
作者&投稿:斗红 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Have you ever thought about your body changes?
Up to about the age of eight or nine,
girls and boys look quite alike.
They have similar shaped bodies and their voices sound almost the same. As they grow, all their organs (器官 ) grow, too.
After the age of ten, often at eleven or twelve, boys' and girls' bodies start changing. The changes mean their bodies are getting ready to have children when they're older.
The changes don't happen to everyone at the same time.
Each person has his or her own body-changing timetable.
By the time they're eighteen, they should be complete.
Girls start changing some years sooner than boys.
Until they're fifteen or so, they grow faster than boys of the same age.
As years go by, boys catch up and grow taller and stronger.
Girls grow taller and heavier as well, their faces and breasts ( 胸部) become fuller.
As well as all the changes you can see happening,
other important changes that you can't see are happening inside your body at the same time.

Today, in modern civilization, the car has become an indispensable means of transport. Since the birth of the first vehicle since 1886, it brought to people's lives and greatly facilitated the work, but also has become one of the pillars of modern material. However, we should also note that the rapid development in the automobile industry, and maintain the continuous increase in the production of motor vehicles, the air pollution has brought automobile, automobile exhaust pollution. The main hazard is automobile exhaust to form smog. 1943, Los Angeles, California in the United States, 2.5 million cars burning off 1,100 tons of gasoline per day. After the combustion of hydrocarbons, such as gasoline ultraviolet rays of the sun under a chemical reaction, forming a light blue smoke, most people suffering from the city jealous, headache disease. Later, it was known as photochemical smog of this pollution. Los Angeles twice in 1955 and 1970 occurred photochemical smog, and more than 400 former featured poisoning, respiratory failure and death, the latter a city of three-quarters of the sick. This is the history to be called "the world's eight major hazard" and "20th Century 10 environmental hazards," Los Angeles smog in one of the incidents. It is a profound understanding of these incidents to the people of the dangers of automobile exhaust. 200 vehicle emissions of organic compounds, including benzene, a highly carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic ingredients, the human body is a long-term cumulative effects. Medical studies have revealed that a large number of benzene vapor inhalation a short period of time can cause life-threatening acute poisoning, the long-term repeated exposure to low levels of benzene can cause chronic poisoning. Data show that PM10 concentrations increased with a series of negative effects on human health closely. American scientists have done in Utah Valley epidemiological studies found that the PM10 air to have a significant impact on human health can lead to cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and other diseases in patients with sensitive physical death. It is estimated that 60,000 PM10 lead of the United States and the United Kingdom each year 10,000 people died. Through screening and comprehensive analysis of childhood lead poisoning caused by automobile exhaust pollution is the main factor, as automobile exhaust lead dust accumulation in more than one meter above the ground, and that is exactly the children's activities with the breathing zone of pollution caused by it has become one of the major causes of childhood lead poisoning. Include automobile exhaust pollutants : carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and soot particles (some heavy metal compounds, lead compounds, smoke and oil mist), smell (formaldehyde). According to statistics, about 1,000 vehicles a day 3/hm emit carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons 200-400kg and nitrogen oxides 50-150kg; Los Angeles and other mobile sources of pollutants emitted by motor vehicles accounted for 90% of total atmospheric pollutants. According to the State Environmental Protection Administration predicted that in 2005 China's vehicle emissions in urban air pollution will reach 79% of the share of air pollution in automobile exhaust is the "culprit." Automobile exhaust the highest level of carbon monoxide, it can enter through the respiratory tract of gestation, the blood was absorbed, combined with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin, lowering blood oxygen, blood weaken the oxygen supply of human tissues, resulting in tissue hypoxia, which led to headaches and other symptoms, or suffocation. The content of nitrogen oxides from automobile exhaust smaller, but highly toxic, toxicity is three times the sulfur oxides. Alveolar oxygen into nitrogen compounds, lead to the formation of nitrite and nitrate, a sharp stimulus to the lung tissue, increased pulmonary capillary permeability, leading to emphysema. Nitrite with hemoglobin, forming ferrihemoglobin caused tissue hypoxia. 200 species of hydrocarbons from automobile exhaust, C2H4 concentration in the atmosphere indicated to (1%), to enable some plants dysplasia. Automobile exhaust also found 32 species of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, including 3,4 - benzopyrene and other carcinogenic substances. When the concentration reaches 0.012ug/m3 benzopyrene in the air, residents will have a marked increase in the number of lung cancer. More nearly away from the road, the greater the traffic flow on the highway, the higher the mortality rate of lung cancer.


The beginning go to which places can Chinese tour arrive?
A, go to China to travel for the first time, should arrive first which places?
Answer:This wants to see first how much time can you arrange.Generally speaking, go to China for the first time, should arrive etc. of Peking, Shanghai, Xian ground first.
Peking is a Chinese politics, cultural center.In here you can sight-see the great wall of a segment- eight reach the 岭 ;The place that clear and pure two imperial house live- past temple;The Manchu Dynasty resists garden- Summer Palace and the North Seas, can also taste Peking of the orthodox school to roast duck, rinse the mutton.
Shanghai is a Chinese biggest city, making choice of purchase the product here quite the cheese, a light repast, pastry and handicraft article, textile products that species of Shanghai are of a great variety, will make you feel satisfied.Leave there are only several hours in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou of the road, is a representative of Chinese park art, was been called the " heaven" by the person.
Xian is the point of departure of the ancient Silk Road, is also a Chinese history to found a capital one of the most cities up.Qin's terra cotta warrior of the new exhumation was become" the eighth miracle in world";The big wild goose tower, the drum building is the building that the Tang Dynasty stay;You can arrive the pure pond of 华 that YANG2 GUI4 FEI take a shower to wash the hot springs 澡 ;Be the yellow descendant of 炎 can also call to pay respects to leave not far emperor 陵 in Xian.Can also enjoy to imitate Tang's music and song and dances in Xian, taste article Tang's vegetables.
Two, go to China to travel when the best?The winter go where good?
Answer:The Chinese territory is large, everyplace landscape, the weather difference is very big, can say a year, the four seasons can travel.Such as go to Peking, Shanghai, Xian that above-mentioned say best is in the spring, autumn two quarterses.
In winter you if afraid and cold can go to" the spring city" of have no intense heat and sever winter- Kunming, there is fascinating stone wood there and pond of 滇 , can also arrive a version of west 纳 to enjoy the tropical landscape.Can also go to the laurel wood, along river of 漓 with the current but descend arrive the sun 朔 ," laurel wood the landscape number one in the world, the sun 朔 landscape A laurel wood", this tour item will not make you disappoint.Did not see the ice snow HongKong-Macau compatriot, might as well at a, February goes to the strand of 哈尔 , there is the world of the ice snow, can with the view snow landscape, see the ice light, ski, skate.
Three, have to deserve most to buy what things in China?The where buy quite the cheese?
Answer:The handicraft article, silk, china, carpet, the cotton textile product of China at possess the great reputation in the world, and even more reasonable than purchasing the price in other places of world, choose the leeway larger.Chinese everyplace has the oneself the special product and can buy, saying the enamel, carpet of Peking for example;The Chinese clothing, cotton textile product of Shanghai;The silk of Hangzhou;The curio of Suzhou;The going to Xian you can buy the terra cotta warrior, Tang three colourful.If you dislike troublesome, can also buy thing once together in the comity store of Peking, Shanghai, the general sources of the comity store of big city Cities are all more ample, and generally can with generation you check.
Love the visitor of art, can purchase the calligraphy and curios still in China.But remember and must have the invoice and authenticate the marking( namely red paint marking) formally, just meet the trouble in the maritime customs unlikely.
Big wild goose tower wild goose pagoda of the past temple Imperial Palace
Summer Palace Summer Palace drum building drum tower emperor 陵 the tomb of Huangdi
Qin terra cotta warrior terra cotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty


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1. The complete absorption of the mind upon an agreeable occupation — what more is there than that to desire. ("what more is there than that to desire"指的是什么? )what more指“还有什么”,more是形容词many的比较级,形容词作定语修饰疑问代词要放在后面 that指代上文complete ...

1.我非常荣幸能为大家做这次演讲。I'm honoured to have this opportunity to give you this speech.2.我今天演讲的题目是 My topic today is 3.希望大家能从我以下的演讲中得到一些启示。It's a great honour to me if you can get anything from my speech.4.我的演讲到此结束,你得到些...

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Oh come on! (噢)加油!Believe yourself Forever are the best! 相信自己永远是最棒的!You are unique! 是独一无二的!I have always come on for you!我会一直给你打劲的!

有谁可以帮我翻一下下面的内容啊???请各位英语高手帮帮忙吧~~ 翻译的...
to publish all directory information in both the online directory accessible through the school web site and the hard cope directory provided to every school family and staff member.我特此允许我的联系信息被发表在学校网站的在线目录及每个学校家庭与工作成员的索引目录中。【英语牛人团】...

哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下 ,拜托了!
人工翻译 有保证!!嗨, 我最亲爱的,我非常开心收到你的回信。一切可好?我在塞内加尔达喀尔这边的生活有一点点艰苦。我很羡慕你的生活。我的名字是Linda Ediwn,我来自苏丹。身高5.3英尺,肤色白皙,(从未结婚)。我现在23岁居住在达喀尔的难民营,这是因为我的国家爆发了内战。我去世的父亲Daniel ...

查看“新”接口样例 View Inventory (Vault): 查看清单(一般是物品清单,vault是金库的意思,这里应该也是指游戏里的物品清单吧)Clr: 我觉得这个应该是clear,清除 没有看到东西,只能这样字面翻译,如果可以具体看到你说的修改器用一用,也许一些?的东西可以猜出是什么意思。希望可以帮到你。

明天我们出发去北京 明天我们乘火车出发去北京 我们准备好了吗?没有 我们需要火车票,我们需要从石家庄到北京的火车票 这些是票 我需要打包我装衣服的行李箱 这些是衣服 我需要什么衣服 我需要什么衣服 预计天气怎么样,Jenny 阳光充足的,但是凉爽,你需要一件夹克 这是一件夹克 咱们去帮李明 你能...

安泽县17171551881: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这篇短文,谢谢! -
董贾乙肝: 你好 范文如下:It was really a busy day. For the new year is around the corner, we did a through spring-cleaning. Meanwhile,I'd like to do some help so mom let me sweep the windows, chairs and tables. And sister helped clean the kitchen and toilet...

安泽县17171551881: 英语高手来帮我翻译一个中文短文,不要那种软件直译的!
董贾乙肝: "Food is fundamental to human survival is a gift God has given human beings, people always have to eat their favorite foods, but alsoHate to eat the food. In fruit , my favorite is the cherry. Cherryis small as beautiful as pearls, red inside with bright,...

安泽县17171551881: 麻烦来高手帮我将这篇中文对话翻译成英语.
董贾乙肝: A: 女士,欢迎.你怎么了?A:Hi, Madam, what's up? B: 噢,亲爱的医生.我感觉糟糕透了.B:Oh, my dear doctor, I feel terrible.A: 冷静点儿,女士,慢慢说.A: Calm down, Madam, no hurry.B: 我不敢动脖子了!我怕是颈骨出现问题了!...

安泽县17171551881: 有英语高手可以帮我翻译一下这一段文字吗?最好要地道一点的,很急.谢谢! -
董贾乙肝: the olympics is blue to me. blue stands for peace and beauty. it's like what the olympics used to be, filled with wisdom and strength. i wish the blue olympics could get better, just like the sky and the ocean.the olympics is red to me. many ...

安泽县17171551881: 英语高手帮我翻译这篇小文章(必需准确无误)
董贾乙肝: KAGUYA (SELENE) KAGUYA(月亮女神) Image Taking of Earth-Rise by HDTV HDTV(高清电视)拍下“地出”影像 The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) have successfully performed ...

安泽县17171551881: 英语高手请进来```帮我翻译一段话 谢谢了``` -
董贾乙肝: I cann't let you go, because I feel like I've fallen in love with you. I will have a try even if it is impossible.I know you love me too, so please don't hide your feeling any longer.

安泽县17171551881: 英语高手们,帮我翻译一篇短文!谢谢!(汉译英)
董贾乙肝: The desolate one is green Very green, if in the world of the blue sky and white cloud, it seems beautiful and ordinary. Very green, if in bleak and desolate and dark world, it seems wretched and great! WALL.E the film of Disney, if I touch it in ...

安泽县17171551881: 英语高手进来帮我翻译,中文翻译英文 -
董贾乙肝: The road ahead was very confused, how I go, keep, or the origin, too many sad stay over me, can't release, when is [translation of English] end

安泽县17171551881: 英.语高手来邦我把这段汉语翻译成英语
董贾乙肝: My wife,I love you,and i really do,You're mine,and i'm your's.I will be nice to you all my life.If i were dead first,You need to live forever,and forget me!Your dear husband.

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