
作者&投稿:逯荷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Living in the lower, the soul aloft.

1、他决不被认为是位伟大的作家。(要用到by no means)
He is by no means recognised as a great composer/writer.

2、长时间步行后你必感到疲劳。(要用到be bound to)
After a long walk you are bound to feel tired.

3、年轻时,他就背熟了莎士比亚所有的十四行诗。(要用到commit to memory)
When he was young, he comitted all of Shakespeare's sonnets to memory.

4、留心找个能使你在公司晋升的机会,这样的机会不常在。(要用到on a regular)
Be aware of chances of promotion in your company, as these chances do not occur on a regular basis.

5、他们找了一个方便的地方坐下来休息。(要用到seek out)
They seek out a convient place to sit down for a rest. (虽然这句话翻译过来用found比较好 = =)

6、他是那么专心致志地工作,他都没有听到她进屋的声音。(要用到concentrate on)
He concentrated so much on work, that he didn't even hear the sound of her entering the room.



The person who closer to each other comparatively are compared with each other with less pressure.

It is more convenient to ask questions at any time.

There is close together, less stressed.
Can be more convenient always ask questions.

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帮忙 请英语达人进 以前我看到一个 短语的中文翻译 大概是 惜有难得之...
How time flies!光阴似箭

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关于英语短句短语翻译。高手请进!满意加分! 英语高手你一定要有耐心帮我翻译啊.谢谢你啦.这些都是短语短句,都出自<全日制版普通教学>高三英语首先是1.2单元的.1.当时的厂长2.因...而出名3.一本最畅销的书4.上交5.跟踪调查某事6... 英语高手你一定要有耐心帮我翻译啊.谢谢你啦.这些都是短语短句,都出自<全日...

若尔盖县15959651686: 英文翻译达人请进!
空详力扬: A stone when struck resists.这不是一个完整的句子,看似一个标题,意思是“当石头受到外力打击时”,后面就是对这个内容的陈述.全文大意是: 生物与非生物最显著的区别是,前者可以自我更新.当石头被击打时,如果它的抗击力大于打击力,它表面上保持不变.否则,它会被击得粉碎.石头也不会试图作出反应,来对抗打击力,更不用说 借用打击力来作出进一步反应了.

若尔盖县15959651686: 英语翻译高手请进!翻译句子!(急!!我在线等!!) -
空详力扬: 1、If time permits, we will go swimming. 2、She likes eating sweets before sleep so much, that she is putting on weight 3、Mr. Lu xun make a contribution to Chinese modern literature . 4、The chemical factory lies in the suburb of the city. 5、...

若尔盖县15959651686: 英语翻译达人请进. -
空详力扬: Living in the lower, the soul aloft.我是高二的英语老师欢迎请教!

若尔盖县15959651686: 英语翻译,高手请进!在线等
空详力扬: 你好,可翻译为:You have been the most beautiful scenery in my life.满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!

若尔盖县15959651686: 帮忙翻译句子啊!(英语达人请进)
空详力扬: I've always been very fond of looking at smiling Yu Mei. I like the present Yu Mei very much.

若尔盖县15959651686: 英语翻译···高手请进
空详力扬: Our campus is big and pretty, i like here very much.There are trees and flowers every where, and also three playgrounds, two soccer pitches and a basketball court, people often come here play basketball after school.Our school also has a very large ...

若尔盖县15959651686: 英语翻译(达人请进)
空详力扬: My favorite sport is jogging. It is different from the intense running, it is a kind of relaxation exercise. Jogging requires patience, it can help us relax and let the body in motion. The most fun summer night jogging, because the wind was cool, I feel like flying, like, very comfortable! Do you like jogging?

若尔盖县15959651686: 英语达人请进来帮忙翻译下~~谢谢!
空详力扬: “我不仅不会原谅你,而且会更加的讨厌你!" Not only will I not forgive you, but I will also hate you moreNot only .. but also 的用法:Thanks to his remarkable performanceon the SAT, not only was he acceptedinto Harvard, but he was also given...

若尔盖县15959651686: 英语翻译高手请进! -
空详力扬: less transportation is required for every dollar's worth of imports or exports.为减少进出口成本,需减少流通运输.

若尔盖县15959651686: 英语达人请进 帮忙翻译
空详力扬: Hello, my hometown is located in jiangnan town. The scenery there was charming, blue mountains and green waters, the air is fresh. There warm, pleasant climate. It's very comfortable. The rice and the cultural customs are very good. Welcome to visit.

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