
作者&投稿:丰尚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

to find one's own dream between ideal and reality

All the things have been buried in the dream.

Everything has been entombed in the dream.

There is no distance in my dream but happiness, however,we are far from each other in real life. If it allows, I wish I could dream all my life!

There is no distance but happiness between us in the dream , however,we are far from each other in real life. I'd rather be in the dream all my life if I could!

In a dream we have no joy from me, but we are too far, if i'd like a dream life!

在不久的将来我一定会带你去德国旅行,In the not far future ,I will take you to Germany for a trip 到法国结婚,get married in France 在加拿大定居!Settle in Canada

There is no distance in my dream but happiness, however,we are far from each other in real life. If it allows, I wish I could dream all my life!

1. Go to hell. 去死吧。2. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物\/混球!3. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?4. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!5. Knock it off. 少来这一套。6. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!7. Get lost.滚开!8. Take a ...

somebody in my mind for a long time. but we are not familiar with each other. Every day when i see him, i always have the unnatural feeling, i can not stare his eyes directly. I only put him into my heart and miss him everyday, find his shodow, even if the illusion ...

Zhanjiang Medical School,There are several buildings surrounded by trees. After-school life is very rich. 提醒:楼上有几位,翻译中有错误,估计是用翻译器翻译的。麻烦采纳,谢谢!

You know if we continue to stay together,we will hurt each other more severely,then why not stop holding on to me?We used to be much in love,but distrust has changed both of us。I am sorry that I hurt you。

1.或许我会失败,但我不会放弃 1. Maybe I will fail, but I will never give up 2.我会坚持我的梦想,永不后悔 2. I will insist on my dream, never regret 3.我会一直为我的理想努力,因为我相信,总有一天我会成功 3.I will work hard for my dream, because I believe that I ...

(1)"The continuous soaring temperatures in India has increased the death toll to 80."(2)"The continuous soaring temperatures in India has caused 80 deaths thus far."(3)"The continuing hot spell across India has claimed 80 lives."持续=continuous 高温=soaring temperatures 死亡人数=...

你好,翻译如下 Even if there is only one student can be enrolled by Peking University, why can't it be me?招生,入学需用到 enroll 希望有所帮助

你是我的最爱,没有人能替代你在我心中的地位,直到永远.You are the person I love most, and no one can replace you in my heart, until forever.=]

济阳县13869106930: 翻译 一句话 英语到汉语 -
蓝群金黄: 在梦里,我们的意识无法知道那只是一个梦

济阳县13869106930: 快!用英语翻译下面的一句话!尽量使用定语从句,高分! -
蓝群金黄: We took a photo there.How are the friends that played with us?I dreamed yesterday,and we went to the cinema again in the dream.

济阳县13869106930: 英语翻译谁能帮我用英语口语翻译一段话?这段话的内容是:刚才做梦梦到了你,醒来非常失落,宝贝你知道吗,除了在梦里也许我们再也见不到了 -
蓝群金黄:[答案] I just dreamed aboat you and felt lost when I woke up.Baby do you know that we can never see each other except in dreams.

济阳县13869106930: 怎么用英语翻译这段话?
蓝群金黄: Ever since you walked into my life, everything has changed just for your sake , happy for you, feeling sad for you and I really care a lot for you. For half a year, we avoid each other, I could remember we only alter a few words. Chatting with you has ...

济阳县13869106930: 一段英文翻译~急!要求准确性 -
蓝群金黄: i run across you in every dream! so cute you are with a sweet smiling! i run across you in every dream! we get together on the grassland, and sing happyly hand in hand! my dream, yeah! in my dream, you are forever, your lovely smiling and rejoice ...

济阳县13869106930: 谁帮我用英语翻译下这句话(你总是在我梦里出现,在梦里你还是让我伤心、心痛、难过,难道这是我上辈子切你的吗?这辈子让我来受罪.)
蓝群金黄: You are always there in my dreams, in dreams you still make my heart feel hart, is it a previous life I owe you? Let me suffer in this life......

济阳县13869106930: 请用英文写我的梦想不少于五句话并翻译出汉语意思 -
蓝群金黄: My dream is to be a teacher inthefuture.Because a teacher is said to be the engin of the soul. It is glorious to be a teacher.Atthe same time,I can recieve the respect from the students.我的梦想是将来当一名老师.因为老师是灵魂工程师.当一名老师是一种荣耀,同时,我还能收到来自学生的尊重.

济阳县13869106930: 昨天在我的梦里见到你了,这句话用英语怎么说啊 -
蓝群金黄: You broke into my dream last night.希望对你有用

济阳县13869106930: 给我用英语翻译another dream 汉语 -
蓝群金黄: Another Dream 又一个梦想 dream 英[dri:m] 美[drim] vi. 梦想; 做梦; 梦见; 想到; vt. 做梦,向往; vt. 梦想; 做梦; 想到;

济阳县13869106930: 英语翻译在我的梦里你是个明星.这句话用英文怎么写,还有这句……我希望你快点长大. -
蓝群金黄:[答案] 在我的梦里你是个明星 You are a bright star in my dream. 我希望你快点长大. I hope you grow up a little bit faster. 如果答案对亲有所帮助请采纳予以鼓励! 如果有疑问欢迎追问

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