
作者&投稿:堂步 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the problem has not been solved yet.

我认为We will solve the problem better 好些,副词一般放后面

第二句,We think we have to this thing. must 后面是接动词原形的

I'll sort this problem out for you right away,

I've already sorted this out for you.

第二句话应该不加 "problem" 因为你写的是"事". 在英语中 事 有很多用法. 这样比较好用. 第一句话也可以改成 I'll sort this out for you right away, 这个也比较好用, 而且较口语的

I'll solve this problem for you immediately.

I've solved this problem for you.

i'll solve the problem for you at once.

i've solveed the problem for you

I am going to solve this problem for you at once
It has been solved now

I'll solve your problem as soon as possible.

谢先生英文翻译是Mr Tse还是Mr.Xie.求解?
谢先生英文翻译Mr Tse和Mr.Xie都正确。Mr Tse这个是根据粤语发音进行的音译,而Mr.Xie是我们的汉语拼音转化而来的英文翻译,这两个翻译都是正确的。一般情况下,在一些比较正式的或者国际场合,用Mr Tse更好,因为汉语拼音在国际上的认同度不如粤语那么高,在翻译中国的人名时通常的译法是前者。例如:...

在这一天我们应关爱我们的父亲,同时也要尊重我们的父亲。I like Father's Day very much.我非常喜欢父亲节。2.Chinese New Yearis a special holiday for everyone in China.中国的新年对于每一个中国人来说都是一个非常特殊的节日。At that time, family members form all over China meet ...

14年间我多次来到北京 听他说话很有趣 对不对对不对 我是初二的 翻译不对别怪我哦 参考书上看到的 其实我自己觉得第一句是我14年前来过北京 但那又应该是 have gone to吧 公布答案吧公布吧 我们老师说现在完成时不能跟非延续性动词的来着 真的没错么 ...

1. When translating the term "content改写助手" into English, should it be translated as "community" or "society"? These two terms have similar meanings.2. In English, "community" refers to all the people who live in a specific area, country, etc., when discussed as a group....

Baker先生在一个小镇上工作。两周前他的朋友帮他在纽约找了一份工作。所以他和他的妻子准备搬到纽约。Baker想要注意个在一层的房子,那样他就可以在晚饭后在漂亮的花园里散步了。但是他的妻子想要住到第二层 "There is enough sunlight 阳光), I think . And we can watch the flowers in the ...

happy Twenty-three anniversary,happy birthday

建议译成:1)由我们给您$500,没有风险。您赚的钱归您。现在就开始玩。2)玩的时候用免费的$500。请点击此处。注:这种赌博网站为避免被人告吃官司,用词都十分严谨。所以这里对楼上的翻译作一些修正。1)on the house在这里译免费的不太合适。这是由我们付钱的意思。如果你在酒吧,老板说给你一...

楼主好,I am an outgoing person, I love to interact with lots of different people and I love traveling around to see different cultures. In my daily life, I like to play pool and roller skating, as they can release my pressure and make me relaxed, my life becomes much more...

庭训;家教 英语老师和英语翻译这两个工作哪个更容易找到? 英语翻译 英语教师,要么在培训中心教,要么 在学校,学校也分私立和公立,你有把握进公立学校当然英语教师好 英语翻译比较有前途 “做家教”的英语怎么说阿? 家教是Tutor,假期辅导班可以用summer school或者直接用holiday school都可以 ...


郾城县19633517806: 求英语翻译,翻译这两句话“我马上为您解决这个问题.”“这件事我已经为您解决好了.” -
成叛阿诺:[答案] I'll immediately attend to the problem for you. It has been well dealed with for you.

郾城县19633517806: 求英语翻译,翻译这两句话“我马上为您解决这个问题.”“这件事我已经为您解决好了.” -
成叛阿诺: I'll immediately attend to the problem for you.It has been well dealed with for you.

郾城县19633517806: 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译这两句话:1.喜欢我不代表爱我,爱我不代表会娶我,娶我不代表会照顾我一生·2.我愿你能延寿十年·为此我愿意折寿十年英文翻译... -
成叛阿诺:[答案] 1.喜欢我不代表爱我,爱我不代表会娶我, 娶我不代表会照顾我一生. Liking me does not mean loving me,loving me does not mean that you will get married to me;getting married to me does not mean that you will look after me all your life. 动名词短语做...

郾城县19633517806: 英语翻译第一句话:我要求马上送伤员去医院 第二句话:目前对有机食品的需求很大 demand 用这个词行来翻译 本人高二才学必修五!请达人翻译! -
成叛阿诺:[答案] I demand the injury be sent to the hospital immediately There is a big demand of the organic food in current.

郾城县19633517806: 求翻译两句话 -
成叛阿诺: 1、人生中最遗憾的.莫过于,轻易的放弃了不该放弃的,固执地坚持了不该坚持的.The most regrettable situation in life is no more than to give up easily what should be hanged on to, and persisted obstinately in what should have let go of.2、尽管这...

郾城县19633517806: 英语翻译帮忙把这两句话翻译成英文:1、我在幻想,我会是你说的那个“他”.2、多么希望,我会是你说的那个“他”.别从网上找在线翻译,这个我也会的.... -
成叛阿诺:[答案] 我在幻想,我会是你说的那个“他”. I'm wishing that I could be the man (who) you said. 多么希望,我会是你说的那个“他”. How deeply I hope that I could be the men (who) you said. 应该用虚拟语态 How deeply 是多么的意思 望采纳

郾城县19633517806: 英语翻译翻译两句话,我对英语很感 兴趣,也在努力去学好它.不要给我说I'm interested in English very much,之类的.要高级一点的表达. -
成叛阿诺:[答案] I am enthusiastic about learning English and i'm trying to do well

郾城县19633517806: 谁能帮我翻译这两句话,翻译到英文.
成叛阿诺: 换我心, 为你心, 始知相忆深. Let my heart become yours, so you may experience all the feelings I harbor for you. 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴. I don't want short-lived passion, I want your life-long company. 意译,翻译后的意思和中文不差. 自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助—— ♥

郾城县19633517806: 英语翻译翻译两句话 1:我有什么必要为你做那么多?你是我的谁?2:不要摆出一张臭脸给我看.翻译成英文 -
成叛阿诺:[答案] Why do I need to do so much for you?Who do you think you are? Do not show me your sore face .

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