
作者&投稿:郭辰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

人名只能用汉语拼音翻成英语,Qiao Ye

Establish a clearly defined objective. The market changes rapidly, if you can't come up with a long-term plan you would be forced to get out sooner or later. Therefore, in order for small business to expand its capacity, an entrepreneur must precisely define his business goals, thoroughly analyze his position in the industry and how he can guarantee that his operation will sustain in the future. This is not only an assurance for winning against the competition, but a stabilizing factor for his employees.

Emphasize on building a marketing team. Marketing department in a small business is quite often understaffed. The owner himself usually attacks the market right from the beginning, and for quite awhile he'll manage to get customers and orders solely based on his own personal charm and the network he's built up. As competition heats up, business owners will be less available to battle in the line of fire himself, that can't even fully support further development of the business. Unfortunately many small business failed to recognize the importance of marketing, some without even a marketing department. Business can't grow if building a marketing team is neglected.

Stress on human resources management. Human resource has been a very hot topic for corporate management in recent years. At the present time some small business have yet to be keen on training their manpower, even ignore the importance of recruiting. This is quite a mistake, because employee is a very important resource for the business, especially in the rapid developing society of the 21st century. Talented people are the foundation for sustainable growth in any business, thus we must stress on effective management of human resources.



这位 Tom Anderson 有心理阴影(他的同学死了),所以很萎靡。如果他的同学(句中her boy,she是同学的母亲)还在世的话,Tom显然又能做他可以做的人 (the person I might have been):成功的人生,幸福的生活。毕竟心理阴影没了嘛。 这是那位母亲在开导他。






I looked into her eyes and found there a kind of permission to be the person I might have been if her boy had lived.


After watching this movie, I have a great feeling, found that Chinese culture and American culture, the difference in this movie, a hybrid can in American society freedom to live and the film also put a hybrid described as a positive image, which showed that American culture is ...



凿壁偷光的故事 匡衡,字稚圭,勤奋学习却没有蜡烛。邻居家有烛光却不穿过来,匡衡就把墙壁凿个洞引来了邻家的烛光,用书映着光亮来读。同县人文不识家里有很多书,匡衡被他家雇佣劳作,却不要报酬。主人奇怪地问匡衡,匡衡说:“希望把主人的书都通读一遍。”主人感叹,资助给匡衡书,后来他成了...




B.对于字根“刀、九、力、七”,虽然只有两笔,但一般人 的笔顺却常有不同,为了保持一致和照顾直观,规定,凡是这四种字根当作“末”而又需要识别时,一律用它们向右下角伸得最长最远的笔划“折”来识别,如∶仇∶34 54 51 化∶34 55 51 三、简码 为了提高输入速度,将常用汉字只取前边一...

都弹出一个自动配置的对话框。没关系,按照下面操作就不会出现这样的情况了:我的电脑→控制面板→管理工具→服务 3.这时你在里面会看到7个有关symantec的服务名称,双击每一个名称,并把里面的“恢复”选项卡里的每一次失败时计算机的反应改为“不操作”。我就是这样搞的,这样改完之后就O啦~...

我英语非常差,但是不想继续下去!我努力背单词和语法可很难才记得住,别人却很快!我觉得学习英语的方法错误了,哪位好心人愿意帮我分析下麻烦留qq... 我英语非常差,但是不想继续下去!我努力背单词和语法可很难才记得住,别人却很快!我觉得学习英语的方法错误了,哪位好心人愿意帮我分析下麻烦留qq 展开  我来...

桂东县13152205455: 哪位好心人帮我把这个句子翻译成英语??谢谢了.. -
崔厘强力: 我看着她的眼睛,从她的眼睛里我发现,如果她的男孩还活着的话,我真的能成为我可以做的人. 这句话因为没有上下文,所以读起来会很奇怪.我查到了那篇文章,结合文章这样理解: 这位 Tom Anderson 有心理阴影(他的同学死了),所以很萎靡.如果他的同学(句中her boy,she是同学的母亲)还在世的话,Tom显然又能做他可以做的人 (the person I might have been):成功的人生,幸福的生活.毕竟心理阴影没了嘛. 这是那位母亲在开导他.

桂东县13152205455: 英语翻译麻烦哪位好心人士把以下汉语句子给我翻译成英语.1.当我遇到困难时,他总能送我帮助.2.你可以把书放到书包里.3.我们这里的农民种很多的蔬菜.4.... -
崔厘强力:[答案] 1 When I'm in trouble, he always give me a hand.2 You can put the book into the bag.3 The farmers here plant many vegetables.4 The olds often tell the children stories about heros.5 As long as you don...

桂东县13152205455: 那位好心人帮我把下面句子翻译成英文的,谢了!爱情是一种遇见,在对的时间遇到对的人,便成就了一段爱情.虽然终于遇到了对的人,却偏偏在错误的时... -
崔厘强力:[答案] Love is a meet,meet the right person at the right time,then the achievements of a paragraph of love.Although finally meet the person,but just at the wrong time,but regret,as not met.

桂东县13152205455: 谁能帮我把这个句子翻译成英语?路过的好心人帮帮忙
崔厘强力: if the heart doesn't have a place to rest in,you are traveling wherever you go.准确,麻烦点击采纳,祝您万事如意幸福安康! 温馨提示:请不要让问题过期,请采纳我的答案吧,举手之劳,不胜感激!!相信你也不会吝啬这动动手指头的功夫吧?好人有好报的,谢谢!!!

桂东县13152205455: 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英语
崔厘强力: I promise you of not making sex with him today.

桂东县13152205455: 哪位好心人帮我翻译一下这句英语
崔厘强力: 风轻拂年轻女孩的心,带着淡淡的忧愁.

桂东县13152205455: 哪位好心人懂英语的可以帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文吗?急需,感谢了
崔厘强力: Commercial illustration Hand painted characteristic presentation put to use Nowadays, the computer in business illustrations commonly in the application. No matter how advanced computer technology, stylist hand-drawn can better and faster ...

桂东县13152205455: 哪个好心人速速的帮我翻译一下这个英语的这个句子?!!!速速速的回答万分感谢可以追加悬赏只要快点就行 -
崔厘强力: Who can help me to translate this sentence?I will give you many thanks and grade fractions.

桂东县13152205455: 哪位好心的朋友可以帮我把这段话翻译成英文?不要在线翻译要专业点的,谢谢 -
崔厘强力: Bottleneck four: only emphasized the costs, do not stress the value of the above mentioned enterprises to control costs, increase revenue to continue to create benefits. However, the "cost" consciousness if too strong, even to care about the point...

桂东县13152205455: 哪位好心人帮我翻译下面那句英文
崔厘强力: Harbor:海港 友谊是永远呵护你的港湾

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