
作者&投稿:笪龙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Who is the busiest one in your home? I guess it could be my mom.

I am the most intelligent one in all of the students.

Finally,he picked the laziest worker.

1. Don't litter the packaging of the goods we bought.
2. Pay attention to paper saving at school
3. A knowledge contest will be held for garbage sorting





1、No matter how much money you have, it can not match a healthy body.
2、Many people earn their living by writing music for films and TV plays.
3、He was attracted by her attractive smile.

1.No matter how much money you have, it can not match a healthy body.
2.Many people earn their living by writing music for films and TV plays.
3、He was attracted by her attractive smile.



20、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. 今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。 英语句子加翻译二 1、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。 2、Behind every successful man there...

001 The sting of a reproach,is the truth of it. 指责带给你刺痛,正是它的忠实之处。002 Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher. 美德和幸福犹如母女。003 TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. 行善者,人人铭记之。004 It's the easiest thing in the wo...

It is sometimes reported that strange objects have been seen in the sky. These unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have generated great interest. Some reports are hard for them to believe. Some explained scientific methods. Others have never explained.重点词汇 有时 sometimes ; at times...

5.你们在想什么呢? What are you thinking ?6.英国名字和中国名字是不同的. English names are different from Chinese names .7.欢迎到我校来. Welcome to our school.8.格林先生明天给我们做报告. Mr green will give us a talk tomorrow.9.这四个男孩中那个年龄最大? Which of the four ...

1.我支持你的计划但是也不放弃有所作为的努力。I am in favor of your plan but I won't give up making contributing efforts.2.他是美国著名的语言学家,被称为语言天才。Called as a linguistic genius, he is a famous US linguist.3.马克吐温显然是一位与众不同的作家。Obviously, Mark ...

1、Set off on a journey, bring sunshine, bring beautiful mood.动身踏上旅程,带上阳光,带上美丽的心情 2、Time, so in pursueing we look back, for a walk, never look back.时光,就这样在我们回首追寻中,兜兜转转间,一去不返。3、Youth is a ignorant and moving, always leaves ...

the English language.没有任何一个以英语为母语的人能了解英文中的所有词语。12.besides,there are short-cuts.不过,这儿还有一条捷径。13.When you first come across them. let me put it this way.当你第一次拜访他们,请允许我这样说。参考资料:如果您的回答是从其他地方引用,请表明出处 ...

①这是一个难得的机会。你要是让它从身边溜掉就太傻了!This is a rare opportunity. It is foolish if you let it pass by you.②我们的出口和去年相比增加了百分之二十。. Our exports has increased by twenty percentage compared to last year.③和他们的父母相比,今天的年轻人认为他们自己是...

I didn't realize that I forgot that the door had been locked until I was it.3,我很遗憾的通知你,你的航班不得不推迟了 I'm sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed.4,他是一位我们感到很难取悦的客人 He is such a guest who is hard to be satisfied.5,平均...

越短越好的英语句子: 1. This is a ship.(这是一艘船。)2. He is an old worker.(他是一个老工人。)3. I have a brother and a sister.(我有一个兄弟和一个姐妹。)4. There is a map on the wall.(墙上有一幅地图。)5. This is a yellow pencil.(这是一支黄铅笔。)6. Tom is an Ameri...

翠峦区17076263337: 急求英语翻译三个句子
丹瑾小儿: 1.这实在是太离奇了,看起来违反了大自然. 2.她有礼貌并愿意接受希腊人给她的东西. 3.她们宁愿要那个蓝色的(东西)也不愿意要那个绿色的(东西)

翠峦区17076263337: 用英语翻译三个句子. -
丹瑾小儿: smoking does harm to health(...do harm to...) he spends too much time in playing computer games(spend...in dong....,in可省略) she makes her life by singing in the club.(make ones life)

翠峦区17076263337: 帮忙翻译三个英语句子 急急 -
丹瑾小儿: 1. My storybook was near my watch just now.2. Their coats were put in the bedroom last week.3. There were two little birds in the garden after a while.

翠峦区17076263337: 急求翻译三个英语句子
丹瑾小儿: 1.Eat more fish,meat and bean,especially fresh vegetables and fruits,don't eat too much sweet food. 2.Practice more,take a good rest and take part in the sports. 3.Keep plenty of sleep,don't stay up late and sleep at least 8 hours.

翠峦区17076263337: 帮忙翻译3个英语句子 -
丹瑾小儿: 1. It is time for your turn to take photos for me.2. As time passes, he gets used to the life in the countryside. 3. They fell in love at first sight

翠峦区17076263337: 初二英语6句翻译句子(急急急!) -
丹瑾小儿: 1、回Would you like to share your toys with other little friends?2、答That long red skirt fits her very much.3、It is bored to do our homework all day.4、While I was thiking of my poor little dog,I was always sad.5、I will vote Tom because he always ...

翠峦区17076263337: 帮忙翻译一下三个英文句子!
丹瑾小儿: Protect friends and treasure friendship. I think that friends should help and rely on each other, and share happiness and sorrows. As a friend, you may never be self-centered or lie to your friend. 第三句刚刚回答得好像少个be,对不起啊>_<

翠峦区17076263337: 翻译3句英文句子 -
丹瑾小儿: The students here learn Germany instead of English Students should develop a good habit of hanging in homework on time Our class is made up of 45students,30 of which are boys

翠峦区17076263337: 急!请帮我用英语翻译下面3个句子. -
丹瑾小儿: 1)在我看来,虽然人生不一公平,但是我们永远不会灰心.(lose heart) In my opinion, though life is unfair, we won't lose heart(2)我们应该建立一个组织来保护孩子不受暴力侵害(protect.....form) We should establish an organization to protect children from violence.(3)一个受过教育的人会乐意去帮助那些在困境的人.An educated person will be willing to help those who are in trouble.

翠峦区17076263337: 英语翻译句子~~~~~急急急~~~ -
丹瑾小儿: 为了上学不迟到,他每天早晨起床很早 In order not to be late for school, he gets up very early every morning.请多多注意你的发音 Please pay more attention to your pronunciation.

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