哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下 ,拜托了!

作者&投稿:钟离凝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

小妇人,在我读了这本书之前,我观看了日本拍的一部动画片电影。 如此我有强烈兴趣对此。 它全部在隆冬开始; 圣诞节季节。 最冷一个所有,是战争做了燃料为加热非常缺乏。 当她的丈夫是在战争时, Marmee不理会培养他们的四个女儿: Jo、兆欧、Beth和Amy。在圣诞前夕, Marmee从分发食物到家对较不幸运与从她的丈夫,女孩的父亲的一封信件。 所有在火附近一起会集读信。 之后,女孩眼泪汪汪。 Marmee亲吻他们,并且他们关闭供住宿。 Jo是渴望成为作家。如此,她每晚停留晚文字剧本为肥皂剧。 因为早晨来她是最后一个醒。 布置桌,并且食物为他们的圣诞节宴餐准备。 因为黄昏下跌,女孩行动的全部在顶楼Jo的戏剧,她从地方(假)报纸读。 他们执行,他们的富有,下门邻居孙子手表从窗口。2个最老的女孩: Jo和兆欧,准备好参加圣诞节球。 当Jo卷曲兆欧的头发时,有一个奇怪的气味对空气。 Amy尖叫,头发被烧焦的Megs。 他们持续开掘通过老衣裳容器为一个对白色手套。 其中一个突出的题材在小妇女是女孩的成熟礼或成熟性。在小说期间我们看见他们增长用许多方式 -- 完全,智力上和特别情感地。 读者必须问自己的一个问题是否字符有在成熟礼过程的看法由Alcott分享。 如果他们不是,什么是Alcott的观点和怎么他们与那些妇女不同在她的故事? 审查后半局第20章, “机要是有趣的”。 当她与情况的Marmee讲话在兆欧和先生之间, Jo论及成熟性问题。 Brooke。 可能的爱在这二之间在成熟礼代表其中一个非常重要方面为一个十几岁的女孩。Jo对待这个自然过程,好象它某一类疾病,然而。 Jo不可能了解为什么兆欧将想停止表现“象一个易察觉的生物” (p.202),并且提到爱作为“这样胡话”。 这本书告诉我如何应付家务事。 我们应该知道爱在成员之间。

After I Had entered into the college which don't have the high school tensed curriculum studying, the idle time become excessive all of a sudden. But at idle time I always like riding the bicycle slowly along the seashore alone. In my field of vision all are satisfied and natural: Blue sky, boundless sea, tide fluctuation sound, stranger's smile ......Is far away from the city noise, Is likely to hover freely in the horizon. Certainly rideing the bicycle also is possible to well exercise me who are usually lazy.
During the high school I cannot watch the competition so highly,this wish has been able to suffice mostly in the university. the basketball, the ping-pong all are the ball games competition that I like. Each time I felt excited and shouted for the team or the player which I like for myself,to be happy for their outstanding performance, feels bad for theirs unfavorable situations .......Now NBA started the first regular season, I hoped Mai Dineng has the splendid performance, the rocket can have the good position….
Perhaps it can't be counted as any hobby, is only whiling away the time. But they have brought me many joys to my life, I might ride the bicycle to put behind many worries in the sea breeze, the boundless sea might teach me the open-minded heart; But watching the sports match also is our whole family's leisure activity, we shout respectively for the different player, also can have the small quarrel once for a while, but the whole familys are always harmony and happy; If watching the sports match outside also may know many friends. . These all can fill my life with the pleasure.

shout for [简明英汉词典]
while away the time [简明英汉词典]
消磨时光, 消闲

人工翻译 有保证!!

嗨, 我最亲爱的,
我在塞内加尔达喀尔这边的生活有一点点艰苦。我很羡慕你的生活。我的名字是Linda Ediwn,我来自苏丹。身高5.3英尺,肤色白皙,(从未结婚)。我现在23岁居住在达喀尔的难民营,这是因为我的国家爆发了内战。

我去世的父亲Daniel Ajana Edwin上尉曾经是Mavococoa and Associates(Ltd) 公司的常务董事,他还是前任国家首脑(已故的Ahmed al-Mirghani博士)的私人顾问,那是在造反派趁一个清晨袭击我们的房子并残忍的杀害了我的母亲和爸爸之前的事情。只有我在那次事件中幸免并活到了现在,我设法逃到了邻国塞内加尔,并居住在这里的难民营中。

Linda Edwin


PS:RoyLee翻译的非常好 也很有感情色彩 看了他的我本不想发自己这个了
但是我都翻译完了才看到他的 所以为了自己的劳动不被浪费还是供你参考吧
但是 我要说明一点 以免你误会

给你写信这个人并不是说 她的房子今天被袭击 她的爸爸妈妈今天被杀的
原句before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold blood中 one early morning 的意思是 某个清晨 就是说 是之前发生的事情了 而不是写信中的今天 这一点RoyLee翻译错了 容易引起误解 所以我特意注释 希望楼主明白

另外RoyLee遗漏了几点: 1.来信人说她皮肤白皙 2.来信人希望多看几张你的照片

我的名字是来自苏丹LindaEdiwn 5.3ft高、公平的肤色,从未结婚前),目前我23岁的难民营居住在这里达喀尔由于内战,在我的国家。



Hello Dearest love,
I am really happy in your response to my mail.
How is everything?
Mine is a bit tough over here in Dakar Senegal.
You are admired.
My name is LindaEdiwn from Sudan,5.3ft tall,fair in complexion,(never married before )and presently i am 23 years old residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country.
My late father Capt Daniel Ajana Edwin was the managing director of Mavococoa and Associates (Ltd) and he was the personal advicer to the former head of state (Late Dr Ahmed al-Mirghani) before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold blood.
我的继父卡朋特.丹尼尔。艾丁是Mavococoa and Associates公司的主管,同时也是前任国家领导人的咨询顾问,但今天早晨,叛军闯进了我家,冷血的杀害了我的父母亲
It was only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal where i am leaving now in a refugee camp.
I would like to know more about you.
Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently.
I will tell you more about myself in my next mail.
Attached here are my pictures before the civil war erupted.I will also like to see more of your pictures.
I will tell you more in my next mail.
Hoping to hear from you soonest.
Linda Edwin.

我的先父丹尼尔 阿加纳 埃德温是马沃柯克华联合公司的总经理。在造反者在一个早晨攻击我们家并冷血地杀了我的父母之前,先父是国家前任主席(Ahned al_Mirghani博士)的私人策划。那时只有我活了下来。
琳达 埃德温

一个清晨前叛乱分子袭击我们的房子和杀害我母亲和我的父亲,我的父亲Daniel Ajana Edwin以前是联营公司的董事总经理和前公元元首.现在只有我一个人活着.
Linda Edwin.

哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下= =
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侯马市17859694397: 哪位英语好的帮我翻译一下.拜托了!!! -
丛尤胃友: In this paper, the principle of the mathematical induction mathematical induction the concrete forms and their relations are introduced in this paper,And through the list a series of example reveals mathematical induction in identities proof, inequation,...

侯马市17859694397: 求英语高手帮忙翻译几句出几句英文~拜托了~急!
丛尤胃友: 1Your smile, clean not contain a precipitation. 2You smile radian, is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. 3The most beautiful smile bloomed, you, your most important or sad. 4Smile with modest delivers the most sincere thanks. 5With natural ...

侯马市17859694397: 英语高手帮忙翻译一下
丛尤胃友: No matter what difficulty you come into,no matter how worse the things are,be sure to believe love!

侯马市17859694397: 英语高手们能否帮我小弟翻译几个句子!拜托了各位!能否帮忙翻译一下句子:1.如果我有做的不对的,希望您第一时间提出,我会改正的2.以后就多多指教... -
丛尤胃友:[答案] 1.If I ever do anything wrong,please point it out to me.I'll surely correct it. 2.Hope I can learn more from you in the days to come... 给个小建议:如果你是跟老外沟通,大可不必如此谨小慎微,因为英语不是你的语言啊!你说得不好很正常的,他们会理解...

侯马市17859694397: 各位英语高手请进来,帮我把这句话译成英文.拜托了~~~
丛尤胃友: Don't be so arrogant. Who do you think you are ? Remember that I will beat you one day. Let's go and see!~

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侯马市17859694397: 翻译 哪位英语高手能帮在下翻译出优美一点的英文 拜托了 谢谢你们 -
丛尤胃友: At the moment we enjoy our third love anniversary, I wanna send you this bottle of green encounter, which labels "acquaintance of spring". Probably I am considered as a passager across your life, or just a leaf drifting around you, but to me you ...

侯马市17859694397: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段英文拜托了!you supplier signed for the 2 items on the carton label as denomination “blow inn tube” for the both different ... -
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侯马市17859694397: 哪位英语好的帮我翻译一下这句话好吗?拜托了. -
丛尤胃友: 苦瓜蛋白对THP-1源性泡沫细胞ABCA1表达的影响Effect of momordicin on expression of THP-1 derived foam cells ABCA1

侯马市17859694397: 拜托哪位高人用英语帮我翻译下,...
丛尤胃友: Some students think that should take phone to school, so it is easy to contact with security and telephone functional diversity. But some students think should not take phone to school, facilitate contact is non-essential, IC card, phone calls will take expensive

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