
作者&投稿:毕月 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


旁白:Long time ago, there's a idiot.His name is Billy. He is toostupid, so he doesn't have anyfriends. He is always a lone,but he likes to go to the forest.There are many animals there.One day, the idiot goes to forest.There are birds, deers, rabbitsbeside him.Suddenly, There's a genius,Pookjumped to him.傻子:Hi ! The music is great.Would you please to teachingM me?【傻子作懇求狀】精靈:Ok! No problem.But I am hungry now.【精靈作飢餓狀】傻子:Wait a minute! Here you are!【傻子拿出麵包】精靈:ㄣ~~ delicious!Thank you ! My name is Pook.Nice to meet you.【精靈作好吃及滿足狀】【精靈脫帽示好】傻子:My name is Billy.Nice to meet you.精靈:Do you like it?精靈:Come on follow me. I will show you something.◎精靈開始教傻子吹笛傻子:This tree?精靈:Yes! Go on! Go on!傻子:Wow! What a lovely duck.精靈:You can have it.This is a gift for you.傻子:Thank you very much.【傻子取出鴉後十分驚喜】※下音樂(森林狂想曲)◎傻子拿著提籃及鴉子、和精靈、動物們快樂退場(第二幕)場景:皇宮(道具:椅子本文来自: 恒星英语学习网( www.Hxen.com ) 详细出处参考: http://www.hxen.com/yingyujuben/2007-03-30/4946.html


搞笑英语微电影剧本《Whose treat》(英语5人搞笑微电影剧本)
演员:A—— ,B—— ,C—— ,D—— ,旁白——
编剧: 摄影:
插曲:场景一《铃儿响叮当》场景二《雪绒花》场景三《泰坦尼克号主题曲》场景四《flash》场景五《never say goodbye》或者《字母歌》
(场景一:未定空地____5个人都到, 拍摄)
旁白:One day ,some yang people want to get takeout as their dinner
A: let’s get takeout ,please?(旁白念完直接开始)
B:why not? I like it .(开心,满足)
C:It's up to you .(看着A)
D:OK,but i have a good idea……(手托下巴,卖关子)
A:go on ,please(请求语气)
D:we always ”going Dutch “,.it‘s time to enjoy someone’s treat……我们总是AA制,这次找个人请客吧(扫一眼大家,继续卖关子)
C: but how should we drag the unfortunate? talk to us,please(请求)
D:(笑)OK,OK…….Each of us tell a joke, if not making others laugh, just pay !
A,B,C:good idea!(大家拍手,异口同声)
A:Let me tell a joke first .the title is” I'm Glad “.A school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. 我先讲吧,题目是“我很高兴”。一个老师正在对学生讲使别人高兴的重要性。现在,她说
(切到场景二,到一个教室,或有椅子的地方,把笑话表演出来,, 拍)
旁白:Now, she said现在,她说
赵雪:children ,has anyone of you ever made someone else glad?你们当中有谁让别人高兴过?
王鹏:teacher, I've made someone glad yesterday.昨天我就使别人高兴过。
赵雪:Well done. Who was that?做得好,是谁呢?
王鹏:My granny.我奶奶。
赵雪:Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grand mother glad.好孩子,现在告诉我们,你是怎样使你奶奶高兴的。
王鹏:Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours. Then I said to her, ‘Granny, I'm going home,’ and she said, ‘Well, I'm glad’!是这样的,老师。我昨天去看她,在她那儿呆了三个小时。然后我跟她说:‘奶奶,我要回家了。’她说:‘啊,我很高兴!’
A:oh, i got it !我做到了(很开心)
B:yeah,yeah, maybe you just tell your own story .(指着A说完捂嘴笑)
A: I……(要解释,被B拦下)
B:OK,now ,It's my turn .”a gentle reminder”is the title.Having been married a long time, my husband sometimes needs a gentle reminder of a special occasion. 婚后已久,我丈夫往往在一个特别事情上需要委婉的提醒。
(切换场景三,移至餐厅或有椅子的地方, 拍摄,)
B:On the morning of our 35th anniversary, we were sitting at the breakfast table when I hinted, 在我们结婚35周年纪念的早上,我们正坐在早餐桌旁,我暗示道:(录旁白形式)
双:"Honey, do you realize that we've been sitting in these same two seats for exactly 35 years?"“亲爱的,你意识到我们在这两个相同的座位上已坐了整整35年了吗?”
B:Putting down the newspaper, he looked straight at me and said,他放下报纸,眼睛直直地望着我:
田:"So, you want to switch seats?"“因此,你想交换座位吗?”
B:so, i got it,(对C)maybe you will like the man in the future (笑)it‘s your turn
C: oh,no ,he is stupid (不屑),my title is “girl,oh little girl”题目是“让人无奈的孩子”When they're together, my five-year-old daughter and her cousin tend to cause mayhem. (['meɪhem] )one Saturday, I put my foot down.我五岁的女儿和她的表妹在一起的时候,总要招来大乱。一个星期六,我开始抗议了。
(切至场景四,某空地, 拍摄)
: "All right, you two,"No screaming , grabbing, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling, breaking toys, scratching or fighting."  “好啦,你们两个,”我严厉地说,“不许叫喊,不许乱拿,不许哭闹,不许乱敲,不许取笑,不许扯淡,不许弄坏玩具,不许乱抓,不许打架。” (转身要走),
双:“come on ,MengMeng, let's get dirty . "“来, ,我们来把自己弄脏吧。”
B:OK,we three all did it ,now,(对D)only you left
D:i’m very afraid now,maybe I’ll fail it . Let me try .it’s “A dollar per point”一分一块钱A professor was giving a big test one day to his students.一天,教授正在给学生们监考。
(切场景五,至 教室, 拍摄)
D(旁白形式):He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait.他发下试卷,然后回到讲台前等待。( 轩演教授, 坐中间, 演学生,考试时, 左顾右盼很着急,交卷子时, 左看看右看看掏出100元夹在卷子里并且写了一句话A dollar per point.)Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in. "考试结束了,学生们纷纷交回试卷The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying "A dollar per point."考试结束了,学生们纷纷交回试卷。教授发现一张试卷上别着一张百元钞票,还有一张纸条写着:“一分一块钱。”The next class the professor handed the tests back out. And walk up to the student ,said,第二堂课,教授把试卷都发回学生们手中。走到那个 旁,
田:”here are your test and $64 change“这是你的试卷还有64块钱的找零。(邱大囧)
D:well,my treat(很无奈)OK,you win……i’ll buy it right now(走开)
原网址 http://www.jiaokedu.com/xiaopin/xiaopin_361488.html

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