
作者&投稿:彘盾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the comparative analysis between chinese and western writing features under the different cultural backgrounds.

注:had better是一固定词组,表示"最好",用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。常用had better do sth.
at once 表示立刻、马上。


A promotion of ‘Accumulated bonus points exchange for prizes’ is launched monthly. No fixed period and advance notice will be announced for this promotion, it will be closed when all the prizes have been exchanged. After the successful exchange of prizes, accumulated bonus points equivalent to the value of the prizes will be deducted.

会员可在积分达到兑换线的情况下任意兑换,不限制兑奖次数,所有奖品将在次月统一发放。积分兑奖不影响会员参与其他兑奖活动 。
Members can exchange freely once the accumulated points have reached the exchange requirement, there is no restriction on the number of times for the exchange. All prizes will be dispatched on the following month. This ‘Accumulated bonus points exchange for prizes’ promotion does not prevent members from participating in other prize-exchange activities.


Every month promotes the integral to exchange the prize activity, each time the integral exchanges the prize activity time not fixedly, and had not given advance notice, exchanged the prize closure time to exchange up to completely the conclusion by the prize, after the success exchanged the prize, translated the original text:
will defer to exchanges the prize value to deduct the corresponding integral. The member may, in the integral achieves the exchange line in the situation to exchange willfully, does not limit exchanges the prize number of times, all prizes in next month unification provide. The integral exchanges the prize not to affect the member to participate in other exchanging the prize activity.

Introduction of integral Duijiang monthly activities, each time is not fixed points Duijiang activities and does not notice, Duijiang end time to convert all of the end prize, after the successful Duijiang:

The value of the goods in accordance with the Duijiang points deducted. Members can exchange line points to the case of any Exchange, does not limit the number Duijiang, all prizes will be paid in the unity of the month. Integral Duijiang not affect members participate in other Duijiang activities.

There will be Point Award activity every month, but the time of the activity is not fixed and there will be no predictions, when all of the awards are exchanged, the activity ends. After the successful exchange:

Your points will be deducted according to the value of the award. If you are membership,you could exchange any awards if your points reach the required numbers,no limitation for the exchange times. All the awards will be delivered in next month. Point award activity does not effect the membership to take part in the other activities.

The bonus can be exchanged for prizes every month . The time of the activity is not fixed and won’t be announced in advance . The time is over when prizes are runned out . When you exchange your bonus for a prize ,your bonus will be deducted according to the bonus it costs. Members can exchange at will when your bonus reach the base line ,and the exchanging frequency is not limited . All prizes will be given out next month. Members can participate in other activities without the effect of this activity.


花も雪も 払へば清き袂かな【风花雪月尽遣散 两袖清风孤影只】ほんに昔のむかしのことよ 【红尘旧事 藕断丝连】わが待つ人も我を待ちけん 【朝夕盼君至 君却舍我去】鸳鸯の雄鸟にもの思ひ羽の 【鸳鸯雄鸟 婵婵相思】冻る衾に鸣く音もさぞな 【羽僵衾孑 嘶鸣添寒】さなきだに心も...

每月推出积分兑奖活动,每次积分兑奖活动时间不固定并且没有预告,兑奖结束时间以奖品全部兑换结束为止,成功兑奖后将按照所兑奖品价值扣除相应的积分。A promotion of ‘Accumulated bonus points exchange for prizes’ is launched monthly. No fixed period and advance notice will be announced for this ...


私の爱を证明するには、単に无知である あなたは、谁が私のやつれたわからない あなたは経験がなかったこと あなたが支払うとして、あなたは悲しいの种类を理解することは决してありません 私しかし、なぜ自分がすべてあなたと恋に落ちるように强制 あなたが执拗に私の准备を押...

高分悬赏 求助日语高手翻译一段话

Too Hurt to Dance受伤无法跳舞 I was - in the shadows of a place we used to go Drinking Cocktail after Cocktail Wondering if you'd show 以往我们常去的地方 我独坐在那阴暗角落 鸡尾酒一杯接着一杯 疑惑你会否出现眼前 My head started spinning My mouth was feeling dry Lost inside...

高分悬赏 请日语高手翻译一下句子(应该算挺简单的)
1 小李是上海人 ⇒「李さんは上海人です。」2 妈妈不是大学的老师 ⇒「母は大学の先生ではありません。」3 昨天不是星期天 ⇒「昨日は日曜日ではありませんでした。」4 我以前是公司职员 ⇒「私は以前会社员でした。」5 教室里有桌子和椅子 ⇒「教室...


2 他独自一人花了两星期时间完成了这项调查(investigation)He spent two weeks in completing the investigation all by himself.3 除非他自己意识到这一危险,否则没有人能够阻止他干这事 Unless he realizes it is dangerous to do that,nobody else can prevent him.4 如果你想取得好成绩,就不...

leave no stone unturned to development of the personal financial management business. The personal financial management business scale of bank of the portfolio average 50-70%, business scope covers personal savings, consumer credit, securities and investment funds, foreign exchange and insuran...

银川市13859456272: 高分悬赏英语翻译高手,帮忙翻译一下,在线等 -
蔚帝添亦: Pick to As the 20 th century Chinese literature history important writer, studies Yang jang's literary world is an unavoidable exist. And the momentum and expansion of the "QianXue" compared to people like to say for "钱锺书 lady" studies Yang...

银川市13859456272: 高分悬赏那个日语高手帮我翻译一篇歌词吧谢谢 -
蔚帝添亦: 坡路的公车站,他在骤来的雨中皱着眉 站在那里紧紧地抱着怀中的书 我在他蓝色的衬衣里 为那些渐渐多起来的雨水花纹而悲伤 心爱的雨伞分作两半 为了他的衬衣和重要的书遮挡着雨水在暑假来这城市做暑期工的他 (我)相信红线的传说是 ...

银川市13859456272: 高分悬赏英文翻译!
蔚帝添亦: In our students, many people are burdened with the expectations of parents. Some parents of demanding children, as long as the child did not meet their demands, will be very harsh criticism of the child. This allows many children are afraid of their parents.

银川市13859456272: 高分悬赏英语翻译
蔚帝添亦: Let me in university happy matter have I and my roommate skating together and play basketball, and it is also of those days through military training.

银川市13859456272: 【高分悬赏】求英语高手帮我翻译几句话~不要网络翻译机的那种,那些翻译来的都不正确,语法错的严重,请真正懂英语的人帮忙亲自翻译下,有高分酬谢... -
蔚帝添亦:[答案] 「In the beginning Creators created the heaven and the earth.」 (起初创世者们创造天地.) 「And the earth was without form,and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.And the Spirit of Creators moved upon the face of the waters.」 (地...

银川市13859456272: 高分悬赏翻译,求英语高手 -
蔚帝添亦: 你好,为你的翻译如下:1.Satisfaction is the standard.2.standard.3.Statutory High-efficience4.High-efficience5.Warmth in stricture6.warmth7.Moving is the goal8.goal9.Providing service with permanent standard10.start a high-efficient work journey...

银川市13859456272: (高分悬赏)求英语高手翻译啊 -
蔚帝添亦: 我无所事事地度过的今天,是昨天死去的人们所奢望的明天.

银川市13859456272: 【高分悬赏】求英语高手帮我翻译几句话~ -
蔚帝添亦: 「In the beginning Creators created the heaven and the earth.」 (起初创世者们创造天地.) 「And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Creators moved upon the face of the waters....

银川市13859456272: 高分悬赏: 中文名字的英文翻译???(高手进) -
蔚帝添亦: Vaclav /vaklav/ 光荣的花环 男性 捷克Vachel 牧牛人 男性 法国

银川市13859456272: 英语翻译(高分悬赏) -
蔚帝添亦: XXX,hello,I am XXX, by name,was accepted by XXXuniversity xxx major,due to family economic condition is out , at this time, It is you who stretch out a helping hand,helped me out of the pinch, I express the most hearty thank on behalf my family and me seriously, wish you good health.,all well

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