
作者&投稿:牛炕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello! I am LiHua, and I come from China, "Long" town. I am a student of No.4 middle school now and I like to make new friends. I just saw your post and want to make friends with you. Moreover, I can also help you with Chinese learning. Hope we can chat on-line with each other this weekend.

1, the challenge is that American sayings and phrases don't translate well, or they don't always make sense... but I will try for 20.
2, let's start with the basic things needed...things commonly repuired
in day to day life..
3, most fo our needs when travelling abroad are based on questions
we need answered.
4, where to find the things we need, how to purchase them, and how to navigate in unfamiliar territory.
5, so let's start with basic direction.
6, I have found these to be important when I traveled to countries I did not know.
7, especially when I needed directions to get somewhere.
8, some of the most common things I have needed directions for..
9, naturally, after I have found the last one, I'll need directions to one
more place...
10, these things seem pretty boring though...you may need to help me
understand what you want to learn.
11, the things I have mentioned are traditional text book things and do not
represent the commonly spoken, yet confusing, english phrases.
12, so I had to do some shopping today and it occurred to me that knowing
how to purchase goods and services is just as important as knowing how to
13, a couple hptases to lnow would be (最后这句话你有笔误,看不出是什么单词,无法翻译)

1. 或许我会失败,但我不会放弃
1. Maybe I will fail, but I will never give up
2. 我会坚持我的梦想,永不后悔
2. I will insist on my dream, never regret
3. 我会一直为我的理想努力,因为我相信,总有一天我会成功
3.I will work hard for my dream, because I believe that I can be successful one day
4. 不要忘记你的梦想,你要加油
4.Don't forget your dream, you should cheer up
5. 如果你真的付出了,那不要怕,你会实现梦想
5.If you are really paid out, then don't worry, your dream will come true
6. 机会确实很重要,但前提是要有实力
6.Opportunity is surelly very important, but having power is first
7. 你要实现理想,不只是说说而已
7.You want to achieve your dream, not just say
8. 梦想离你不远,所以请别忘了去奋斗
8.Dream is not very far away from you, so please don't forget to strive for it

1Maybe I will fail ,but I will never give up.
2I will insist on my dream,and never regret.
3I will struggle for my dream because I believe it will come true one day.
4Do not forget your dream,come on.
5If you really do something,do not be afraid,you will realize your dream.
6Of course,opportunity is very important,but it is on the premise of ability.
7You are going to realize your dream ,and it is not just saying.
8Dream is not far away from you,so do not forget to fight.
希望对你有帮助 谢谢

1. Probably I will fail, but I will not give up
2. I will insist my dream, regretting never
3. I will have been working hard for my ideal, because I believe, one day there will I will succeed
4. Do not forget your dream, you have to encourage
5. If you really paid, that do not fear, you will carry out the dream
6. The opportunity is really very important, but the premise want to have the real strenght
7. You have to carry out the ideal, is much more than only end in talk
8. The dream leaves you not far, so please do not forget to struggle

1. Maybe I'll fail, but I won't give up
2. I will stick to my dream, never regret
3. I have been for my ideal hard because I believe, one day I will succeed
4. Don't forget your dream, you want to go
5. If you really pay, that don't be afraid, you will realize the dream
6. Opportunities are very important, but the premise is to have the strength
7. You want to realize ideal, not just talk
8. Not far from your dream, so please don't forget to work hard

1 Maybe I will fail, but I will never give up
2 I'll stick to my dreams, never regret
3 I would have been ideal for my efforts because I believe that one day I will succeed
4 Do not forget your dreams, you have to fight
5 If you really paid, that should not be afraid, your dreams will come ture
6 The opportunity is indeed very important, but the premise is to have strength
7 You have to realize the ideal, not just talk
8 Dream far away from you, so please do not forget to fight

perhaps I will fail,but I do not abandon


晕,楼上的估计全部都是用机器翻译的吧。。。1 A car stopped me when i was walking on the street.2 We all study foreign languages,such as English,France and Japanese.3 I think good freinds should share weal and woe with me.4 Though we usually argue for something,we are still...

who keeps taking her cracker to eat. She feels so angry about it, thinking this man must be a thief. Afterward, however, she realizes her cracker is still in her luggage. She feels compunctious as she knows that she misunderstands that man.人脑产品,呵呵 希望对楼主有帮助。

我之所以报考贵校原因有三点:1:我喜欢法律专业,希望将来能在法学领域有所作为。2:xx大学的法学教育在全国高校中是最好的,在这里我可以享受最优质的教育资源。3:xx城市的政治文化氛围很好,在xx城市,特别是在xx大学这样一个良好的学习环境里,更有利于我对法律知识的学习。There are three reasons...

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跪求英语高手帮忙翻译 把一下的中文翻译成英语... 谢绝在线翻译的,语 ...
现在自动售货机已经成为高校校园学生的不可缺少一部分,为此记者走访了具有研发、生产、销售、运营、租赁和售后服务广州富宏自动售货机公司,该公司为我们提供以下资料: 自动售货机(英文:Vending Machines)商业起源于20世纪的60年代,由美国的Mars家族发明。上世纪80年代,在美国、日本和整个欧洲,自动售...

急求日语达人帮忙翻译一下· 急!
急求日语达人帮忙翻译一下· 急! 既に歩いてた以上、涙を流させないで (すでにあるいてたいじょう、なみだをながさせないで) 急急 求高手 速度帮我 编一个检查 矿工三个月?你太有才了,你这是离职吧... 尊敬的各位领导: 您好~谢谢您能在百忙之中抽空看我写的检讨书! xx月xx日上午,我擅自离开岗...

山南地区17796745122: 英语高手请进帮忙翻译几个句子
亢固前列: 1 我们以前在这里见过 we have met each other here before 2 我妈妈不喜欢我随便给人电话号码 所以我不方便接电话 my mom asks me not to tell my phone number to others, so i am not convenient to answer the phone. 3 你不会中文我们学习起...

山南地区17796745122: 英语高手帮忙翻译下句子.1、他用他的第一个月工资给他妈妈买了一件毛衣 2、卫兵命令我们立即离开 -
亢固前列:[答案] 1.He used his first month salary to buy his mother a sweater2.Guards ordered us to leave immediately

山南地区17796745122: 高手帮我翻译几句英语句子 -
亢固前列: 1.斗牛最初是一个富人的在马背上的运动.

山南地区17796745122: 英语翻译请英语高手们帮忙翻译一下以下5个句子:1.这的春天很美.2.有些人上午慢跑,有些人晚上慢跑.3.我的朋友们不喜欢生活在这个现代化的大城市里.4.... -
亢固前列:[答案] 1.spring is beautiful here.2.someone like jogging in the moning ,someone like jogging in night3.my friends don't like living in this big monden city.4.we go to picnic at the seaside twice every year.5...

山南地区17796745122: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子! -
亢固前列: 1.Tell your problems to your teachers and classmates and ask them for their help.2.You should be confident in yourself(believe yourself).3.Don't always think about the results of the exam.You should think more about what progress you have made.4....

山南地区17796745122: 求高手帮我翻译个句子!(英语) -
亢固前列: 1.University life is good for our mentality to mature.2.Attending university is the prerequisite of having a good job.

山南地区17796745122: 求英语高手帮忙翻译个英语句子,鄙人不才半天弄不懂,谢谢! -
亢固前列: you will have to come back a day before the flight leaves to check for cancellations.1、如果你要取消行程(退机票),你必须在航班离港前一天回来(办理退票手续). 还可以理解成:2、你必须得在航班起飞前一天回来查明航班是否被取消.

山南地区17796745122: 求英语高手帮忙翻译以下句子,万分感谢. -
亢固前列: 你在哪啊?我最最亲爱的老婆,为什么让我苦等了那么多年?我发誓,只要你不嫌弃我,我将用毕生精力去守护你直到永远.Where are you, my dear wife? Why did you let me wait for you for so many years?I swear to God, If you don't mind me, I will take care of you from now on until forever!很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!

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