
作者&投稿:隆洋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Everyone has growing pains, these worries is reflected in all aspects of life. Thetrouble with age will gradually exposed in a specified period of time. This particulartime called the adolescent in china.
An ordinary town where I was born in China, my family is a standard Chinese style family, mom and dad and I are members of the triangle in the family. My life is fixed,every live ordinary lives. But as I gradually grow and the inner maturity, the contradiction between my parents and me gradually, these contradictions in many aspects, such as: different treat ability to accept new things, different things indifferent attitudes and ideas. These contradictions in my high school, all exposed.
High school three years, adolescents often accompany in my side. But as I grew upmy age, I also gradually understand the thoughts, memories and his parents in three kinds of contradictions of adolescent: different treat ability to accept new things,different things in different attitudes and ideas, feel that their adolescence, also feelhis ivory tower childlike innocence. Now I'm alone study in the university campus,occasionally recall high school, parents tolerance puberty bad tempered way, still bevery touched。

During the first year of my senior high. The first thing I encountered is the difference between me and my parents over our abilties of accepting new things. Along with the fast advancing of high technologies. Ipads, computers and Iphones are now gradually appearing in every household(family). Computers and Iphones are beginning to become an important tool both in our everyday works and entertainment. To us, they are the thing we cannot go without in our everyday life. Ipads and computers also let us easily complete our homework, which the teachers have left for us. Iphones enable us to go online wherever and whenever we want. To keep up with the latest news and information that we like to know. They have enriched our life a great deal.
However, our parents don't seem to agree so. They think that computers and mobile phones would seriously hold up our study. They reckon that computers and mobile phones would not give us any good influence(这句重复,可以略去). They think their children should not get in contact with these kind of things to early fear that they will damage their learning results. But This is exactly contrary to my opinion. I don't think computers and mobile phones will affect our school works at all. That's what troubles me a lot while I am still in my adolescence.


The third grade in high school, and finally in the contradiction between my parents and I are different collision of ideas. My father and mother are all people born in the 70 s, and I was born in the 90 s, my younger than 20 years, with my parents in such a long period of time, I inevitably produced the thought on the generation gap with their parents. In parents' s, people are very simple, they don't expect to eat delicious food, also don't expect colorful clothes, more don't expect romantic love. They lived a life of ordinary and satisfy, hard environment than the outside, they are more cherish the family warmth. I was born in the information explosion in the 90 s, my life is full of distracting information and all kinds of temptation. In the game .


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乐柄迈特: What can I do when she said she was cold?I was so incompetent!Love is a sword but stabbed me then!.

临邑县13290377236: 请大神帮忙用英文翻译一下中文段落,翻译器什么的就别来回答了. -
乐柄迈特: The third grade in high school, and finally in the contradiction between my parents and I are different collision of ideas. My father and mother are all people born in the 70 s, and I was born in the 90 s, my younger than 20 years, with my parents in ...

临邑县13290377236: 请帮忙用英文翻译下面那段中文,急用,谢谢了. -
乐柄迈特: sorry, i love you, but i cant be there with you. darling, the last time i call you as it. wish i can tell you take care of yourself, but i have no courage to do that, i fraid that you refuse to see me never. doesnt matter if u can understant what i say, did you even read it. i have loved u

临邑县13290377236: 请英语高手帮忙翻译将这段中文翻译成英文,(不要用翻译器哦)谢谢! -
乐柄迈特: Please actively participate in this meaningful and significant dinner party, which is devoted to send our heart-felt blessing and gratefulness to one of our nice workmate, who is about to leave, for her contribution and efforts on the work with us; on the ...

临邑县13290377236: 请高手帮忙把这些中文句子翻译成英文.
乐柄迈特: 1. How long have you been in this school? 2. I have had the book for two weeks. 3. Father has been away from Beijing for 3 days. 4. How long have you been a League member? 5. Great changes have taken place in our country in the recent years. ...

临邑县13290377236: 请各位大神帮我把这段英文翻译成中文吧 -
乐柄迈特: 你是一个住宅区内一家小超市的经理.在过去的几年里,你的区域里建起了许多住宅楼房.随着人口的快速增长,你认为有机会开一家大型超市.所以你要向你的总经理,詹姆斯布什提议开一家大型超市.用下列的框架.

临邑县13290377236: 求大神帮忙用英语翻译下面这段话,拜托,先谢谢啦~~ 相对于传统的购物,网上购物是一种全新的购物方式 -
乐柄迈特: 相对于传统的购物,网上购物是一种全新的购物方式的英文翻译为Compared with traditional shopping, online shopping is a new way of shopping.Compare with 1、读音 英 [kəm'peə] 美 [kəm'pɛr] 2、解释 vt.& vi. 比较,对照;vt. 比拟,喻为;[...

临邑县13290377236: 请英语大神帮忙中译英以下3个句子,谢谢 -
乐柄迈特: (1)I have realised that scrupulously - undertaking grows of predicament. ("量入为出"在中文中是一个名词短语,所以我用复合词scrupously-undertaking, 英文的复合词相当于"短语". grow是系动词,of predicament相当于difficult)(2)The ...

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