉译英1吸烟者应尽快把烟戒掉2我们为你做的越多,我们越高兴3我肯定你在那里能找到你想要的4如果我们很好地... -
鄹巩雪纳:[答案] 你好为你Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The more we do for you, the happier we are.I am sure that you will find what you want there.The Internet can offer us a number of b...

清原满族自治县13544434144: 求英语大神帮忙翻译一下这张图上的话!!谢谢! -
鄹巩雪纳: liumengxi:我的渣作品--Alex和Elaine的狗 liumengxi:谢谢你!但是过奖了 elaine:别闹!!!这是你画的?我的天.我必须得有一份啊(意思是我得保存一份电子版或你的原画copy),太有爱了!!!!elaine:哇哦,不可思议.我爱我的Ellie(狗)胜过一切

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