
作者&投稿:致黄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is you who taught me everything important, love included / including love.

注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一。

这句话的主干是中间一句“the accountant offered to help the artist with business accounts”,意思是:这个会计师主动帮助该艺术家处理业务账目。

前面的An amateur potter herself是补充说明主语的身份,即the accountant的身份,她自身也是一个业余的陶艺师,这个语法叫什么名字我一时想不起来了。

后面的complicated as they were by his unusual system of record-keeping修饰accounts,即:这些账目由于该艺术家的与众不同的的保存记录的方式而复杂。是省略了which is的非限定定语从句。


Being an excellent surgeon, my mother meets different kinds of patients everyday. Therefore, she profoundly understands what the patients are suffering.

My mother is a perfect surgeon,she faces to all kinds of patients everyday. So,she knows the painful of her patients.

My mother is a good surgeon, she face various patients everyday.Therefore, she understood the suffering of patients.

My mother is an excellent surgeon and needs to meet all kinds of patients.Therefore, she know about their suffering.

My mother is an excellent surgeon, she meets all kinds of patients every day, so she knows the patient's pain.

Being a outstanding surgeon and meeting various patients everyday, my mother knows the sufferings of the patients.

5.你应该帮助他。彼を助けるものですよ(彼を助けるべきです)6.我明天可能会去打棒球。明日は野球をしに行くかもしれません 7.不管明天是否下雨,我都要去打棒球。明日は雨が降るかどうかぜっひ野球をしに行きます 8.一旦成功,我就会得奖。いったん成功すると褒められます 9.为了成...

1.我很幸运,在我年轻的时候就学会了许多不同的技能。I'm lucky to have learnt various skills when I was young.2.这些画价值在五千万美元左右,绝不能直接暴露在阳光之下。These paintings value around 50 million U.S. dollars and must by no means be exposed directly in the sun.3.我...

2.很抱歉,我不同意你的观点 sorry, I don't agree with your view.3.你周末通常和朋友们到哪里逛呢 where do you go with your friends in weekend?4.他们昨天下午在动物园里玩的很开心 they enjoyed very well in the zoo yesterday afternoon.5.我们一点也不喜欢新来的老师 we don't like...


请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
9.我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会.I had been given the permission to enter that area and do the interview,that`s not something that everyone gets.Writing 10.Since you have told me who should take the responsibility for the matter, I will not pursue ...

graduated from a sports college (university)11.老板很苦恼有这么5个员工 The boss is troubled that he has these 5 staff (employed)12.他戴着眼镜 He is wearing spectacles.13.他喜欢穿和服 He likes to put on a kimono,11.老板很苦恼有这么5个员工 12.他戴着眼镜 13.他喜欢穿和服 ...

1, I am very fortunate when I was young at learned many different skills.2, which draw about 50 million U.S. dollars in value, must not be under direct exposure to sunlight.3, my son wrote his first poem, I know he has talent.4, because of influenza (The flu) spread ...

1.跟我借钱的那个男孩,是Peter.1:The boy who borrpwed money from me is Peter.2.给我打电话的哪个女人.告诉我一个秘密.2:The woman who called me told me a secret.3.正在哭的那个小女孩,是一个盲人.3:The Girl who is crying now must be a blind.4.只有8岁的那个孩子,会讲3种...

3,He disagrees at the moment ,but I'm sure we can win him over to our point of view.他目前还不同意,但是我确信我们会说服他听我们的。4,You've left out the most important detail about the event .你忘了关于这件事情的最重要的细节。5,We should work hard to serve the people...

1)我将在哪个地方呆一周,如果我有时间我会去看你。 I will stay in the place for a week. If I have time, I will go and visit you.2)昨天我收到了我哥哥的一封信,他告诉我,他很快 会来看我。 I received a letter from my elder brother yesterday. He told me that he would...

蒙城县19566963081: 请帮我翻译几个句子1.他去里北京 2.他去过北京 3.我已经学习英语5年咯 4.他们从1999年开始学英语 5.我已经完成了那项工作 6.他现在已经不是老师咯 7.至今... -
简柳鼻康:[答案] 1.he has gone to beijing 2.he has been to beijing 3.I have learned English for 5 years 4.They have learned Engish since 1999 5.I have already finished the work 6.He has already not been a te...

蒙城县19566963081: 英语翻译请帮我翻译几个句子,中译英,1.一天一苹果,医生不找我.2.冬吃萝卜下吃姜,不用医生开处方.3.关于食物的俗语(谢谢支持) -
简柳鼻康:[答案] 1、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (这是俚语原句 谢谢支持……) 2、原句是中国俗语 所以没有很对应的 Having radish in(during) winter while having ginger in(during) summer keeps the doctor away. 请参考~ 3、slang on/about food

蒙城县19566963081: 请帮我翻译一个句子.
简柳鼻康: On Saturday, we went to sea fishing there is swimming, the last also caught seafood to eat.

蒙城县19566963081: 请帮我用英语翻译一下句子,谢谢 -
简柳鼻康: 正确答案:Unfortunitely,I haven`t been to China,but I will go there when I grow up.(不要被“长大后”中的那个“后”字所迷惑,这里的“后”完全可以用when来翻译)

蒙城县19566963081: 帮下忙、、英语请帮我翻译几个句子1.除非她先道歉,否则我不道歉2.我告诉他什么时候想回来就回来3.他很快就会好的4.许多旧的风俗已不复存在 -
简柳鼻康:[答案] 1 i'll never make a apology unless she does it first 2 i told him that he could come back whenever he wanted 3 he will be better soon 4 many old customs have gone with wind

蒙城县19566963081: 请帮我翻译个英语句子
简柳鼻康: She knited the brows when I mentnioned that. 做鬼脸:make faces或者make a face

蒙城县19566963081: 请帮我翻译句子
简柳鼻康: 1 Everybody can tell that he is deliberately do wrong. 2 I would like to see him soon tell him the good news. 3 In order to improve their English, he joined an English club. 4 I think that playing computer games all day is not much fun. 5 This is my first face to face conversation with a teacher.

蒙城县19566963081: 请帮我翻译个句子吧
简柳鼻康: Yuzhou city in Henan Province Zheng Yao express(=highway) Yuzhou charging station 4 km to the east. 有用请采纳

蒙城县19566963081: 请帮我翻译一句英语句子 -
简柳鼻康: 周围很受欢迎的演员(运动员)之一

蒙城县19566963081: 请帮我翻译这几个句子成英文.要最常用的方式请帮我翻译这几个句子.要最常用的方式 你曾经告诉我 ,只要一直倒着走,就能够回到过去. 那么到底,你去了... -
简柳鼻康:[答案] You ever told me that,if I walked backwards,i was able to return to the past. Where on earth have you been

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