
作者&投稿:徐庙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.take some warm clothes with you just in case there's a cold.
2.children can learn foreign languages fast.
3.you won't catch the train if yo don't hurry up.
4.smoking is bad for your health.
5.they always make the same mistake.
6.my car broke down while i was on my way to my office.
7.we went to th cinema even though it was raining.
8.she wants to be a doctor after she grows up.
9.this is what i have always been looking for.
10.my mother was reading a newspaper when i arrived at my father's house.
11.they promised to investigate this problem.
12.i would rather have the small one than the big one.
13.it is said that this museum is made up by three parts.
14.the noise of this machine is so loud that we couldn't hear each other.
15.jack promised to pick her up at the hotel at eight in the morning.
16.this is one of the best museums i have ever visit.
17.you must close the windows before you leave in case there's rain.
18.our government has made plenty preperation to handle this probem.
19.everyone includingthe manager in this company thinks that mary is suitable for this job.
20.he wants to be a astronaut and give offer to universe studies.
21.he tries his best to catch up with his classmates.
22.we have to learn another foreign language bsides english.
23.she didn't go to sleep until her mother came back.

Where did he go on Sunday aftrenoon?
With whom did he go?
What did they see when they came back?
Were they both tired when they got to the 14th floor?
What didi Mr.Smith do then?
Could he find the keys?

The garden is in front of the school gate.

Which bicycle is yours? That red and black one.

He's wearing blue jeans, a pink shirt, and a black hat.

Do we much do homework now? Yes, you do.

That blue jacket is too small, how about this pink one?

There are some apple trees on the hill/mountain.【hill是小山,mountain是大山,请二选一】

The garden is in front of the school gate.
Which bike is yours? The one which red and white.
He wears blue jeans and pink shirt, and a black hat.
Do we have to do the homework now? Yes, you must.
The blue coat is too small, what about the pink one?
There are some apple trees on the mountain.


the garden is in front of the school gate.
which bicycle is yours?that one with red and black colour interphase.
he is on blue denim trousers and pink shirt,wears black hat.
Must we do homework now?yes,you must do it right now.
that blue coat is too small,how about that pink ?
there are apple trees on the hill.

I have a hat.我有一顶帽子。 My hat is old.我的帽子是旧的。 I want a new button.我想要一个新的按钮。I make a button out of it.我做了它的一个按钮。 I love my new button.我爱我的新按钮。I have a button.我有一个按钮。 But I can't find my button.但我找不到我的...

2.我一点也不喜欢打排球。I don't like playing volleyball at all.3.你开心吗?不,我一点也不开心。Are you happy? No, I am not happy at all.4.王老师是个好老师,因为他对我们很友好。Mr. Wang is a good teacher, because he is very friendly to us.5.你英语学得好吗?Have you...

1. Excuse me,where's the nearest post office?打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里?2.Could you tell me how can I get to the nearest post office?可以告诉我怎么去最近的邮局吗?3.Could you tell me the way to the nearest post office?可以告诉我去最近的邮局的路吗?4.Is there a pos...

1.他去过上海3次了。He has been to Shanghai for three times.2.他刚刚去了上海。He went to Shanghai just now.3.昨天,他去了上海。He went to Shanghai yesterday.4.下一周,他将要去上海。He will go to Shanghai in next week.5.上一周,我看了这部电影。I saw this movie last...

1.Slowly,a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat my happiness 渐渐的,黑暗的寂寞进驻了我的心,开始吃空我内心的快乐。2.while my surroundings were different and stange,the were also exciting and fun.虽然我身处的环境很陌生,但是我很兴奋。3.advertising is part ...

以下为本人的纯人工翻译,能力有限,希望对你有帮助。1.We haven't got any steak at all'我们一点牛排都没有了 2.We must go to the butcher's to get some.我们必须到肉贩那去买一点 3.I hope that you've got some money.我希望你能拿到一点钱 4.We need a lot of things this ...

帮忙用英语翻译一下以下的句子:剪纸是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之 ...
剪纸是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。Paper cutting is one of China’s most popular traditional folk arts.中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期特别流行。Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing...

.在我看来,创意就是做了别人没做过的东西,想了别人没想过的事情,是超越传统和打破常规的智慧,包含着人们的方方面面 (1) In my opinion, Innovation is to do what others have not done and think what others have not thought and it is the wisdom to surpass and break the conventiona...

1.英语并不是很容易学 English is not easy to learn.2.这本书太难了,我看不懂.This book is so hard that I can't understand.3.活到老,学到老 It's never too old to learn.3.去年那位著名的歌手到中国做巡回演唱会 Last year that famous singer had a concert tour in China.4....

一个心中记挂着这么多不自然的约会的人怎么能在采访中放松呢?18.When I first lost my job ,the real pain came from the realization that I railed not only myself but four others.当我第一次失业时,真正的痛苦是当我意识到不仅是我而且其他四个人也被围困了。19.All these rules work ...

怀安县19535508395: 帮我翻译一下句子 -
乜往十味: Everybody is eager to be your friend just because of your charming appearance. But the one who really want to go into your heart hasn't appeared yet.

怀安县19535508395: 帮我翻译一下句子?
乜往十味: happiness must be acted with extreme caution幸福有时很脆弱,明明这刻还拥有,下一次可能就不复存在,所以人要像走在薄冰上一样小心翼翼,好好珍惜,好好对待.

怀安县19535508395: 帮我翻译下句子
乜往十味: 1 Where did you go? 2 Can I have a try?3 We did not catch the train. 4, 5, It takes half an hour to ride a bike . 5 The boy in blue looks very sad.

怀安县19535508395: 帮我翻译一下英语句子
乜往十味: Meeting you was the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me. I will love you and cherish you in the future. I don't have any requirements for you. Slowly become old is the most romantic things that I can think of.

怀安县19535508395: 英语翻译请帮我翻译一下上面的句子,感激万分! -
乜往十味:[答案] 我估计翻译完了洋鬼子也看不懂 他们智商不够 理解不了 不要试图把中国文化 输入到外国 It is,indeed,twisting Chinese traditonal cultural

怀安县19535508395: 帮我翻译一下英语句子 -
乜往十味: 断句应该是这样的:i saw that、a little further、up the road、the traffic lights had turned red.我看见在路前方不远处的交通灯已经变红了. a little further不远处;up the road 路前方的;

怀安县19535508395: 帮我翻译一下这个句子 -
乜往十味: 翻译:我赢得比赛时将会得到我作为新人输掉比赛时得到的一样大的欢呼.

怀安县19535508395: 2帮我翻译一下英语句子 -
乜往十味: 1 I was only trying to help you.我一直在尽心帮你 2 she keeps looking at all those dresses .she keeps saying ,“I haven't anything to wear.”她看了看那些衣服,一直说,“我没衣服可穿”

怀安县19535508395: 谁能帮我翻译以下句子?英译汉:1、Theybuyticketso
乜往十味: 1.他们或者通过买门票,或者通过电视直播观看了这场比赛. 2.在温暖的天气里游泳是件有趣的事,而在冬天滑冰也不错. 3.The people from different countries often become friends after one match.

怀安县19535508395: 帮我翻译一个句子.. -
乜往十味: I had just the answer for him. 我正好有他要的答案. 不能用 reply,这里的 answer 是名词,表示“答案”.

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