
作者&投稿:底省 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


It is sometimes reported that strange objects have been seen in the sky. These unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have generated great interest. Some reports are hard for them to believe. Some explained scientific methods. Others have never explained.


  • 有时 sometimes ; at times ; now and then

  • 奇怪 strange ; odd ; queer ; surprising

  • 物体 body ; substance ; object

  • 看见 catch sight of ; see

  • 高空 high altitude ; upper air ; welkin

  • 不明 not clear ; unknown

  • 飞行 flight ; flying ; aviate ; voyage

  • 不明飞行物 unidentified flying objects ; UFO

  • 科学方法 scientific methods/ways/approaches

  • 从来没有 never

3、四十三%的美国家庭有互联网接入-完美世界的观察中。一些互联网-能在我们家已经上升了60 %在过去的一年。美国用户花费平均每周5.3小时在线。六%的在线美国人者谁过度使用互联网,据调查的18 000人由美国心理学家戴维。


1、我这些天很忙。 翻译句子 2、谢谢你帮了我这么大的忙。
1、我这些天很忙。I have a lot of irons in the fire these days.2、谢谢你帮了我这么大的忙。Thanks for offering me such a big favor.

他正在打电话。He is making a phone call.她正在写信。She is writing a letter.他们正在谈论什么?What are they talking about?Ben和Tin正在和谁说话?Who are Ben and Tin talking to?你的妹妹正在等谁?Who is your sister waiting for?我正在学校打篮球。I'm playing basketball at school....

1.Thomas Jefferson devoted himself completely to the drafting of "The Declaration of Independence" despite his personal sorrow and trouble.托马斯·杰斐逊不顾他个人的悲伤和烦恼,全身心的致力于《独立宣言》的起草 2.As the most influential US president, Franklin Roosevelt left a legacy which ...

他很忙 用英文怎么说啊
你好,这道题的正确答案是:He is very busy.very 很,非常 busy,忙,忙碌 ^__^祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问,如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!“学习很忙”用英语怎么说 (人名)be busy with studying 1和3是错的,2那样也可以 engage oneself in study也可以,不过意思稍微不同...

关于你在忙吗英语怎么说的问题如下:你在忙吗的中文意思翻译成英语的句子是Are you busy?或者翻译成英语的短句子Do you favor?

英语句子翻译 1、目前我很忙,咱们下周找时间再讨论吧 2、三月初新学期...
2. In early March,new term is approaching.3. Two visitors reached at the same time.4. Once these counties declared war to each other while now they make peace.5. You can come and go whenever you want.6. He knows about everything a little.7. He talks more and does less...

5 class teacher's sense of humor to relax the atmosphere down 6 do not bother her that he had just given birth last night, were sleeping 7 Most of the evidence destroyed. Therefore, it is impossible to prove that the drug is harmful 8 Cloud is floating in the sky in large...

希望能帮到忙,个别译了两种,使句式更丰富些。加油哦~1. It is a Japanese cartoon which is about the country's culture and the world's history.2. The cartoonist draws every country as a person and give their own character and habbit.3. (1)He is fed up with the war,so he...

I just need a computer, which won’t take up too much space, to carry out study on line where I can access much study materials. And wherever I am and whenever it is, I would be able to carry out study as long as I have a computer with me.3:distance education 有很多...

[汉译英]各位高手 来帮下忙 翻译几个词个句子
3 艰辛 炙热的阳光 The oppressive and scorching sun 4 夕阳西下 拉长的影子 映红的脸颊 坚持不懈 The setting sun descends in the west,shadow being dragged out, reflected red cheeks,persistent.5 对未来的憧憬 Towards the visualization of the future 6 飞向目的地 烦恼的尽头 Fly to the ...

宁海县19698276404: 帮忙用英语翻译几个句子 -
訾码希瓦: 1 were you watching the parade at this time of yesterday?2 i can get its meaning even you don't tell me.

宁海县19698276404: 帮忙翻译几个句子(英译中)
訾码希瓦: If one day 要是有一天You see a window on the bus the boy你从车窗看到一个男孩Please smile of stretch out your hand 请微笑伸出你的手Then said 然后对他说Walk with me... 请跟我一起走吧

宁海县19698276404: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子
訾码希瓦: 这食物太凉了,我受不了,请你用微波炉帮我热一下好吗? The food is too cool and I... 你从小在爱尔兰长大为什么听不懂英语呢? You grew up in ireland but you can't ...

宁海县19698276404: 帮忙用英语翻译几个中文句子!!!...
訾码希瓦: The dead foreigner, will not say the curio any China's game. One side rolls, leaves this area

宁海县19698276404: 大家帮忙翻译几个句子!
訾码希瓦: 1.他两个小时前吃过午饭了. two hours before he had lunch. 2.我必须留在北京,因为我已经修完今年的假期. I have to stay in Beijing, because I have completed this year's holiday. 3.我昨天上午洗了我的鞋. yesterday morning, I wash my shoes. 4.她的姐姐明天会煮十个鸡蛋 Her sister, tomorrow will cook dozens of eggs. 最后推荐你使用 谷歌金山词霸 网上搜索的到!

宁海县19698276404: 帮忙翻译几个英语句子
訾码希瓦: .增加产量的同时,减少了时间和节约了成本.When we increase the output of production, we decrease the consuming time and the cost of producing. 2.我们应该积极利用它好的方面为我们服务.We should actively make good use of its advantages to serve us better.

宁海县19698276404: 请帮忙翻译几个英语句子1、我已了解清楚,她的结论是以事实为根据的
訾码希瓦: 1、我已了解清楚,她的结论是以事实为根据的. I've found out that her conclusions ... A few days ago, a medical team with 3 doctors and 2 nurses started out towards the ...

宁海县19698276404: 帮忙几个翻译句子(中翻英)急急急急!!!!!!! -
訾码希瓦: I was a little girl, I was afraid of dogs. Zhang likes to listen to pop music. He decided not to give tom any suggestions. Dad not only bought me a birthday present, and brought me the good news. He was poor, can not buy a diamond ring for his ...

宁海县19698276404: 帮忙用英文翻译几个句子,谢谢了~ -
訾码希瓦: 一、大量的生活污水污染了水资源, ----- A great mass of domestic sewage has polluted the water resources 二、我们可以将水资源储存起来, -----We can store the water resources. 三、我认为保护水资源有三个方法, ----- I think there are three ...

宁海县19698276404: 帮忙翻译几个句子 中译英 -
訾码希瓦: 1,Many a mother attempt to live vicariously through their daughters.2,Atrocious weather discouraged people from taking part in a parade .3,I gave him some pills to ease the pain.

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