
作者&投稿:顾和 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

According to my email on 10,June, your proposal for price reduction is hardly achieved. Through negotiation with manufacturer by great effort, at last manufacturer agreed to give 2% price reduction, that is the best I can obtained. Because the market here is very good, please carefully consider my situation and comfirm the offer. The new price will be out of validity if shipment is arranged after August. But we think price will remain if we place an order with huge quantity demand.






We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter of 20th August.we have quoted as follow:SEMEN JUGLAND 20m.t.,1200ponds per metric ton CIF London,Shipment in November. Payment by sight L/C,which is subjected to your reply reaching here before 5:00p.m. on 26th August.We hereby express our thanks again.

We acknowledge the receipt of your Fax dated the 20th August.Thanks.
Please find below our quotation for A garde (the first grade) walnut that you enquired:
Quantity: 20 metric tonne,
Price: GBP1200 per metric tonne CIF London
Date of shipment: November
Terms of payment: L/C at sight.
Please confirm your acceptance by 5.00pm, 26th August our time.
Best regards

we acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your fax dated 20th Auguest.
As regards 20 M.T of grade one Walnutmeat, we bid GBP 1200 per metric ton CIF London, shipment in November, payment by L/C available against draft at sight,please confirm our offer by 5:00pm, 26th Auguest our time and thank you in advance.



1,if your offer is competitive and delivery duration is acceptable, we would make orders.2,Upon your inqury, we will telefax our offer.3,if you are interested, plz write us an e-mail by quantities.4,We are very pleased with your offer and we would reply you within several ...

1.写一封信给 Household Utility Co.这家公司,通知他们说他们之前要10部洗衣机的订单已经装船。为了获取更多的订单,这封信应包括以下细节:1)询问用户对所供产品的看法;2)发一份新的家用电器目录并告诉 Household Utility Co.这家公司,所有的产品都是精工制作,价格实惠;3)保证对新订单立即跟进...

implement the order.In order to avoid any subsequent modifications,please make sure the terms within the L\/C be in accord with terms listed in the contract.your prompt reply is highly appreciated!thanks and regards 朋友,我也是做外贸的。以上翻译希望对你有用.手工翻译,仅供参考!

(3)经营范围 scope of business (4)驰名中外,久享盛名 famous both at home and abroad,with a long standing reputation (5)在平等互利、互通有无的基础上 Based on the terms of equality, mutual Benefit and helping to meet each other's needs.(6)随信附寄目录一份 enclose a ...

外贸函电 求翻译
1. 亲爱的xxx先生:我们已经如期收到你们合同号为4806的销售合同。按照要求,我们要返回一份副署后的合同复印件在这里。我们已经在中国银行建档,我们相信伦敦相关信用证会很快到你手里。一旦收到之后,请安排装货时宜,并且通过电报方式告知我们横幅名字与它的航行日期。2. 亲爱的xxx先生:回复:158号...


亲爱的先生:我最近3月15写信给你,我已经受到了由“飞云”装运的woollen piece的产品,但是很遗憾告诉你这跟我发给你的质量跟颜色不同。当我把货给客户看的时候发现,供应的颜色没达到质量要求,而且颜色偏浅了,他们拒接收货。在我多番疏导之下,他们才同意以降价5%的情况下报价。现在附上我给这批...

英语翻译 外贸函电 谢谢
Thanks for your counteroffer about the green tea on Sep. 13, 2007. But we are sorry that we cannot accept your requirement for the 10% discount. Actually we have acquired a lot of orders at the price we quoted, that means our quotation is reasonable. We can hardly get ...

楼主这个是不是考试题啊,貌似第三题偶被考过,呵呵。。以下供你参考 .for your information,our transistor radios are selling fast and there have been numerous inquiries for them,please take the necessary steps without delay.我们的半导体收音机现在非常畅销,已有多家公司对此进行了询盘,兹此...

松阳县18597555997: 求帮我翻译两封外贸函电信件,急!求高手!术语和格式要正确,不要翻译器直接直译的,谢谢!满意加分!信件1:尊敬的先生:我们确认收到贵公司关于... -
厉左妇必:[答案] 信件1: 尊敬的先生: 我们确认收到贵公司关于五百打手套的第613号订单,交货期为七、八月份.现随函附上我售货合同一... 内写“HW”,三角形的下面是目的港,接下来是订单号和件号. 除非另有规定,这将适用于我今后所有的订单. 盼按时交货. ...

松阳县18597555997: 求助外贸函电的语句翻译 翻译的好加分!1.In accordance with your request in your Fax dated March 9, we are pleased to send you, under separate cover, a ... -
厉左妇必:[答案] 1.根据你3月9日的传真,我们很高兴把我们的最新目录册分类,并附上最新的报价单发给你2.因为目前国际市场上价格变化频繁,我们的报价有效期为一周3.关于我们的产品,如果你想和我们建立一个良好的合作关系,请发给我们你...

松阳县18597555997: 求外贸函电中译英,希望专业点的高手帮忙翻一下 -
厉左妇必: Payment: Our company are accepted in the export trade letter of credit, which is always the practice, you probably already know, now you raised the installment request, having regard to 50% of the loan credit permit the shipment of goods in the first ...

松阳县18597555997: 帮忙翻译一下外贸函电的信件~急~~急 -
厉左妇必: To whom it maybe concerned,I found your Company name and your interested products from the internet. We are happy to tell you that the products which you are looking for is one of our lines.We are a very large trading company with more than ...

松阳县18597555997: 求外贸函电的翻译,真的很急~!!!!谢谢好心人,翻译出几句是几句 -
厉左妇必: 1.Each Tea set must be packed in transparent plastic bags,fixed in hard cardboard foam plastic gasket,in a hard cardboard carton. 2.we are very sorry we can't accept your order according our quotaion 6 months ago. 3.we had received your order ...

松阳县18597555997: 外贸单证与函电,英语怎么翻译最好? -
厉左妇必: 所谓外贸函电就是指在对外贸易中所使用的信件、电报、电传、传真和电子邮件.所以外贸单证与函电翻译为:International Trade Documents and business correspondence

松阳县18597555997: 外贸函电翻译 -
厉左妇必: Dear Sir/Madam:We received your inquiry in 5th July. Because this product is in the biz scale of Sino Imp&Exp. Co.lt,we forwarded your inquiry to them to solve,please contact with them directly. I'd like to introduce ourself to you this time,we are a ...

松阳县18597555997: 英语翻译 外贸函电 谢谢 -
厉左妇必: Thanks for your printing cotton samples sent on Sep. 13th, 2007.I am very satisfied with the price and the quality, and willing to place a order of 300 yards -Pattern Number72 - Unit prices US$12 per yd with Total Amount US$3600.I need the goods ...

松阳县18597555997: 求外贸函电翻译 万分紧急!!!!!! -
厉左妇必: 1. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for canned goods.我们从中国国际贸易促进委员获悉您有意购买罐头货品.2. We wish to establish friendly business relations wish you to enjoy ...

松阳县18597555997: 有一封外贸的信函 拜托帮我翻译一下 -
厉左妇必: 附件“D”附件四 SWIFT MT-199的版本 保留基金函件 SWIFT MT-199函 日期:发送银行:银行地址:银行电话:银行传真:银行代码:EUROCLEAR号码:用户名:帐号:银行工作人员:接收银行:银行地址:银行工作人员:A / C:NAME:...

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