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m an Egyptian. I have a wonderful dream in my heart. Some people regard I', and so on. And some people even consider that I'. But if I could speak English as good as an AmericanDifferent people have different dreams;m an Indian. Since English is everything for me. Some people dream of being famous. Now, I'. Some people think I'. It', and write in English, I can think in English. English is my power, speak in English. Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream. Some people dream of living a happy life. Nothing;s to speak English very well;m nothing at all. Without English. Some people dream of making a lot of money, my future would be brilliant;m a Pakistan. Some people dream of going abroad. But my dream is different. So I work very hard. English is my best friend. English is my soul

I have always had a dream, that is ... You must say, "You want to be a scientist?" "No." "You want to be a mayor?" "No." "You want to be a teacher?" " Neither. "Actually, I want to be the owner of a farm.
On my farm, I have a "modern milkhouse," where milk farms contain a large herd of cattle and sheep. I can carry my milk and goats all over the world. I named my milk "Tianle Milk." Can imagine, my milk will make me have a huge fortune. I want to build a "Hope Primary School" to bring those homeless out-of-school children to my school to learn and live here and make them happy and happy!

Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of being famous. Some people dream of going abroad, and so on. But my dream is different. Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream.
I have a wonderful dream in my heart. It's to speak English very well. Since English is everything for me. English is my best friend. English is my soul. English is my power. Without English, I'm nothing at all. Nothing. Now, I can think in English, speak in English, and write in English. Some people think I'm an Indian. Some people regard I'm a Pakistan. And some people even consider that I'm an Egyptian. But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant. So I work very hard.

so many thoughtful men have found

中文翻译:乐于助人一直是我的激情所在,我喜欢帮助那些需要帮助的人。一天,我看到一个老太太在搬运杂货中挣扎。我迅速离过来帮她拎起那些沉重的袋子。她的感激之情让我的心变得暖洋洋的,我知道帮助别人会带来改变。 《乐于助人》英语 作文 篇二: A friend of mine encountered a difficult situation during her ...

跪求一篇题目“overcoming obstacle”的英语作文.
积极的态度可以在帮助你克服挑战方面发挥很大作用。不要沉湎于情况的负面方面,尝试关注积极的方面。寻找学习和成长的机会,记住每个障碍都是变得更加强大和有韧性的机会。 总之,克服障碍从来不容易,但是是可能的。通过保持积极、将问题分解为可管理的部分并保持灵活的态度,您可以克服任何挑战。 第二篇英语作文 写作思路:...

英语作文 My biggest problem
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英语作文How to get along well with others
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What did you do last summer holiday 英语作文 越简短越好 30词_百 ...
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国蓉丹鳖: so many thoughtful men have found

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