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1 见机行事,因人而异
2 根据对方的身份和个人喜好,如果你在强势地位,你说什么语言都无关紧要,如果你是弱势,你要顺应形势!
3 如果你觉得某种语言更能表达你的意思,让对方能明白你,你就用那种语言,能让对方了解你,两种语言交换使用,也无妨!

kind友好的 polite礼貌的 tired累的 crowd拥挤的 energy有活力的 realistic现实的 confident自信的 warm温暖的 patient有耐心的

Chinese are the most powerful nation on this planet.
They are very smart.
The four great inventions of the chinese people in ancient times are papermaking, printing, the compass and gunpowder.
These things for the benefit of mankind.
Chinese is an experienced vicissitudes of the country.
Character Chinese is……

先提供这些吧 希望能帮到你

求大神用一段简短的英语形容中国人,跟外教交流和小组讨论用的,例如:中 ...
1. Chinese people are an integral part of the global community, renowned for their rich cultural heritage and historical significance.2. They are renowned for their intelligence, which has been demonstrated through the development of ancient inventions such as paper, printing, the compass...

求大神用一段简短的英语形容中国人,跟外教交流和小组讨论用的,例如:中 ...
Chinese are the most powerful nation on this planet.中国人是这个星球上最强大的民族。They are very smart.他们非常聪明。The four great inventions of the chinese people in ancient times are papermaking, printing, the compass and gunpowder.中国古代四大发明分别是造纸术、印刷术、指南针和火...

01 问候 HIHO=Yo=Hi=Hey=Hello 你好,大家好 GTSY=Glad to see ya 很高兴见到你 HOLLA 来和我讲话 SUP=Wuz up=What’s up 怎么样?\/有什么事吗?02 告别 BBS=Be back soon 很快回来哦 CYA=CU=See ya=See you 再见 LATERZ=See you later 再见 CUB=Call you back 回头打给...

1:guru 2:master 1:游戏大神英语通常说game guru 2:guru的读音英 ['gʊruː]3: 释义:n. 古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖);领袖;专家;n. (Guru)人名;(印)古鲁;4:guru的相关短语 Guru Dutt古鲁·度特;自导自演的古鲁度持;导演 diksa guru启迪古茹;启迪灵性导师 5:maste...

since you're away my precious love, 历经苦痛呻吟一阵阵 my heart has been sad.心如刀割般悲痛 You've left me by myself.却残存我独自 and my eyes are sleepless at night.于夜梦中未眠 The fire of desire from this separation.自分离后的那段渴望之热火 Calling out for you and my...

My favorite fruit is apple. It is red and round. It looks beautiful and cute. When eating, it is sweet and crisp. It tastes very good. I love eating it when I was very young. When grow older, I love it more. The sound to speak apple in Chinese has the same meaning ...

一段英语翻译,谢谢大神。 我在空闲时间喜欢踢足球或者打游戏,因为足 ...
增进友谊。足球和游戏都能使我放松。In my free time I like to play football or playing games, because the football is an exciting sport, football bring me the passion and joy. Because I can and my friends play games, friendship. Football and the game can make me relax....

master 大师 elite 精英 sb be excel to 某人在某方面很精通,很优秀 mastery master的名词 精通 profession 职业 最直接的。god-like man 神一样的男人

你可以说:Challenge oneself, Fight for one's fate like overcoming a steepy montain.希望帮到你

for finding clients.However, we could not break the company's rule and provide the quote sheet of the product. Please excuse this !You can just use the advices we provided in the previous email to clients. In general, we think it is ok to send this email to clients....

江洲区18474199568: 求大神用一段简短的英语形容中国人,跟外教交流和小组讨论用的,例如:中国人的性格特点,什么友好的,什么勤奋的之类,最好地道一点,不要太刻板... -
鲍刮急肝:[答案] Chinese are the most powerful nation on this planet. 中国人是这个星球上最强大的民族. They are very smart. 他们非常聪明. The four great inventions of the chinese people in ancient times are papermaking, printing, the compass and gunpowder. 中国...

江洲区18474199568: 求大神用一段简短的英语形容中国人,跟外教交流和小组讨论用的,例如:中国人的性格特点,什么友好的,什 -
鲍刮急肝: Chinese are the most powerful nation on this planet. 中国人是这个星球上最强大的民族. They are very smart. 他们非常聪明. The four great inventions of the chinese people in ancient times are papermaking, printing, the compass and ...

江洲区18474199568: 求:用英语描述描一个中国著名个人物或你欣赏的个人物 -
鲍刮急肝: Deng Yaping was born on 2nd of June,1973. She started to play table tennis in 1978. In 1983,she joined the Henan table tennis team. And she joined the national table tennis team in 1988. In 1997,she went to Tsinghua University. She majored in ...

江洲区18474199568: 求英语大神给写一篇关于描写有名的中国人物的一篇英语文章,200词左右~句子稍微华丽一点.写好了直接写在下面我好看到. -
鲍刮急肝:[答案] Liu Xiang,one of the top Chinese athletes,was born in Shanghai on July 13th,1983.He won first place in 110 meters hurdles in 2004 Olympics,with a record of 12 seconds 91.After the race,he said excitedly,“It was really a miracle!My victory today proves ...

江洲区18474199568: 我是中国人,用英文怎样表达? -
鲍刮急肝: i am chinese 或者 比较拽的是 i am made in china!

江洲区18474199568: 要一段简短的英语介绍 大神求解救.帮忙翻译下 大致是这样的 我的家乡是苏州 我的名字叫 XXX 农校毕业,专业是外贸. 我和我家人一起住,我今年25周岁了,单身. -
鲍刮急肝: i come from suzhou,my name is xxx,i graduated from agricultural institude,foreign trade is my major.i live with my family, i am twenty five years old and unmarried.

江洲区18474199568: 求英语大神帮忙翻译,谢谢 -
鲍刮急肝: 刚考完高口,义务翻译一段China is crowned as a state of ceremony. Chinese people would present tea to their guests as a manner of welcome if their relatives and friends pay the...

江洲区18474199568: 英语大神看过来…5句话内描述一个男人的外貌,信息越丰富越好…尽量口语化…不要用写作的难词 -
鲍刮急肝: He is a handsome man, and his smiling is very attractive, also his eyes are very shining, he has a long face , also his hair is very black.

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