
作者&投稿:秋奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I lik th bar lamp. It's cut. I lik to do homwork undr th lamp vry vning. I hav a nw computr in my bdroom .It is my bst frind . Bcaus I study at it, play at it . thr ar also svral bautiful picturs on th wall.I lik my bdroom. Do you lik it?翻译 ...

Hello!I'm very happy to introduce myself to you!My English name is Nancy. My Chinese name is QiuXinyuan.I'm ten years old.I'm a clear lovely girl. I'm at NO.1 primary school. I'm in class four Grade six.I like sports, and sometimes like to play computergames.Let ...

Hello,everyone!My name is Winnie.I'm a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.I'm an active,lovely and clever girl.In the school,my favourite subject is maths.Perhaps someone thinks it's difficult to study well.But I like it.I belive that if you ...

if i am a pop singer英语作文?
If I am a pop singer,I will pay attention to my English,good at creation,if I have had the more chance to go abroad to study pop songs before 30 years old.I will go abroad to study how to write a good pop music song.如果我成为一个流行歌手,我将会注意学习英语,擅长于创作...

题目是My story of learning English 的英语作文 在线等
作文如下:I started to learning English in Grade One of middle school.The first time I read the words and song,我从中学一年级开始学英语,第一次读单词和歌曲,I was excited and curious,I was interesed in it,I like to learn it because I thought English was wonderful and ...

"Who am i"以这个名字写一篇英语作文……初中级别的 O(∩_∩)O谢谢...
Who am i In the sea, I am a grain of sand. I, hidden in the boundless huge crowd. For I have neither the gentle slim, and no bright eyes, but I have enterprising heart, have water dream a bosom, have the lofty ideal, I firmly believe that with a good gas from China...

以I am help ful为题写一篇英语作文
gift for our school and thank the teachers for helping and taking care of us. Others think we should buy pencils, pens, notebooks, schoolbags and some other schoo things for the children in the disaster areas and poor areas.I think we can …As students, we should thank those ...

how i change英语作文优秀范文
how i change英语作文篇一: My life has changed a lot in the past three years.I was fat and short when I came to the middle school.At that time I was interested in computer games and I spent most of time on it.My parents were worried about me.Now,I like sports and ...

跪求I Am Proud,I Am Chinese 英语作文 必须自己写,150字左右
I am Chinese. I am proud of being a Chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind. I've learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers. I've learned about the Great Wall and the Yangtze River. I've learned about Zhang Heng(张衡)and I've learned ...

《i change》初二英语作文范文100字
even though I do homework or exercises all the time , I can’t find much free time. In the evening, I used to play the piano and watch TV after I go back home, but now I have to study and read books till very late. Although I am very busy now, I like the busy j...

包胡18893274849问: 小猫AI写作一键伪原创生成原创文章好用吗? -
佳木斯市信龙回答: 你还 这个软件原创程度不是很高,如果对文章要求不是很高的话可以用一下,推荐一个比较不错的伪原创工具叫优采云,挺好用的 谢谢 望采纳

包胡18893274849问: ai续写软件有哪些 -
佳木斯市信龙回答: 随着ChatGPT的爆火,与AI相关的工具如雨后春笋,开启了野蛮生长,Ai绘画工具、AI写作软件、AI视频工具等等,今天给大家分享国内外的AI写作网站,这里只分享了10个AI写作工具,更多AI写作工具可以查看AI导航狮,收录了60+AI写作网站...

包胡18893274849问: 小发猫一键伪原创生成原创文章怎么用? -
佳木斯市信龙回答: 小发猫这个软件使用还是比较简单的,只需两个步骤:一、打开小发猫,然后把你需要伪原创的文章粘贴到编辑框里;二、根据自己文章的类型,决定是否需要选系统词库,点生成AI伪原创.基本上只需操作做两步就完成了.

包胡18893274849问: mac 自动生成文章的网站 -
佳木斯市信龙回答: 下面是几个可以自动生成文章的网站,结果有利有弊.1、AI-WRITE:一个智能写作网站,输入关键词即可智能生成文章.生成文章的速度很快,并且支持更换其他文章.生成的文章大多是新浪财经类的资讯新闻,且重复度较高,如果对原创要求高的,直接套用不合适,需要后期改文.2、写作猫:输入关键字可自动生成文章.生成的文章会有个别错别字,需要后期订正.生成的文章阅读性比较高,但是重复率也比较高.3、妙笔:一键智能生成投放标题.输入行业和关键词,它会智能生成标题,选择最合适的一条稍微修改即可.或者先保存几条标题,需要时再来复制.

包胡18893274849问: 请以LIve in the future为题写一篇关于AI和机器人写一篇英语作文·用·虚拟语气 展开想象 -
佳木斯市信龙回答: Life in the future will be staying fulltime at time. You just work and study at home. You need not go to the supermarket to buy food. All you need to do is take a pill a day. In your free time you just surf the net and baiduyixia and baiduzhidao. In the future I ...

包胡18893274849问: 求一篇关于人工智能的科技英语文章!高分在线等待! -
佳木斯市信龙回答: 国外百科全书里的,绝对权威.Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science that aims to create it. Textbooks define the field as "the study and design of intelligent agents,"[1] where an intelligent ...

包胡18893274849问: 小发猫ai伪原创生成原创文章,这个是真的吗? -
佳木斯市信龙回答: 我用过,是真的,现在不少文案工作者每天都会被要求编写具有高原创度的文章,但是借鉴别人的文章也是常有的事情,碰到这种情况的小伙伴们可以借助小发猫ai伪原创来提高文章的原创度,增加文章的一些新奇感. 有大量资料借鉴的同时还能带有自己的特色,非常的实用.

包胡18893274849问: 写一篇英语作文,100字以上.题目:How will AI(Artificial Intellig -
佳木斯市信龙回答: Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science that aims to create it.Textbooks define the field as "the study and design of intelligent agents," where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its ...

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