
作者&投稿:紫府 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

[Sweet Talk]甜蜜畅谈
There is sweet talk in your eyes.这是君眸中甜蜜的畅谈
Full of feeling and passion.充满着情感与激情
It made me fall in love.令我深爱不已
My heart was filled with desire .我心也因此充满了渴望之情
and my life became a dream. 生命也因此成了一梦言

Why are you hurting my heart.为何又要伤我心
You don't say the passion that is in your eyes.却无法从君眸中诉说的那份激情
Mean(想要;意欲) in while night and day.日日夜夜期盼着的那份心望
I long for you,my darling.为你而盼望的那份欲望

I swear my eyes never saw anything.发誓这从未见过的一切
like what I've seen with you宛如同君眉目传情般
Oh my fire dominates me .控制着那份欲火
and melted me in your love.将我融化在君情之中

你好,可翻译为:[Forget the Past]忘却过去

Don't tell me time has passed us by.勿诉我时光随你我而逝去
My heart still longs for love and tenderness.只因我心仍渴望那份情之切

My love... Forget what happened and what has passed in my life.情,已忘却生命中所逝去的一切
My love... rest in my eyes and dry my tears.情,令我眸中之泪倍感松息
My destiny... The days have passed when I dreamt of tenderness in my heart.命,当心中惦念起梦中柔情之时,时光已慢慢远逝
My love... (from my eyes) I feel jealous about you day and night.情,为你日夜而倍感嫉情
My inspiration... From my heart I tell you whatever you say you will remain in my thoughts.灵感,已在我脑海中深深铭记你在我心所诉说的每一句
My peace... make me forget the night and the stars.平和,令我忘却日夜星辰中
whatever you say I'll do.你所咐嘱的每一言。

[Fire of Desire]渴望之热火
oh my Nights .我那夜夜
Oh how they left tenderness.都思绪着他们所残存的温柔
and oh how they drew on my mind .思绪着如何于我脑海中盘旋
suffering and moans.自珍贵的你同我身边离去后
since you're away my precious love, 历经苦痛呻吟一阵阵
my heart has been sad.心如刀割般悲痛
You've left me by myself.却残存我独自
and my eyes are sleepless at night.于夜梦中未眠
The fire of desire from this separation.自分离后的那段渴望之热火
Calling out for you and my heart misses you.一直令我心倍感思念 呼唤着我的灵活伴侣-你
Take me and go, oh my soulmate.来带着我一起远走高飞
My injured heart has had enough of this suffering!受伤的心已无力再承受至多

oh you my darling,但你却是我最心爱的
Where is the faithfulness?是否有我未曾忠诚过的那段情
My eyes, my darling, 当入眠之时在我眸中隐隐浮现
is injured when I sleep.
Draw me close to your heart .请把我带进你的心房
and give me warmth.予我那份温情之暖
Where has your passion gone?是否那份此生属于我的那份情已
It has vanished from my life.销声匿迹?




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连豪卓菲: 你好,可翻译为:[Fire of Desire]渴望之热火 oh my Nights .我那夜夜 Oh how they left tenderness.都思绪着他们所残存的温柔 and oh how they drew on my mind .思绪着如何于我脑海中盘旋 suffering and moans.自珍贵的你同我身边离去后 since ...

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连豪卓菲: This graduation design requirements of DD (1) city drainage system design, including the city rain water drainage system and sewage drainage system design of two elements, according to the city of topographical features and environmental ...

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