
作者&投稿:华勇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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My vision is to become a like Michael »Jordan's achievements as a star! Schools in the school team I have always been great players, our coaches that I have the basketball talent, the future is expected to become a star! However, I feel that my parents General learning, as students, should make most of the time spent on learning, training, I spent too much time, there is no more time to learn. My parents are very angry, does not allow me to continue training. They I think that the ultimate aim is to test University, as only You Chuxi, not playing basketball! Can I believe that personal interest is the most important, success on the road is not only a university ah! Moreover, I also love playing basketball, And that more training be a star! Parents face, I do not know how they communicate and to let them know that the real idea of my heart!
自己看一下 应该是没有问题的

The classifiers is one of the characteristics of Chinese and Vietnamese, which play the role of counting and describing. The function of classifiers mainly is expressing the unit of object and the measurement of action. Indefinite classifiers means the amount of several people and objects is indefinite. The amount of contained people and objects is indeterminate. “Dian” and “Xie” are two of the most frequently used classifiers in Chinese, which are homologous in some way with indefinite classifiers “chút”、“ít” and “vài”, but not exactly the same in use.
因此,出于帮助学习汉语的越南人和学习越南语的中国人了解这两种语言中不定量词的目的,本文在参考、综合前人成果以及通过语料库考察研究的基础上,对汉语不定量词“点、些”与越南语对应不定量词进行分析及对比研究。本文的论述主要分为4 个部分:
As a result, with the purpose of helping Vietnamese who are learning Chinese and Chinese people who are learning Vietnamese comprehend the classifiers in both languages, Chinese indefinite classifiers “dian, xie” and the corresponded indefinite classifiers in Vietnamese are analyzed and compared for studying based on referring and synthesizing former achievement and investigating corpus. Discussions in this paper can be mainly divided into the following four parts:
Part One: Analysis and contrast studies on the semantic features of Chinese indefinite classifiers “dian, xie” and the corresponded form in Vietnamese.
Part Two: Analysis and contrast studies on the syntactic features of Chinese indefinite classifiers “dian, xie” and the corresponded form in Vietnamese.
Part Three: Analysis and contrast studies on the pragmatic function of Chinese indefinite classifiers “dian, xie” and the corresponded form in Vietnamese.
Part Four: analyzing the related error made by Vietnamese students in China when using “dian” and “xie” based on the research result, proposing relative suggestion for teaching Chinese as a foreign language.

Classifier is the language features in han Vietnamese, has one of the role of counting and describe modification. The role of classifier is mainly says things units and the amount of action. Some people or condemn quantifier said the amount of things is unsteady. It contains the number of people or things is uncertain. "Dot" and "some" are two of the indefinite quantifiers in Chinese, use frequency is highest quantifiers with Vietnamese time-bomb quantifiers chut ", "" it" and "vai" basically, but usage not completely the same.

Therefore, for help in learning Chinese Vietnamese and learning Vietnamese Chinese understand the two languages of the classifiers in purpose, this paper uncertainty in reference, integrated predecessors' achievements and through the corpus, on the basis of research of Chinese "point, some uncertain quantifiers with Vietnamese corresponding uncertain," analysis and comparative study of classifier. This paper discussed mainly divided into four parts:

First part: "point of Chinese condemn quantifiers" and "some" and Vietnamese corresponding form of semantic features and comparative study. Chromatography

The second part of the Chinese condemn quantifier ", point "and" some "and Vietnamese corresponding form of grammatical features and comparative study. Chromatography

Part 3: "point of Chinese condemn quantifiers" and "some" and Vietnamese corresponding form of pragmatic function and comparative study. Chromatography

Part four: the research results Vietnam by using "dot" foreign "some" related and functionally, put forward the corresponding Suggestions in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.

Classifier is the language features in han Vietnamese, has one of the role of counting and describe modification. The role of classifier is mainly says things units and the amount of action. Some people or condemn quantifier said the amount of things is unsteady. It contains the number of people or things is uncertain. "Dot" and "some" are two of the indefinite quantifiers in Chinese, use frequency is highest quantifiers with Vietnamese time-bomb quantifiers chut ", "" it" and "vai" basically, but usage not completely the same.
Therefore, for help in learning Chinese Vietnamese and learning Vietnamese Chinese understand the two languages of the classifiers in purpose, this paper uncertainty in reference, integrated predecessors' achievements and through the corpus, on the basis of research of Chinese "point, some uncertain quantifiers with Vietnamese corresponding uncertain," analysis and comparative study of classifier. This paper discussed mainly divided into four parts:
First part: "point of Chinese condemn quantifiers" and "some" and Vietnamese corresponding form of semantic features and comparative study. Chromatography
The second part of the Chinese condemn quantifier ", point "and" some "and Vietnamese corresponding form of grammatical features and comparative study. Chromatography
Part 3: "point of Chinese condemn quantifiers" and "some" and Vietnamese corresponding form of pragmatic function and comparative study. Chromatography
Part four: the research results Vietnam by using "dot" foreign "some" related and functionally, put forward the corresponding Suggestions in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.

which play the role of counting and describing. The function of classifiers mainly is expressing the unit of object and the measurement of action. Indefinite classifiers means the amount of several people and objects is indefinite. The amount of contained people and objects is indeterminate.


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仝斧瑞田: 1.I ofen do sports.(问你空闲时间做什么) 2.I wacth TV or listen to music.(问你工作学习后怎么娱乐) 3.(问你的家庭,你可以介绍有几口人,大家关系融洽等)

千阳县19884338353: 急急急~!!!各位英语高手~请帮帮忙,帮我翻译下面的句子~ -
仝斧瑞田: 1、我向他许诺说我一到北京就给他写信.I promised that I would wrote to him once I arrived in Beijing.2、他经常问我这个问题,那就是这个工作是否值得做. He often asks me the question "Is the job worth doing?".3、他什么也不说,这一事实...

千阳县19884338353: 急急急!请求英语达人帮忙,谢谢!
仝斧瑞田: Yiyang Education College Team one, *Town Farm,* County,* City, * Province Flat306, Building 17, Jinghua Lane, * Town, * District Height: 160cm Weight: 45kg

千阳县19884338353: 求:英语高手帮帮忙吧! 好的话我会加分``````````````急急急!!!!!!!!! -
仝斧瑞田: 1:They make machines in that factory.Machines are made (by them) in that factory2:Everybody likes this song.This song is like...

千阳县19884338353: 请求英语高手帮忙!!!...
仝斧瑞田: Stone Cold Steve Austin

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千阳县19884338353: 求英语帮助,英语高手来!!!急急急~!!!
仝斧瑞田: It isn't easy to lose weight,but I will keep on doing it. I insist on doing more work. I will go homw as quickly as I can, please wait for me. I will change my job as soon as I can.

千阳县19884338353: 急急急!英语高手帮帮我 -
仝斧瑞田: 很负责的告诉你,用are, 我六级过完了,而且网上有人问过类似问题.二、当主语是表示\"人口的百分之几、几分之几\"时,谓语动词用复数形式.例如: About seventy percent of...

千阳县19884338353: 急急急!求英语高手帮忙做一下,用名词性从句.十分感谢!!!! -
仝斧瑞田: 为你解答.35、that36、whether37、whether38、whether39、what40、what41、that42、what43、what44、what45、what46、that47、where

千阳县19884338353: 急急急!!!求英语高手帮忙!!! -
仝斧瑞田: 如今,电视已经成为一种必不可少的重要项目的生活.人们,尤其是儿童,花很多时间看电视.请写一篇约300字compossition题为“电视对孩子的影响”第二篇Admittedly,有诚实和不诚实的人.什么样的人(诚实的或不诚实)可以笑到最后?请写一篇作文,约100字的名为“诚实是有好处的.”第三篇Travel已成为我们生活的一部分.越来越多的人开始了解旅行的意义通过自身的经历:旅游能开阔你的思想.第四篇,你所在的大学里的学生会正在计划在下个学期举行一次艺术节.他们邀请学生贡献自己的想法和建议比如应如何组织或者应包括那些内容.作文“我认为大学艺术节”.

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