
作者&投稿:郦于 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1poor 2 break into 3 have a cold 4 cut off 5 be satisfied with 6 tell /to choose
7 The protagonist, starring 8 to overcome the difficulties 9 to find the gold 10 share sth with sb

1 The lady was seen come(改:to come) from the local library.
解释:be seen to do,被见到做某事。

2 So far the students have accepted(改:received) no instructions as to what to do next.

3 Though Nancy is only 7 years old, but(改:去掉but) she is cleverenough to work out a puzzle difficult even for a grown-up.

4 The young man in the story appeared cool and unconcerned instead of to protest(改:protesting) strongly at the time.
解释:instead of doing,代替,而不是做。在介词of后用动名词doing。


Challenge oneself, Fight for one's fate like overcoming a steepy montain.


chalenge myself to risk the life top.

A:What do you want to be when you grow up?A:你长大后想做什么啊?B:I want to be a reporter.B:我想当一名记者。A:How are you going to do that?A:你怎样当记者呢?B:I'm going to write articles and send then to magazines and newspapers.B:我会写很多文章,然后寄给...

Challenge oneself, Fight for one's fate like overcoming a steepy montain.希望帮到你

seventy to eighty percent 百分之70至80 参考资料:英语牛人团

I think I will be a good teacher. I believe in a saying: do one thing at a time, and try to do best!请采纳,手翻,最标准,祝好!【来自英语牛人团】

英语牛人团 团长:mikechang77 团员数:149团队总分:10173454最佳答案数:302993团队排名:1 团队宣言:答题解惑智库,知道牛人老巢!团队关键词:意思翻译提问求填空什么题com同句英

向英语牛人团求助 老师们帮帮忙
44.F 45. E 46.D 47. C 48. B 49. A望采纳,虽然我不是那个团的。

求助牛人团 请问英语的时间顺序哦是怎样的? 就是时刻 星期 月份怎么排...
排序方式是时刻,星期,月份 在9月十号 星期六的早上八点到下午六点 :from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, September 10th 参考资料:

向英语牛人团求助 求翻译问题
2.what will computer look like in the future?将来(或者是:在未来,看上下文),计算机会看起来像什么?3.people will work more hours than they are doing now,won't they?人们将比现在工作时间更长,是吗?(注意,这是个反义问句)4.What will people eat instead of meat in the ...

4.1里面wealth health是好的方面,与题意不符。illness也与浪费时间的主题不相符合。应该选择C.failure。2里面要看前面的动词是do,与do连用只可以选择harm,do harm to 对什么有损害。所以选择C和B 然后,如果你觉得答案还可以的话,可不可以追加点分数啊,我打的很辛苦哦!

高分求 商业英语好的进来帮忙翻译一下这四段话
3. 另外,您丈夫能否提供货轮在塞拉利昂卸货?如果可以,尽管收费较高也请告知将鱼运送到塞拉利昂,并且存进冷库的价格。4. 最后,请问何时能向我们供应至少500吨的非洲鱼?我们的客户准备要货,而且每天在催促;货款现在都备好了。请尽快回复,谢谢!Moises Kang 【英语牛人团】...

蒲江县19579241725: 请各位英语牛人帮我翻译一下这短话.灰常感谢.兴趣是最好的老师
允鬼穿金: Primary school students learning English will succeed or not, it is most depends on their interest in learning English.if they had the interest, it will be like a key to open the door with a knowledge .if they had the interest, it will produce endless learning ...

蒲江县19579241725: 请英语牛人帮我翻译一段话..!!
允鬼穿金: good evening everyone/greetings, us five members of the band "Blue" came from Manchester, England. We gladly accepted Ms. Lee's invitations to come here to perform for everyone. I hope our songs would send love to everyone...now allow me to introduce the five members to the band:XXXXXXXXX Ok! Let's get started! music

蒲江县19579241725: 英语高手请进!帮我翻译一下短文.要是实在不行,百度在线翻译也行.有加分噢.谢谢了. -
允鬼穿金: Hainan is the largest special economic zone in the country, my hometown of Hainan Yangpu Economic Development Zone. I am a positive and optimistic boy, usually love to help people who need help, and perhaps because of helpfulness. My ...

蒲江县19579241725: 求牛人团高手翻译一句英语 -
允鬼穿金: My plan is very simple , that is to keep on studying to acquire some real technology As to how to get it , a concrete analysis is also needed .

蒲江县19579241725: 请回复一封英文邮件 跪求牛人团牛人帮忙 内容如下
允鬼穿金: Dear Sophia: Thanks for your letter and telling me all about this.But I remembered that I once applied conferred in absentia (without attending). Could I apply again?Could you Please help me to check it?If I already applied,wheather my parchement is...

蒲江县19579241725: 英语牛人团的大神帮忙翻译一下 -
允鬼穿金: A:What do you want to be when you grow up?A:你长大后想做什么啊?B:I want to be a reporter.B:我想当一名记者.A:How are you going to do that?A:你怎样当记者呢?B:I'm going to write articles and send then to magazines and newspapers.B:我会写很多文章,然后寄给杂志和报纸编辑部.希望帮到你!

蒲江县19579241725: 请英语高手们帮我用英语翻译
允鬼穿金: Based on the cash flow statement against the important position of financial system, the analysis of cash flow from operations, operating, investing, and financing activities in three aspects of financial condition respectively. Established in structural ...

蒲江县19579241725: 求英语牛人帮忙翻译一下,谢谢,不要机器翻译,谢谢 -
允鬼穿金: 太长了..先机译参考一下 Bretton Woods system to go...

蒲江县19579241725: 恳请英语牛人帮我翻译个句子吧……谢谢各位大神了~~~
允鬼穿金: 在家庭面前的使我困惑的那些东西是在别人心目中这些东西的地位

蒲江县19579241725: 英语高手请进,请大家帮我翻译一下这段英语,要专业点的翻译啊!!好的话会再加分的,机械翻译的免进! -
允鬼穿金: mainly engage in tooling jig design and development,can do mechanical layout with CAD and Proe, assembling,debugging and improving large scale auto machine.skillfully in using Office Software,Pro/E,AutoCAD.Good English in listening,speaking,reading and writting.

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