
作者&投稿:蓟俭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The train go quickly above the ground between the two stations.
We have already collected plenty of information about the south pole.
While she was on holiday, someone looked after her cat.


During the Spring Festival we cannot cut hair
Look! Here is coming!
What bad luck! My bike was broken.

This is a rare opportunity. It is foolish if you let it pass by you.
. Our exports has increased by twenty percentage compared to last year.
The young generation now a day consider themselves to be more exquisite about reality if to compare with their parents
he is so angry that his face turns purple, and decides to eliminate this protest.
It is a long story, but I am not willing to discuss the background of this matter today.
We have spent more time than we thought to pass through the custom

The fire would have spread to the oil tank if the firefighter haven't arrived on time

1. This is a rare opportunity. It is foolish if you let it pass by you.
2. Our exports has increased by twenty percentage compared to last year.
3. The young generation now a day consider themselves to be more exquisite about reality if to compare with their parents
4. he is so angry that his face turns purple, and decides to eliminate this protest.
5. It is a long story, but I am not willing to discuss the background of this matter today.
6. We have spent more time than we thought to pass through the custom
7. The fire would have spread to the oil tank if the firefighter haven't arrived on time

1.This is a seldom chance .it is stupid if you let it go.
2.Our exports has increased by twenty percentage compared to last year.
3.Compared to their parents ,the youth today consider themselves the generation who attach much importance to reality.
4.His face was livid with anger,and decides to eliminate this protest.
5.It is a long story,but i do not want to study the history of it.

教育生活小林分享 2023-12-04 · TA获得超过211个赞 关注 展开全部 《我的笔友》英文+翻译如下: 1、I have a pen pal who is a young man from England. 我有一位笔友,他是一位来自英国的年轻人。 2、We communicate through letters, sharing our lives and interests. 我们通过书信交流,分享彼此的...

1.正如谚语所说 as the proverb goes 2.爱屋及乌bai love me ,love my dog 3.百闻不如一见duseeing is believing 4.笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start 5.功夫不负有心人everything comes to him who waits 6.金无足赤人无完人gold can't be pure and man can‘zhit ...

people spent time in shopping malls, the less they could withhold the desire to shop.5.someone as...as 我相信像她这样勤奋的人肯定会很快的克服她在英语学习方面的困难.I believe some as hardworking as she is should soon be able to overcome any challenges in English studies....

英语句子,越短越好,100个100分,要中文翻译 200个150,,300个300分,整齐点,翻译在句子后面... 200个150,,300个300分,整齐点,翻译在句子后面 展开 6个回答 #热议# 你发朋友圈会使用部分人可见功能吗?jacklion88838321b2 推荐于2018-02-03 · 知道合伙人教育行家 jacklion88838321b2 知道合伙人教育行家 ...

英语求 翻译句子 急!
It is only a snap for most students in their class to write a 100-word composition.6.我发现自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣(find…doing)I find myself showing a great interest in spoken English. 7.驱车行驶在高速公路上,我意识到近几年来,中国的公路系统发生了巨大的变化(realize,...

英语just as you have today怎么翻译?
以下是这句英语的详细解析,希望能够帮助到你。 含义解释: 此句表达的意思是“就像你今天一样”,指的是某人或某事情与今天的情况相似或相同。 语法详解: 句子中的主语是you,谓语动词是have,表示现在完成时,意为“已经拥有”,后面的today是时间状语,修饰整个句子。 具体用法: (1)Just as you have today, I al...

1. 这是你自己的错,不要将工作的失败归咎于别人。This is your fault and don't attribute the failure in work to others.2. 你负责决定要还是不要它。It all depends on you to accept or refuse it.3. 中国是一个人口众多的发展中国家。China is a developing country with a large ...

You know Chinese too well.5.很多人崇洋媚外。A lot of people worship and have blind faith in foreign things.6.我们对基因的了解才刚刚开始。What we know about gene is just a start.7.我要成功!I want to succeed!或:I want to be successful.参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

7、给我的电话充满电通常要花一个小时 译文:It always takes me one hour to make my phone full of power.8、毫无疑问今天实验中的动物受到很好的照顾 译文:There is no doubt that the animals have received very good treatment in today's experiment.这都是我自己翻译的,没有用很难的...

两年后高中三年级开始时,她不但已经能够讲一口流利的英语,而且还成为全班最好的学生之一。7. When men don’t have a chance for adventure, the only other possibility for them is to undertake dangerous activities.当男人们没有冒险机会的时候,唯一的可能就是从事一些危险的活动。8. The ...

临城县19576163763: 几个英语句子翻译 -
谢疤阳春: 早睡早起让人拥有健康,财富和智慧 Zaoshuizaoqi people to have health, wealth and wisdom 当周凯的妈妈看到周凯没有穿夹克衫就朝前门走时,她担心地看着他 When the mother saw Zhou Kai Zhou Kai did not wear a jacket to go forward Gate, ...

临城县19576163763: 翻译几个英语句子 -
谢疤阳春: 1.could neither read nor write,was five2.so much , go back to school ,learned to be a nurse3.necessary for them

临城县19576163763: 翻译几个英语句子
谢疤阳春: A: 1: Have you ever eaten fish and chips? 2: I lost my chemistry book just now. 3: She has had lunch. 4: Have you seen this film? 5: My elder brother hasn't come back yet. 6: I saw this film last week. 7: He lived here in 1992. B: 1:I have (never )seen ...

临城县19576163763: 翻译几个英语句子. -
谢疤阳春: where does panda live? fish lives in river. what is the monkey doing at the monment? Those giraffe's eating leaves. let's go to see the bright cholla in the zoo.

临城县19576163763: 几个英语句子的翻译
谢疤阳春: There is something in the wind 为“有东西在风里”,本意为“隔墙有耳” Rain before seven,fine before eleven. “七点钟前雨淋淋; 十一点前可放晴”,本意为“早雨不过午” A good winter brings a good summer.本意为“好的冬天就会迎来好的夏天”,本意为“瑞雪兆丰年” Tall tree catch much wind. “高树带来很多的风”,本意为“树大招风”

临城县19576163763: 翻译几个英语句子.~大家帮忙.!~我明天单词默写,有几个句子帮我翻译.! 1.我居住在光明路的尽头. 2.我的确不喜欢那条紫色的短裙. 3.你的自行车怎么了? ... -
谢疤阳春:[答案] 1. I lives at the end of Guangming Road. 2. I don't like that purple miniskirt. 3. what's wrong with your bike? 4. People like living in the houses with a garden 5. I can hear Tom playing the piano 6....

临城县19576163763: 把几个句子翻译成英语 -
谢疤阳春: 1. Nap at the moment, you will dream; and learning at the moment, you realize their dreams; 2. Deserted today, I die is the person who pray for tomorrow's; 3. To learn when the pain is temporary, and may be suffering from life-long 4. Now the water ...

临城县19576163763: 关于几个英语的句子翻译(英汉互译) -
谢疤阳春: 1.他没有说一句话就离开了.He left without a word.2.妈妈,我会努力的,我不会让你失望的!Mum,I will work hard ,and never make you disappointed.3.她太紧张了,以至于说不出一句话.She was so nervous that she can't say any words.

临城县19576163763: 几个英语句子翻译.(补充如下) -
谢疤阳春: 1. 假如我们向相仿的欧洲和美洲大都市学习,调整人力资本和工作时数会怎么样?2. 倔强而等级制度破碎的欧洲大陆努力去模仿这种技术,并且对这些方法的采用最终迎来了一个快速甚至急起...

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