
作者&投稿:荣差 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I aspire to engage in relevant professional media such as news, commentary and news editor production, I read in primary and middle school, has been responsible for the wall newspaper editing. Class, China is lack of foreign languages and familiar to the environment of professional talents, in your study in China than professional - has more advantages. One is the specialized needs a relaxed atmosphere and the academic freedom and international communication environment, the mainland to have this kind of atmosphere and environment, no overseas exchange this project (2) is to arrange with the relevant professional engaged in the work, must be proficient in English language teaching, HKBU, I learn professional and skillful to master a foreign language (and, of course, be like conditional I'd like to learn one more language) besides, the school of foreign exchange are likely to get the opportunity to expand your horizons, accumulate experience of living and studying abroad. Choose to me, choose ~ ~ ~ of academic and obtain employment is good, and to realize my ideal an effective way.

Oedipus the King (ancient Greek Οἰδίπους Τύραννος, often known by the Latin title Oedipus Rex) is an Athenian tragedy by Sophocles that was first performed c. 429 BC.
俄狄浦斯王(古希腊文为Οἰδίπους Τύραννος,众所周知的是拉丁文Oedipus Rex)是一部雅典悲剧。此剧首次公演于公元前429年。
It was the second of Sophocles's three Theban plays to be produced, but it comes first in the internal chronology, followed by Oedipus at Colonus and then Antigone.
Over the centuries, it has come to be regarded by many as the Greek tragedy par excellence.
A priest and the chorus of Thebans arrive at the palace to call upon their King, Oedipus, to aid them with the plague of Apollo ravaging the city.
Oedipus had sent his brother-in-law Creon to ask help of the oracle at Delphi, and he returns at that moment.
Creon says the plague is the result of religious pollution, caused because the murderer of their former King, Laius, had never been caught.
Oedipus vows to find the murderer and curses him for the plague that he has caused.

Where is the geographic area of ancient Greek literature?
Which kind of literature are the two biggest accomplishment in ancient Greek literature?

"最早的美国人" 是印第安人。在人们发现美国的时候,就有大约 500,000 印第安人居住在这块土地上。但是,在殖民者到来之后,他们中的很多人被杀,而剩下的也被赶到西部地区。美国独立之后,其他各国的人大量涌入。在1890年前,移民者大多来自西欧和北欧(地区);1890年之后,大部分移民者就来自东欧和南欧(地区或者国家)。


“最早的美国人“是印第安人。在发现美洲的时代,在这块土地上,我们有约50万印第安人。但是,殖民者来到后,他们杀死许多印第安人,而余下的都赶到了西部。美国革命后,人们从其他国家大量前来。直到1890 年,大多数来自北欧和西欧。1890 年后,西来者的多数来自南欧和东欧。


“第一美国人”是印度人。当时发现了美国,大约有50万人的土地。但是,当定居者,他们杀害了许多的印度人,将其余的西方革命后,美国从其他国家的人来到大numers.Until 1890年他们大部分都是来自国家的北部和西部欧洲。 1890年后,大多数的新人来自欧洲南部和东部。


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弥勒县15335407638: 求英文高手帮我翻译一下这段话.翻译成中文(在线等).谢谢!hey bebe`i am at school right now!Miss you sooooooooo much!love you as always! -
安吕呋喃:[答案] 嘿bebe `我在学校里,现在! 想念你sooooooooo得多! 爱你一如既往

弥勒县15335407638: 请英语高手帮我把这段英语翻译成汉语
安吕呋喃: 在配售一个有效的订单前,如果你能在15天内确认把你的产品寄给我们,我们会很高兴.我们决定不像保存储备品一样保存那些最后时期未出售的所以项目.能把我们的费用寄过来吗?我希望能早点收到你的回信.

弥勒县15335407638: 请各位大神帮我把这段英文翻译成中文吧 -
安吕呋喃: 你是一个住宅区内一家小超市的经理.在过去的几年里,你的区域里建起了许多住宅楼房.随着人口的快速增长,你认为有机会开一家大型超市.所以你要向你的总经理,詹姆斯布什提议开一家大型超市.用下列的框架.

弥勒县15335407638: 各位英语高手帮帮忙!急啊!!请将以下一段英文翻译成中文...要求只有一个!句子通顺并且无语法错误. -
安吕呋喃: Westerners stand treat using long tables. The host and the hostess sit on the two ends respectively. Then, guests are arranged to take a seat according to their positions, whether they are the guests of hono(u)r or just general guests. Which means, ...

弥勒县15335407638: 各位英语好的大侠谁能帮我翻译一下这段文字(中译英)、跪谢!!! -
安吕呋喃: With the English in the society of extensive application, English education has increasingly appeared in the low age tendency. However, long-term since, due to insufficient understanding of children psychology, causes in the teaching of English can...

弥勒县15335407638: 来个英语高手帮我把这段英文翻译成中文.
安吕呋喃: 在布莱克浦霍尔特托马斯和格雷厄姆白宫同意作出实际的实验进行电子邮件的飞机.这个想法,因为它是第一个完成,为飞机飞行由Blackpool机场跨越到南港 ,以及邮件被接管那里的邮局,并传送到各个目的地 .但这个方案的一部分,必须改变,由于一系列高风,究竟最终是这样的:格雷厄姆白了邮件袋在他的飞机,并提出了与它飞行的国家,在非常恶劣的天气条件,距离约7公里,返回机场.

弥勒县15335407638: 请英语高手帮我把下面的英文翻译成中文,急,一定要准哦!谢谢各位了!"Oh,Mummy,"said Nike"He's very sad. Can l have him?lt's my birthday tomorrow... -
安吕呋喃:[答案] “噢,妈妈”耐克说到,“他很伤心,我可以拥有他吗?明天是我的生日”“问问你爸爸把”妈妈说

弥勒县15335407638: 有哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这段英文:prompt - message - the - mms - you - aretrying - to - download - is - no - longer - available� -
安吕呋喃:[答案] 信息提示:你正在尝试下载的彩信已经不可用. mms:彩信(全称是multimedia message) prompt message:信息提示 no longer available:不再可用

弥勒县15335407638: 各位英语高手,帮忙把这段英文翻译成中文,在此谢谢了. -
安吕呋喃: 一个成功的人是一个可以把别热不扔向他的砖头作为事业基础的人.你只是我生命中的一个块砖.你手中的转可能令我迷失在人生长河中.如果没有你手中的砖头,我可能会高兴上几天.而且我知道,如果人没有经历过困难他可能没有审视困难...

弥勒县15335407638: 那位大大帮忙把这段英文翻译成中文啊 -
安吕呋喃: 亲爱的,我的心一直和你在一起,我要跟你一起飞翔,你也是吗

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