
作者&投稿:银诸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用英语介绍学校并翻译成中文 只需要10——20个句子~

My School
This is my school, it is so big and beautiful. School classroom very capacious, also extremely clean, our teacher is very friendly to us. Our school is in stationery shop opposite. Our school learning environment is very good.
We study at school very happy! I love my school!


As soon as he came back from the school,he was busy doing his homework.

I didn't realize that I forgot that the door had been locked until I was it.

I'm sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed.

He is such a guest who is hard to be satisfied.

Everagely,for how many minutes can you pay your attention in each class?

I guess that he must be on internet, but not reading books.

Please don't miss the chance to see the film for free.

The baby panda is being taken good care of by his mum.

The computer we bought last year is being repaired now.

I ordered a copy of a book with green back cover last year.

1,He came back from school was busy on his heavy work
2;I know that the door was found on the only realize that they have forgotten that pass the lock.
3.I regret to inform you that your flight has had to be postponed
4.He is a very difficult for us to please guests
5.On average, a lesson you can listen to the attention of the teacher lectures how long?
6. guess he may be read online rather than in
7.You should not miss this opportunity to watch the film for free
8.This baby panda is being careful to take care of the mother panda.
9.Last year, we have to buy a computer now being revised.
10.I will be the last of the back cover is a green color book

1`Upon his back from school,he was buay with his heavy homework.
2`I realized I forgot locking the door when I found the door locked.
3`I am sorry to tell you,your flight has to delay.
4`He is a guest who we think is hard to please.
5`On average,for how many minutes can youlisten to your teacher in each class?
6`I guess that he is sufing on the Internet instead of reading books.
7`You should not lose the chance to see the film by free.
8`The baby panda is taken good care of by its mother.
9`The computer we bought last year is fixed now.
10`Last time,I ordered a copy whose back cover was green.

1.Upon returning home from school,he was busy with his heavy homework.
2.I realized I forgot locking the door when I found the door locked
3.I'm sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed.
4.He is a guest that we think it hard to make happy.
5.On average,for how many minutes can you listen to your teacher carefully in each class?
6.I guess that he is surfing the internet instead of reading book
7.You shouldn't miss the film that is for free.
8.The baby pandda is taken care of by its mather
9.The computer that we bought last year is under repair now.
10.The copy of a book that I ordered was green


1.be tied up“系,捆”的意思,形容被拴住了,走不开,脱不了身。be tied up 引申为“被占用的、忙得不可开交的”I'm sorry, but I'll be tied up that day. How about next Thursday?对不起我那天没空。下个星期四怎么样?02.have\/get one's hands fullhands full “手头满了”,...

英语句子翻译 1、目前我很忙,咱们下周找时间再讨论吧 2、三月初新学期...
1. I‘m busy right away,we can make it next week to talk about it.2. In early March,new term is approaching.3. Two visitors reached at the same time.4. Once these counties declared war to each other while now they make peace.5. You can come and go whenever you want....

忙于某事:be busy doing sth 英语中的 be busy doing sth 是一个常用搭配,比如:He is busy writing,他正忙于写作。I’m busy cooking the dinner,我正忙着烧饭。She was busy weeding the garden,她在花园里忙着除草。He’s busy studying for his finals,他正忙着准备期末考试。注:以...

你先忙你的 用英语怎么说
一、你先忙你的英文:You are busy with yours first.二、busy的音标:英 ['bɪzi]、美 ['bɪzi]三、busy释义:1、adj. 忙的;繁忙的;热闹的;(电话)占线的 He was busy getting ready for his journey.他正忙于准备旅行。2、vt. 使忙于 To forget his trouble, he busied ...

我最近一直很忙 翻译英语
如果你想表达这件事已经完成,用现在完成时:I have been busy these days.如果这件事还没有完成,用一般现在时:I'm busy these days.

10句汉译英 请高人帮个忙 拜谢
1, I am sorry I am late, as I said in the meeting are not off.2, in music at the meeting, over and over whenever a wonderful singer, a nice song, the audience will cheer loudly expressed his appreciation.3, she was wearing fashionable, always wear fashionable clothes, but...

kind of busy a little busy a little bit busy

跪求英语大神帮我用中文句子翻译成英文句子。 “或许你真的很忙,甚至...
或许你真的很忙,甚至连回我一条短信的时间都没有Maybe you are really busy, even I have no time for a message

下周不这么忙,我们想把聚会推迟到那个时候。5.If the voltage remains constant, the more the resistance, the less the current.电压恒定的情况下,阻力越大,电流越小。6.The only thing in the world that one can never receive or give too much is love.爱是人在这世上永远不会受予失衡...

龙马潭区17192872874: 帮忙翻译下10个句子.要用到关键词..不要电脑翻译的..1.你们将要出航了,祝你们一路平安.voyage.2.关于汽油价格的问题在谈判中将会提到.negotiation,come ... -
藏穆西可:[答案] 1.You are about to voyaging.bon voyage.2.The gas price issue would come up at the negotiation.3.Because of his fluent English speaking,he won in the competion.4.expeditionor set the base at the foot o...

龙马潭区17192872874: 帮忙翻译几个简单的英语句子 1.他爱跟别人开玩笑He - _ - to - ___ - ____ - _____others2.我们教师前有两棵树There - _____ - two thees - ___ - ____ - ____ - ... -
藏穆西可:[答案] 1. likes/loves, play jokes on2. are, in front of3. talking, is coming4. reading, listening to5. is good at playing/does well in playing6. What, think of/about7. ate/had, at, last, was delicious/tasty8...

龙马潭区17192872874: 帮忙翻译几个句子哦(英语)1.你能帮我制定一个计划吗? 2.没问题3.请再说一遍好吗?我的英语不太好.4.好的.请出示你的飞机票.5.请不要在公交车上走来走... -
藏穆西可:[答案] 1.Can you help me develop a plan? 2 No problem. 3.Please say that again?My English is not good. 4.good.Please show your... 8.I enjoyed the party. 9.Tom enjoy listening to music. 10.in the park you'll have a good time. 11.I'm very busy these days.You? ...

龙马潭区17192872874: 帮忙翻译10个英语句子 -
藏穆西可: 1,他一从学校回来就忙于他的繁重的作业 As soon as he came back from the school,he was busy doing his homework.2,知道我发现门锁上了才意识到自己忘记已经锁过门了.I didn't realize that I forgot that the door had been locked until I was it....

龙马潭区17192872874: (急)帮忙翻译10英语句子
藏穆西可: it's my dictionary which was brought by my brother last week 2that is my English teacher who is talking with my father 3can you remember that day when we met the first time 4the building is the place where we ofen have a meeting 5He will explain ...

龙马潭区17192872874: 帮忙找30句经典英语句子(要有中文翻译) -
藏穆西可: 1. Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦就是快乐.)[无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比.] 2. While there is life, there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧.) 3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money ...

龙马潭区17192872874: 帮忙翻译几个句子啊各位英语大虾``1.你能否告诉我你什么时候能回到家?2.我要为你做一些不同的事3.我要在这呆两周的时间4.我在这没听到声5.有些人租房... -
藏穆西可:[答案] 1.Could you tell me when will you get home? 2.I want to do something different for you. 3.I will stay here for two weeks. 4.I ... the place for going hiking. 9.He asked me not to forget what happened in the past. 10.The children are growing up now. 10个我回...

龙马潭区17192872874: 帮忙翻译一下十句英语句子
藏穆西可: 1.Since there is still a hour left, you needn't leave at present. 2.There used to a little shop selling cassettes across the road. 3.It is the first time he came to Beijing, so he isn't accustomed to the weather here. 4.This is the second time that I participated...

龙马潭区17192872874: 帮忙翻译一下10个句子,谢谢你.1.I'll be in charge of the company when the manager is way. -
藏穆西可: 1.I'll be in charge of the company when the manager is way.在经理不在的时候,我负责公司的事情.2.It'...

龙马潭区17192872874: 请帮忙翻译几个简单的英语句子(需要绝对准确的) -
藏穆西可: 1、它能破坏我们的环境 It damages our environment.2、它能伤害我们的身心 It does harm to us physically and mentally.3、它浪费了我们大量的时间和金钱 It wastes lots of time and money of us.4、它对我们有很大的帮助 It helps us a lot.5、我们需...

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