
作者&投稿:勾嵇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

伴随着高新技术的迅猛发展,信息技术的广泛应用,人类社会进入了一个全新的时代——知识经济时代。新经济时代的竞争,是知识的竞争,是信息的竞争,但归根结底是人才的竞争。Accompanied by the rapid development of high-tech and the extensive application of information technology, human society has entered a new era —— the era of knowledge economy. The competitiveness of the new economy time is the competition of knowledge, the competition of information. But in the last analysis, it is a competition of talent. 人力资源是企业的第一资源,人力资源管理是企业所有管理工作的核心。在这种环境下,企业面临着更加激烈的竞争。而“人事外包”可以帮助企业提高效率、赢得竞争优势。
Human resources are the primary resources, human resource management has been the core of all managerial jobs in a corporation . Under such circumstances, enterprises will be confronted with more fierce competition. But "Human Resource Outsouring " can help companies improve their efficiency and gain competitive advantage.
In view of this, I have carried out an investigation among the 100 signed costomers and potential customers in a human resources agency.
The survey consists of several aspects: enterprise scale,payment of employees social insurance,archives management,handling of labor disputes,etc. Then I have got a comprehensive understanding of Human Resource Outsouring .
According to the survey,each company has situations that differ from others when it comes to Human Resource Outsouring at present.
And in response to the problems in these situations,this article has presented its views on payment of employees social insurance,archives management,handling of labor disputes,the purpose and risk of existence of Human Resource Outsouring service,ect.So that we can have a better comprehension on Human Resource Outsouring and make most use of it,it will play a greater role in human resources and adapt itself to the development trend of the era and the society.


我相信她能带给你快乐. I believe she can bring gladness
关于爱. As to the love
它跟自信没关系 It has nothing to do with confidence
即使曾经失败又如何. It doesn't matter if you had a failure before
重要的是看你怎样对待 It does matter how you deal with it
发觉你真的很被动. You're found very passive
我也不知道怎么说你. I don't know how to talk to you
能不能大胆一点. Can you be a little bit bold?

1. Multifunction Handbag extraordinary in both design and features.
2. Shoulder bag with round-sided strap,showing the charm of femality.
3. Large bag opening - easy to fetch, large storage, suitable for all kinds of situation.
4. Free your hands. Relaxible, fashionable and full of vitality.
5. On/off alternative shouder strap design. Excellent storage capacity.
6. They are the only unique at night, exclusively for you.


1Sense of design and function of both the Universal Bags.
2Single-strap style and round appearance of the design, exudes a unique charm of women.
3Large open design, easy to pick up objects, incorporating large, suitable for all occasions.
4Casual and stylish, hands free, full of vitality.
5on / off shoulder strap design incorporating random good performance.
At night they can work independently, so that you alone.

1.They will have been married for 20 years by then.到时(未来的某个时间),他们就将结婚整整二十年了。2.I shall have finished this composition before 9 o’clock.九点前,我将会写完这篇作文。3.He has been trying to pass the exam all month.整个月,他都在为通过考试而努力。4....

2.害群之马,败家子 3.黑马(出乎意料的胜利者)4.让守旧的家伙接受新事务(有点与时俱进的意思哈^_^)5.dream of the buttfly 6.并且我描述了我们强化了抵御来自简易爆炸装置的威胁的成果 里面的IEDs就是improvised explosive devices(简易爆炸装置)的缩写 ...

the one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile she's coming apart right before my eyes 不再依照他人的意愿活着 在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking 她放弃她依靠而活的那个人 she's seeing too clearly that ...

I want to keep my head clear,很想忘记你,trying hard to forget you,但是我做不到,but I can't help myself。依然还是那么在意你。I still care so much about you.关键词:Keep my head clear: 保持清醒 can't help myself: 不能控制自己 care about you: 在意你 保证准确:)...

Jane Austen, the writter of the classical novel Pride and Prejudice ,from an accurate view of female,shows the female who is always in edge of society and lower status to the puplic, gives a rational thinking about the status,the right and the talent of female ,explains ...

帮我翻译成英语。不要翻译器的那种。高手们 谢谢了、
let us discuss about our hobby.1. In the relaxing time,,what do you like to do? Tell me why .2 Do you think what to do in your spare time, to make spare time. more abundant 3 What would you do when facing great pressure ?. Why?4 Do you like pet?5 When I was...

3.Keith and I, we were so close, like brothers.肯思和我,我们是这么亲密,就象亲兄弟。4.I wrote a letter and sent it yesterday.我写了封信,昨天把它邮走了。5.Don't laugh at people when they are in trouble 当人们处于困境中,不要嘲笑他们。6.He was deeply troubled by the ...

可以有很多种译法,你可以从中选择你需要的:我已经把信息反馈回给工厂了,工厂会对此问题做出改进。I have had the information fed back to the factory and it will make improvement according to the problem.or I have had the information fed back to the factory ,which will make proper ...

"Long life, everyone seems to change the fate of unpredictable, but in fact, today we are taking every step, have become a hint for tomorrow. In other words, our future is made by today's By the decision. The long river of time, what we have done every thing, like the ...

1996年我国出国旅游的人数是5百万 in 1996,people who go abroad for tour reached five million.2001年出国的人数是12百万。 in 2001,the nubmer of people who travel abroad is twelve million.2008年出国的人数是42百万。 the number of people who made oversea trip is forty-two million.原...

乌兰浩特市17279271918: 请高手帮忙翻译成英文 不用翻译软件 谢谢 -
征伟联苯: Severely limits the technical barriers to trade in foreign trade of China's agricultural products exportsThe overall level of development China's agriculture is not high, behind the export product mix, lower grades, some exports of agricultural products in...

乌兰浩特市17279271918: 请高手帮我翻译成英文一下
征伟联苯: I stay in a fragile dream which is foaming, happiness is just begining, but sadness is lurking behind it. Now, I understand, why the ring is round, becauce it has no jump-off point and terminal, it represents forever!

乌兰浩特市17279271918: 请英语高手帮忙翻译,网上的翻译工具都不准确! -
征伟联苯: At the beginning,when you started to keep away from me,avoid seeing me,my passion and confidence was worn away till at last worn out! I had tried,but my efforts were finally some little stones thrown in water,with only ripples and nothing more.祝你开心如意!

乌兰浩特市17279271918: 请高手们帮我翻译一些中文句子(译成英语),谢了 -
征伟联苯: ①公共汽车太挤了,我上不去.①The bus was so full that I couldn't get in/into it.②他染上了喝酒的习惯.②He got into the habit of drinking.③一个手指连一个小石头也抬不起来.③One finger cannot lift a small stone.④你早晨醒来时感到疲倦吗?④Do you wake up feeling tired?⑤我们在花的海洋中拍照.⑤We had our pictures taken in an ocean of flowers.绝对正确,请信任我.

乌兰浩特市17279271918: 请高手帮我翻译成英语.
征伟联苯: Happy Birthday, although your birthday party, I can not participate in, but I sincerely wish you my friend I hope you Yiqiedouhao in Taiwan, to write the most Diao works. If given the opportunity I will go to Taiwan, Hope that we will become the best brother.

乌兰浩特市17279271918: 请求高手帮我翻译英文,不要翻译网翻译,要求准确,求你了 如果时间能从来 我依然还是会选择遇见你 爱 -
征伟联苯: 如果时间能从来 我依然还是会选择遇见你 爱上你 就算只有一天 我也愿意..因为爱上你....我想...我是幸福的 唯一遗憾的 不是我陪你走到最后....If time can never I still will choose to meet you love you even if only one day I would like to.. because in love with you.... I think... I am the only regret of happiness is not I accompany you to go to the end...

乌兰浩特市17279271918: 高手帮我翻译一下英文啊~!!!就一句话
征伟联苯: Taicang since ancient time in jiangnan the land of fish and rice is famous, speciality especially in taicang shredded meat, taicang shredded meat is famous in traditional features food flower, taicang shredded meat, taicang food special skill, China'...

乌兰浩特市17279271918: 高手帮我翻译成英文~~急用,谢谢!!! -
征伟联苯: My laptop is being charged, please help me unplug it after finis...

乌兰浩特市17279271918: 请英语高手进来帮我翻译一下~~~~~网翻译就不要进来了 -
征伟联苯: Do not take me as an idiot! this one worksif you are really mad then useDo you think i'm a fucking dumb ass?Do i look like an idiot to you?Do you...

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