What did you do last summer holiday 英语作文 越简短越好 30词

作者&投稿:辟炎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What did you do last summer holiday 的意思是 你上个暑假做了什么?


一、My Summer Adventure

二、A Relaxing Summer Break

三、An Unforgettable Summer Trip

四、A Volunteer Experience in Summer

五、A Summer of Learning

六、A Summer of Adventure and Exploration

七、A Summer of Creativity

八、A Summer of Giving Back

九、A Summer of Sports

十、A Summer of Traveling

一、标题:My Summer Adventure


Last summer holiday, I went on an adventure with my family. We traveled to a beautiful island and spent a week exploring the beaches and forests. We went hiking, swimming, and even tried some water sports. It was such a fun and exciting trip that I will never forget.


1. adventure (n.) 冒险,探险

例句:Going on an adventure is a great way to experience new things and challenge yourself.

2. explore (v.) 探索,探究

例句:We spent the day exploring the city and discovering new places to visit.

3. hiking (n.) 徒步旅行,远足

例句:We went hiking in the mountains and enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way.

4. water sports (n.) 水上运动

例句:We tried some water sports like surfing and kayaking, which was really exciting and challenging.



二、标题:A Relaxing Summer Break


Last summer holiday, I decided to take it easy and have a relaxing break. I spent most of my time at home, reading books, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. It was a nice change of pace from my busy schedule during the school year.


1. relaxing (adj.) 轻松的,放松的

例句:I find yoga to be a very relaxing activity that helps me unwind after a long day.

2. break (n.) 休息,假期

例句:I need a break from work to recharge my batteries and come back refreshed.

3. hang out (v.) 闲逛,聚会

例句:We like to hang out at the park on weekends and have a picnic together.



三、标题:An Unforgettable Summer Trip


Last summer holiday, I went on an unforgettable trip with my family. We visited several cities and saw many historical sites and landmarks. We also tried different types of local food and learned about the culture. It was an amazing experience that broadened my horizons and created many wonderful memories.


1. unforgettable (adj.) 难忘的,令人难以忘怀的

例句:My trip to Paris was unforgettable, and I still remember the beautiful sights and sounds of the city.

2. historical (adj.) 历史的,有历史意义的

例句:The Great Wall of China is a historical landmark that attracts millions of tourists every year.

3. broaden (v.) 扩大,增加

例句:Traveling can broaden your horizons and help you see the world from a different perspective.



四、标题:A Volunteer Experience in Summer


Last summer holiday, I participated in a volunteer program in a rural area. I helped with various tasks such as teaching English to local children, planting trees, and cleaning up the environment. It was a rewarding experience to give back to the community and make a positive impact. I also learned a lot about the local culture and made new friends.


1. volunteer (n.) 志愿者,义工

例句:Many people choose to volunteer their time and skills to help those in need.

2. rural (adj.) 农村的,乡村的

例句:I prefer living in a rural area because it's more peaceful and less crowded than the city.

3. impact (n.) 影响,作用

例句:The new policy had a positive impact on the environment and reduced pollution levels.



五、标题:A Summer of Learning


Last summer holiday, I decided to focus on learning and self-improvement. I took online courses in different subjects such as coding, photography, and creative writing. I also read books on personal development and practiced meditation and yoga. It was a productive and fulfilling summer that helped me grow as a person and expand my knowledge.


1. self-improvement (n.) 自我提升,自我改进

例句:Many people engage in self-improvement activities such as exercise and meditation to enhance their well-being.

2. coding (n.) 编程,计算机编码

例句:Learning coding skills can open up many job opportunities in the tech industry.

3. meditation (n.) 冥想,打坐

例句:Meditation can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity and focus.



六、标题:A Summer of Adventure and Exploration


Last summer holiday, I embarked on a journey of adventure and exploration. I traveled to different parts of the country and tried new activities such as rock climbing, camping, and white-water rafting. I also visited museums, art galleries, and historical sites to learn about the local culture and history. It was a thrilling and eye-opening experience that allowed me to discover new things about myself and the world around me.


1. embark (v.) 开始,着手进行

例句:We embarked on a new project to develop a sustainable energy source for the future.

2. exploration (n.) 探险,探索

例句:Exploration of space has led to many scientific discoveries and advancements.

3. white-water rafting (n.) 激流漂流

例句:White-water rafting is a popular outdoor activity that involves navigating rapids and rough waters.



七、标题:A Summer of Creativity


Last summer holiday, I decided to unleash my creative side and explore different forms of art. I took classes in painting, pottery, and sculpting, and even tried my hand at writing and composing music. I also attended art exhibitions and performances to gain inspiration and learn from other artists. It was a fun and fulfilling summer that allowed me to express myself in new and exciting ways.


1. unleash (v.) 发泄,释放

例句:He finally unleashed his anger and yelled at his boss for treating him unfairly.

2. sculpting (n.) 雕塑,雕刻

例句:Sculpting requires a lot of skill and patience to create intricate and detailed pieces of art.

3. inspiration (n.) 灵感,启示

例句:Many artists find inspiration in nature, music, or their personal experiences.



八、标题:A Summer of Giving Back


Last summer holiday, I volunteered at a local charity organization to give back to the community. I helped with fundraising events, organized donation drives, and assisted with distributing food and supplies to those in need. It was a humbling and rewarding experience to make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute to a good cause. I learned the value of kindness and generosity and felt grateful for the opportunity to help others.


1. charity (n.) 慈善机构,慈善事业

例句:Many people donate to charities to support causes they believe in, such as helping the homeless or funding medical research.

2. fundraising (n.) 募捐,筹款

例句:The school organized a fundraising event to raise money for new equipment and supplies.

3. humbling (adj.) 使人谦卑的,令人感到自卑的

例句:Meeting people who have overcome great challenges can be a humbling experience that puts one's own problems into perspective.



九、标题:A Summer of Sports


Last summer holiday, I dedicated my time to sports and physical activities. I joined a local basketball team and attended training sessions and games regularly. I also went swimming, hiking, and played tennis with friends. It was a fun and healthy summer that allowed me to improve my fitness and skills while enjoying the outdoors.


1. dedicated (adj.) 专注的,专心致志的

例句:She is a dedicated teacher who spends many hours preparing lessons and helping her students.

2. fitness (n.) 健康,健身

例句:Regular exercise and a healthy diet are important for maintaining good fitness and well-being.

3. outdoors (n.) 户外,野外

例句:I love spending time outdoors, hiking in the mountains and exploring nature.



十、标题:A Summer of Traveling


Last summer holiday, I traveled to different parts of the world and explored new cultures and landscapes. I visited Europe and saw famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Colosseum. I also went to Asia and experienced the bustling cities and serene temples. It was an enriching and eye-opening experience that allowed me to broaden my horizons and appreciate the diversity of the world.


1. landmark (n.) 地标,标志性建筑

例句:The Statue of Liberty is a famous landmark in New York City that attracts millions of visitors every year.

2. bustling (adj.) 熙熙攘攘的,繁忙的

例句:The streets of Tokyo are always bustling with people and activity.

3. diversity (n.) 多样性,差异性

例句:The diversity of cultures and languages in the world is what makes it such an interesting and vibrant place.



Last summer holiday,I went to Beijing for a visit.There,i visited the Great Wall and some other places of interest.It is really a city filled with the culture of our history.I hope to be there again.

Last summer holiday, I traveled to the beach and enjoyed the sunshine.

沁县17148559170: what did you do 和 what you did 的区别 -
田夜浦虹: What did you do 是一个特殊疑问句,时态是过去时,你刚(以前/过去)做了什么. 这是一个完整的句子. What you did 通常在句子里作为宾语使用的,你所做的(事情).这只是句子的一部分(第二部分). 句子应该是: I don't understand what you did. Do you know/understand what you did?

沁县17148559170: what did you do 与what were you doing怎么区分 -
田夜浦虹: What did you do ...? 一般过去时,询问过去做过什么?例如: What did you do yesterday? 昨天你做什么了? I did my homework yesterday. 昨天我做作业了.What were you doing ...? 过去进行时,询问过去某一时间段或某一时间点正在做什么?例如: What were you doing at 9:00 last night? 昨天晚上9点你正在做什么? I was doing my homework at 9:00 last night. 昨天晚上9点我正在做作业.

沁县17148559170: 用what did you do ...造十个句子,并回打. -
田夜浦虹:[答案] 1.what did you do last Sunday?i stayed at home and did some revision.2.what did you do yesterday afternoon?i went to the library.3.what did you do when you were in America?i visited the Disney Land.4....

沁县17148559170: what have you done与what did you do的区别 -
田夜浦虹: 1、what have you done 这句话使用的是现在完成时语态;现在完成时指的是过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果,过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在的动作或状态. 2、what did you do 这句话使用的是一般过去时语态;一般...

沁县17148559170: what did you do 和 what can you do 后面分别跟什么句子,什么都可以的 -
田夜浦虹:[答案] what did you do.意为你做过了什么,时态强调过去. 接从句或者状语或者介词 例、 ①接介词 what did you do about my cat?(你对我的猫咪做过了什么) ②接时间状语what did you do the last evening?(你昨天晚上做过了什么) ③接从句 what did ...

沁县17148559170: what did you do什么意思 -
田夜浦虹: 这句英语的翻译如下. 这句话是过去式,翻译为你做了什么? 这是一个很简单的问句,直接翻译即可. 过去式是英语语法的一种,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态.一般过去式的动词通常用动词原形的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的.动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词.

沁县17148559170: what did you do(回答五种答案) -
田夜浦虹: 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:. I did my homework. I did some washing. I went shopping. I cleaned the room. I played basketball.

沁县17148559170: What did you do? 是什么意思?
田夜浦虹: 很简单啊 就是“你做了什么”的意思 只是过去式说明是过去发生的事情 动作发生在过去

沁县17148559170: what什么did you do? -
田夜浦虹: 其实what did you do?已经是完整句子了.没有上下文语境的情况下,还可以加个just.即: what just did you do? 加个名词的话,可以是job这类的词.

沁县17148559170: what do you do和What did you do是什么意思? -
田夜浦虹: 时态不一样.一个是一般现在时,一个是一般过去时,虽然都是你做什么,但是因为时态的缘故,意思也是不一样的.前一句是你现在做什么,后一句是你以前做过什么.

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