
作者&投稿:钟离盾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Township enterprises in rural reform and the corresponding market system formed in the course of the development process is a thought process. First of all, in the rural economic reform achieved initial success, and the city launched the initial reform of the economic system, tremendous changes in the economic environment to a flexible system of township enterprises with great development space, which makes in the late 1980s, township enterprises in China The rapid development. In this process, the development of township enterprises not only to digest a large number of rural surplus labor force, and also for the national and local, especially the local government has provided substantial financial income. Therefore, the development of township enterprises, once known as "the city with Chinese characteristics of the road." However, with the socialist market economic system gradually establish and perfect, the fierce market competition makes township enterprises in the deteriorating external environment, the township enterprises in the operating mechanism and management system on the imperfections have gradually emerged and become its further development Obstacles. Even more serious, because the development of township enterprises Division win of the result of extensive and the enormous environmental costs have gradually emerged, the township enterprises in production and operation and the lives of rural residents has serious implications, which prompted We have to rethink the development of township enterprises and township enterprises in a bid to explore sustainable development. The development of township enterprises in the late 1980s and the 1990s, the development momentum has been checked, in the course of its development by the problems gradually emerged, and its development environment caused by the negative effect also on the further development Adversely affected.
From the external environment, first of all, the township enterprises are facing a serious shortage of funds, the state-owned banks in the township enterprises in the total loans to total loans ratio in 1993 only 8.5 per cent, while in 1994 it dropped to around 5 percent, 1995 Although the year rose to 10 percent, it is still a very small proportion, with its extremely rapid development of the state do not match other western countries to support the development of township enterprises in place of special loans is also relatively poor, only the planning and funding is in the Less than timely implementation. Second, the state-owned enterprises operating difficulties, a direct impact on the development of township enterprises. From a historical point of view of development, no state-owned enterprises there will be no township enterprises, state-owned enterprises is often a good situation, the development of township enterprises is the gas. Because the township enterprises and state-owned enterprises between inextricably linked, state-owned enterprises and township enterprises in the industrial structure identical, state-owned enterprises currently operating on the same difficulties to the development of township enterprises in a certain negative impact. Third, the Southeast Asian financial crisis brought about by the decline of exports, exports of township enterprises increased competitive pressures, the growth rate of decline. The financial crisis caused by China's neighboring countries of the currency devaluation, although the benefit from the financial crisis in its recovery, but presents China's export similar products formed a huge competitive pressures. Township enterprises in the export product for a long time will face severe tests and challenges. At the same time, fierce international competition intensified trade frictions, the rise of trade protectionism, but also intensify the pressure on the export of village and township enterprises. In addition, the township enterprises in the tax burden borne by constantly increasing, enterprises, self-development capacity weakened. In 1994, the national implementation of the new taxation system and levy a new tax, abolition of the township enterprises preferential policies for tax relief, including making the circulation tax, income tax, urban maintenance and construction taxes and land value-added tax, business tax actually increased significantly. Township enterprises in addition to state tax payable laid-off workers and increase the risk of self-awareness increases, there will be urban and rural residents also save expenditure, Xi purchase of consumer goods, sales of township enterprises in difficulties.

It is possible to finish reading the book in twenty minutes.
He has been busy doing housework.
He is so excellen a teacher that students all like him.
When I came back home yesterday afternoon,my father was sleeping.
Don't forget to wake me up at 6:30.


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The graduation design task originates from life and wide application, but molding difficult, die structure is relatively complex, mould staff is a good test for the country. It can strengthen plastic molds principle understanding, while exercising on plastic molding design and manufacturing capabilities.
This design by injection mould alarm clock back as the main line, combined the molding process analysis, die structure design, and finally to mould parts processing methods, mould general assembly and so on a series of mold production all process. Can be a very good learning governing effect. In the mould design and summarizes the general method of previous mould design, mold design, the steps of the in common use in the formula, data, the die structure and parts. The had learned basic courses grad to comprehensive application of this design, so-called knowledge. In the design in addition to use traditional method, but also cited CAD, Pro/E technology, such as using Office software, strive to reduce labor intensity, improve work efficiency purpose.
This design scored Chen teacher's advice. Also thank college fellow teachers careful instruction.
Due to the practical experience and theory technology limited, the design of errors and defects in the one, hope each teacher criticism and corrections.
Keywords molding character process parameters system design

the theme of this graduation design comes from dailylife,and have a widely use,but you will have great difficulty dealing with the molding,and the construture is quite complecated,which will be a gooda challenge for the desiner.Throught the graduation design ,your comprehension of principle of molding plastic mould will be greatly strenghened,at the sanme time,it will exiercise your ability of the design and manufacture the plastic moulding .


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君山区15195575759: 那个好心人可以帮我翻译一下呢? 谢谢了! -
姚俩得舒: The financial and accounting reports, Chinese and foreign, compared, problems, objectives, content(关键字)

君山区15195575759: 好心人帮忙翻译一下啊!翻译成英文,谢谢 -
姚俩得舒: 这是我的译文,仅供参考:The Chinese brilliant culture with a history of five thousand years has causedChina to have complete systems of both ideology and culture. It can be said that our predecessors had left us a very rich cultural heritage. We can...

君山区15195575759: 哪个好心人帮我翻译一下.
姚俩得舒: [ Do not have to let me see you feel bad, I do not want to see you to feel bad You may not feel bad, Because I am helpless.

君山区15195575759: 那位好心人帮我把下面句子翻译成英文的,谢了!爱情是一种遇见,在对的时间遇到对的人,便成就了一段爱情.虽然终于遇到了对的人,却偏偏在错误的时... -
姚俩得舒:[答案] Love is a meet,meet the right person at the right time,then the achievements of a paragraph of love.Although finally meet the person,but just at the wrong time,but regret,as not met.

君山区15195575759: 哪位好心人帮我翻译一下这句英语
姚俩得舒: 风轻拂年轻女孩的心,带着淡淡的忧愁.

君山区15195575759: 那个好心帮我翻译一下.谢谢 -
姚俩得舒: 谢谢你在我难过时安慰我当我疯狂时依然爱着我当我低落时让我振作谢谢你做我的朋友陪在我神田教会我爱的真谛当我需要动力时给我鼓励但最要感谢你的是爱着最真实的我

君山区15195575759: 哪位好心人能帮我翻译一下这是什么意思??? -
姚俩得舒: 翻译如下: Half-time is a 20-minute period for the player to rest. 半场休息时间为20分钟的时间段,用于球员休息.

君山区15195575759: 那位好心人帮我翻译句话 谢谢
姚俩得舒: 用你的右手抱住你的左手,给自己最简单的温暖, 这是说明一个人的孤单的,自己拥抱自己,如果能帮到你,望采纳

君山区15195575759: 哪个好心人帮帮忙翻译成英文...
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