
作者&投稿:褚勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.I was involved in a near fatal "accident" when I walked into a robbery at a convenience store.
宾语:involved in a near fatal "accident"
convenience store作:地点状语
2.Mrs. Pillar made wonderful progress and was eventually discharged from the hospital with a prescription to continue with speech therapy as an outpatient.
Mrs. Pillar made wonderful progress 和and后面的是并列的成分
前半句的主语是Mrs. Pillar 谓语是made,宾语是wonderful progress
and后面的是被动句,主语依然是Mrs. Pillar ,谓语是was eventually discharged from the hospital,with a prescription to continue with speech therapy 作定语,as an outpatient是同位语

总体主this系is表similar to……country
What's happening……industries 是介词to的宾语从句
a situation that是What's happening……industries 的同位语从句,做同位语解释前面发生在煤炭和石油行业的情况
that fuels much……country是situation的定语从句

I'm so glad that you are here. I'm happy with what you said.

afraid, angry, anxious(从句用should+原形,should可以省去), aware:
certain, confident, delighted:, disappointed, fearful:, filled, fascinated:, glad:, miserable:, pleased:
例句:She was too afraid Grandma would leave and there would be no one to take care of us.她深怕外婆会离开,那样的话,就没有人照料我们了。
People are angry that companies and other organizations know so much about them.公司和其它组织对人们了解这么多,人们非常生气。
We were anxious that there be no misunderstanding.我们都盼着不再有误解。
They were anxious that you should return. 他们都盼着你归来。
We are anxious that he (should) do his bit.我们都希望他能尽到自己的本分。
Nearly every American is aware that Type A people are impatient, driven and easily moved to hostility and anger.几乎每个美国人都知道,A型的人没耐心,易受他人指使,容易产生敌意和愤怒。
Are you aware that there is a difficulty? 你知不知道有件难事?
2. certain, confident:
We are certain that he will get over his illness.我们肯定,他的病会好的。
I am not certain whether he will come. 我不太肯定他是否会来。
Yet she felt certain, after a while , that she was traveling the same streets over and over.可是过了一会儿,她清楚地感觉到,她正一遍又一遍地走过相同的街道。
She was fairly confident that she would find work.她相信她还是能找到工作的。
They were confident, as they well might, that the experiment would be a success.
3. delighted:
We are delighted that the production plan has been fulfilled ahead of schedule.
4. disappointed:
He was disappointed that the other guests were not coming.其他客人没有来,他很失望。
5. fearful:
We were fearful that she might harm herself. 我们担心她会伤害自己。
Watching my face, she snatched the poem from me and returned it to her purse, as though fearful I was going to destroy it.她瞧着我的脸,把诗从我手中抢回装进手提包,似乎怕我把它撕碎。
6. filled, fascinated:
As I walked up the stairs to the second floor of the library, I was filled with joy that I had succeeded in learning how to use my school’s library.上到图书馆二楼的时候,我满心欢喜,我已经学会了使用学校的图书馆。
I began to play with it and became fascinated that I could reflect light into dark places where the sun would never shine---deep holes, crevices, dark closets.
7. glad:
I’m so glad you’re here, Jack. 杰克,你能来我真是太高兴了。
8. happy, hopeful, hurt:
I am glad and I am happy that I will see Nasser.我很高兴,也非常愉快的是,我要见到纳塞了。
I am hopeful that we shall win the race.希望我们能在这次赛跑中取胜。
He was disappointed and hurt that I had not gone to the Abruzzi.

9. miserable:
But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to finish only half of what it had been made to do.
10. pleased:
I’m very pleased you’ve decided to come. 你决定要来,我很高兴。
Secretly he was pleased that Jennie should have this chance.



换成only 当然可以,但是意思不太一样。man is but a reed 人类只不过是一支芦苇,有轻蔑的语气;man is only a reed,人类仅仅是一支芦苇。 that是代词,指代reed。

形容词的宾语从句常用来引导宾语从句的形容词有: sure,certain,glad,please,happy,sorry,afraid,satisfied,surprised
He is glad that Li Ming went to see him when he was ill.他很高兴在他生病的时候李明能去看望他.
I am happy with what you said.
what you said做介词的宾语,也是宾语从句。

by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanations.and在这里并列的是by which all phenomena are reasoned about 和(are省略)given precise and exact explanations.by这里表示“通过”和which连用,意思为通过这个模式 reason about是一个固定搭配 意思是推出,推理出。

以前没有爱人的Helena现在有两位爱人 现在,一切事物朝着该发展的方向前进,每个人爱着他们该爱的人 我的表述不是很准确 差不多就这意思

直译:我喜欢这本书中每个章节都清晰地由引人入胜的知识带来栩栩如生之感的写作方式。意译:这本书中每个章节都含有引人入胜的知识,带来栩栩如生之感,令我痴迷。I主语。like谓语。 how the book is clearly written with each chapter brought to life by pieces of fascinating knowledge宾语从句。

1.They sent this image to all parts of Brazil :send sth. to 2.and made people conscious of other patterns of behavior:动词时态一致,sent-made ;make sb. do表示:让\/使某人做某事 3., which were put into a very attractive package:非限定性定语从句 which指代image,被装进,所以...

Even in the world of make-believe, black women still can’t escape the stereotype of being eye-rolling, oversexed females raised by our never-married, alcoholic mothers.即便是在虚构出来的世界里,黑人女性仍然摆脱不了这么一个刻板形象(固定的形象):心存不满、性欲过剩的由不结婚的、...

请帮忙分析一下这句话 谢谢

There be ...句型表示的是 “某处有(存在)某人或某物”,其结构为There be(is,are,was, were )+名词+地点状语。此处around作地点状语,表示“在我们周围”。英语翻译中并不是都要逐字逐句的,英语表达中为了句子简洁,有时会省略部分单词,而我们翻译时,也可以把省略的内容补充回来以使句子顺畅...

大家帮忙分析一下 这句话

中的knowing 是什么语法 附上翻译:但在谈判之前,你必须得知道自己到底想要什么,需要什么,以及在什么情况下你会放弃 解答以上是个带有一个非谓语作时间状语形式并有表示转折关系并列句 表示转折关系连词:but (但是)句子主语:you (你)句子谓语:need (需要)句子宾语:to go into negotiation(...

1. She Was More Like A Beauty Queen From A Movie Scene, I Said Don't Mind But What Do You Mean I Am The One.※ She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene(她差不多像一个从电影镜头上复制下来的选美赛皇后。)句子分析 主语:She 系动词:was 表语: like...

临猗县18397245162: 请帮我分析一下这两句英语句子的句子成分He was elected monitor.He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson. -
宠琬环磷:[答案] 都是被动语态 他被选举为 他被建议去给那个懒孩子一个教训 被动语态的构成是be done 结构 这个部分做谓语 人称代词做主语

临猗县18397245162: 帮忙分析一下这两句英语的句子成分1.I was involved in a near fatal "accident" when I walked into a robbery at a convenience store.主语:谓语:宾语:... -
宠琬环磷:[答案] 1.I was involved in a near fatal "accident" when I walked into a robbery at a convenience store. 主语:I 谓语:was 宾语:involved in a near fatal "accident" when引导__时间状语____从句 convenience store作:地点状语 2.Mrs.Pillar made ...

临猗县18397245162: 请帮忙分析一下这两个英语句子的语法结构:请分析一下这两个句子的语法结构:I think it silly of you to believer her.I think it ,s silly of you to believer her. -
宠琬环磷:[答案] 1.这句是简单句,I是主语,think 是谓语,it 是形式宾语,to believer her 动词不定式是真正的宾语. 2.这句是复合句,I think it是主语,it is silly of you to believe her 是省略了连词that的宾语从句

临猗县18397245162: 哪位英语大师能帮忙分析一下这两个句子啊,要语法分析出句子成分的,By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of individuals and institutions,... -
宠琬环磷:[答案] 第一句: By doing so状语 They 主语 put into circulation 理解成谓语好了 宾语是一大串the savings (of individuals and ... 主句:all these.new development 从句分析:they是主语,are to serve是谓语,us是宾语,properly是副词修饰谓语动词 ,requring......

临猗县18397245162: 哪个大神帮忙分析下2句英语句子吧,所用的语法是什么,还有是什么从句.1.But this you cannot do with any success without knowing the language,for ... -
宠琬环磷:[答案] 1.But this you cannot do with any success without knowing the language, for language is the principal system of communication.第一句是for引出的表示原因的并列句.第一句but是介词,but this (除此之外),不懂...

临猗县18397245162: 帮忙分析一下这两句英文的句型!~ -
宠琬环磷: vt 及物动词 后面加名词vi 不及物动词,不能加名词,没有被动语态a(adj)形容词 后面加名词ad(adv)副词 后面加动词ill是形容词 不能做谓语,所以要和am 搭配work是动词,直接做谓语就行了

临猗县18397245162: 请帮忙分析解释一下这两个英语句子.There's an element there about competition then,isn't there?Is it if the railways hadn't been nationalized,they would simply ... -
宠琬环磷:[答案] There's an element there about competition then, isn't there? 引导词:There谓语动词:is 主语:an element 处所状语:there 方...

临猗县18397245162: 帮忙分析两个英语句子.1.You can still___ - your children be successful.2.The new mayor - _ - ___ - __ - ___ - to the whole city.这两个句子我感觉都是使动句,... -
宠琬环磷:[答案] 1.make a difference to 意思是对 ... 产生影响,是固定搭配,make在这里不表使动,可以表示“产生”,因此整个句子的意思是,市长对这个城市有很大的影响力. 2.第一个make,表使动,使.成功.可以仔细体会一下. (题外话,很多时候,不要在乎...

临猗县18397245162: 帮忙分析一下这两个英语句子,1.We live in a world that is changing fast one where changes come at what seems to be an ever - increasing pace .2.Such poets ... -
宠琬环磷:[答案] 1.正如楼上所言,“where changes………………pace.都是定语从句,形容“one”,其中:主语——changes谓语——come状语——at what seems………………pace.这是很大的一个介词短语,介词 at,名词从句“what………pace”...

临猗县18397245162: 以下两个英语句子帮我分析一下.谢谢 -
宠琬环磷: 首先你后面把what打成waht了… 因为这两句是主语从句,楼上说错了,what you get才是主语,is是谓语,a living:宾语.其中,what you get的意思是(你所)获得(的东西),what表示“……的东西”,相当于一个代词,可以像楼上所说,The things you get (你所得到的东西).What you need is the confidence.=The thing you need is the confidence.

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