
作者&投稿:卫何 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Physical: for cold, sore throat, sinusitis, indigestion, migraine, and constipation.
Mental: refreshing and rejuvenation.

Physical: reduce fever, diuresis, for phlegmon, frigidity and cell regeneration.
Mental: equanimity, alleviate sleepiness.

The first impression of interpersonal communication is very important, which often relates to the development of the relationship behind two people. Impressions left by the first meeting are often the most intuitive assessment of others. Appearance is the first people to see. They watch your clothes, hair, shoes and more. If you want to impress each other, dress should suit the occasion. Spend a little more time preparing. Also have a sense of humor, sense of humor can improve the mood, let people relax from the tension. When others talk to you, listen carefully to what they say.


brother 英[ˈbrʌðə(r)] 美[ˈbrʌðɚ]n. 兄弟; 同事,同胞; 同志;int. (表示生气或吃惊) 我的老兄!;[例句]Oh, so you're Peter's younger brother 哦,那么你是彼得的弟弟。[其他] 复数:brothers ...

恭喜你 GypsyTea!你赢了,赢了,你是冠军。2014邮政信箱是你的了!感谢所有用新式字母黄金邮票来书写或签名一个私人或公共信息的人。在72小时内我们看到一些令人兴奋和吸引人的由你的创造力提供的最好的作品。加油,更多的比赛即将到来。

各位大神帮忙翻译一下 拜托

哪位大神帮帮忙! It was almost o years ago when I first saw the disfigured man begging for money. He was at an intersection a few miles from my house and I was both horrified and transfixed by his severely burned appearance as I inched closer and saw that he was handing out a piece o...

cashmere 英 [kæʃ'mɪə; 'kæʃmɪə] 美 ['kæʒmɪr]也就是:羊绒;开士米;开士米羊毛织品;开士米绒线的意思 专业释义:羊绒 克什米尔太平鸟男装正装衬衫山羊毛羊绒(CASHMERE):纤维较细,,轻而柔软,太平鸟男装潮流韩版个性...

回答:在高等教育的形成没有力量比跨国流动更为彻底的。在过去的三年里,每年离开家到国外学习的学生人数以每年百分之3.9的速度增长,从800000 1975 2500000 2004。大多数的旅行从一个发达的国家到另一个,但从发展中国家流向发达国家正在迅速增长。反向流动,从发达国家向发展中国家,是在上升,太。今天,外国...

Service heart: the so-called service is the staff as their customers. The manager is a supplier of service to the staff. All you have to do is to make full use of their powers and resources for staff to provide convenient work to remove barriers, is committed to the ...

)如果“全人类”一定要突出的话也可以:No hegemonism - it's a world of all humans.觉得把属于直接译成belongs to比较僵硬。另:第一位同学的那句有语法错误- -顺便帮改一下,Resist supremacy, for the world belongs to mankind.mankind已经是全人类的,不需要all.望采纳。

3 Business administration is my interest. At the same time,my father's company is from a self-made, he give me a way froward. I hope i can help him by using my knowledge in the future.4 The choice of business management is a self exercise,it can help me to understand ...

1.join in 2. plan 3.advise 4. say sorry for sth. 5.contaminate 6. get away 7. identity 8.dissent 9. vary 10.adventure 11. surprise 12. doubt 13.astonish 14. survey 15. apprehend 16.fight 17.admire 18.acknowledge 19.appropriate .20. break ...

汉寿县19519735553: 哪位大神可以帮我把以下这段话译成英语,十万火急,哪位英雄可以拔刀相助:在第一站图片里面这是我的父母这是八岁的我我们那时在水立方那时是夏天天气很热在下一张图片里面我们在龙凤山庄那是我10岁这是我的cousin那是他四岁那是是冬天天气很冷
比浩思凯: In the first picture this is my parents this is eight years old I we at that time in the water cube was in summer, the weather is very hot in below one piece of picture we in dragon and phoenix mountain villa that is I was ten years old, this is my cousin that ...

汉寿县19519735553: 哪位大神能将以下一段话翻译为英文,谢谢.水是生命赖以生存的重要自然资源.地球上的生物所需要的水,绝大部分来自河流、湖泊、冰川和海洋等.这些可... -
比浩思凯:[答案] Water is an important natural resource which is essential for the livings. Most of the water the creatures need on the Earthcomes from rivers, lakes, glaciers and oceans. The supplement of the...

汉寿县19519735553: 英语翻译希望哪位大神能够帮忙翻译下以下这段话No one seemed to konw why O'Neal went to the 16 - foot free throw,though a lot of his recent misses have hit ... -
比浩思凯:[答案] Molly和她的乐队Street Smart 正等着在Battle of the Bands 的比赛中表演他们的歌曲 ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问者在客户端上评价点“满意”即可~~ ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~ ~如还有新的问题,请另...

汉寿县19519735553: 求英语大神帮忙翻译一段句子!!不用特别咬文嚼字 但是请自己翻不要百度不要Google,满意一定重赏!! -
比浩思凯: This the firt Doraemon theme park located in an airport in the world. There are many scenes the same as comic book in this thime park.

汉寿县19519735553: 哪位英语大神能帮我翻译以下这一小段文字?有语法错误的翻译器翻译的不要,谢谢啦!!!急急急!!!
比浩思凯: The song want to express is the world people all as confused, including man and nature, between the person and the person indifferent relationship. Listen to the song Prelude you'll find out first with a bird. The voice of the tide, create is a natural ...

汉寿县19519735553: 哪位大神用英语帮我翻译一下下面一段话
比浩思凯: How do I think you more and more fat, more and more fat, people more and more heavy, more and more heavy, face more and more big

汉寿县19519735553: 哪位英语高手能帮忙翻译下这小段句子啊.在下急用..
比浩思凯: In 1994 recommended for admission to school the Xi'an Jiaotong University information and the communication is goes study, in 2001 obtained the Xi'an Jiaotong University electron and the information institute master's degree, the main attack ...

汉寿县19519735553: 哪位大神帮我用英文翻译下下面的内容!!!!万分感谢!!!! -
比浩思凯: Abstract: the law system of accounting supervision in China is not complete, resulting in enterprise accounting supervision. The new "accounting law" has been issued, but the related laws and regulations have yet to catch up. Analysis of ...

汉寿县19519735553: 英语翻译:求大神帮忙把下面一段话翻译成英文(急) -
比浩思凯: 7、At present, the human in the solar system detected nine (eight)major planets, but only in the nearest to the Earth Mars might just have the existence of life. 8、Human life exploring the energies of most on the study on Mars, and try to transform it into human livable planet.

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