
作者&投稿:勤紫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

i am now work at ** ,skillfully master the territory of bank cards and financial management knowledge; The People's Bank of China on relevant policies and banking business to the public informed. Personal banking business volume ranked the forefront; Many of the rationalization program of work, and to have some management capabilities. Proficiency Office software and be humorous, with good colleagues well. For customers submit documents for examination and careful, cautious, the decision of the foreign exchange, wire transfers and other related instruments business. Including the reserve bank seal verification, account balance inquiries, complete audit of evidence that large amounts of foreign exchange dealings. Timely, accurate and strict compliance with operating procedures Affairs and the National Administration of Foreign Exchange, the paper comments.

The story happened in the near future, a post-industrial era, the desolate ruins a above full of devils inside the prison, represent every prisoner had committed a monstrous crime. The prison committed people have a very horrible "entertainment project", which is held once every year the sporting events - terrorist cruel death coasters, you can use all sorts of flamethrowers, guns, grenades armed their own cars, also must to your other criminals escaped the shooting, until crossed the finish line. The warden, through the network video to let the world see the whole game, in the process of blood and violence to makes a heftier profit. Because the prisoner can be used in various high-end weapons armed own cars, so in such a competitive stage, although a spectacular and fascinating, but lives also falling instantaneously.

I am an outgoing person, I love to interact with lots of different people and I love traveling around to see different cultures. In my daily life, I like to play pool and roller skating, as they can release my pressure and make me relaxed, my life becomes much more happier with them.
For the past three years in university, I gaind quite a lot of professional knowledge in Economics and received my CET-4 certificate. In my time at school I actively involved in different kinds of clubs and some activities organized by my school. I also organized some activities and got the approval from my classmates and teachers. I usually participated in all kinds of volunteer work(你说社会实践我理解为志愿者工作,如果不是请告知我会再加更改) and gained rich experience, I got approval from the places I worked for as well.


I have a cheerful and outgoing personality and love to interact with a variety of people. I'm into
traveling and experiencing different cultures and customs. I like to roller skate and play billiard.
I feel that they help to leave all my worries behind and make my life happier.

In the three years since entering college, I have learned a great deal about economics. I have
also acquired the CET4 certificate. I'm also an active participant and organizer of departmental
and extracurricular activities, which has been well received by teachers and fellow students
alike. During school breaks, I have often worked as an intern and gained a lot of real-life
experience. My efforts have been well recognized by those I have interned with.

I am a person of character lively and cheerful, I like to deal with a lot of different people, like to travel to feel the customs of the different parts.In the usual days, I prefer sports like billiards, roller skating and so on, every time with these things can make me forget all my problems, I think because of them, my life will be more happy.第一段完结。
In the three years of college time, I learned a lot of professional knowledge of economics, the English four levels of certificates.In addition, in school I actively take part in all kinds of club activities, the activities of the organization in some colleges, of course, I also organized some activities, has won the acceptance of classmates and teachers‘ appreciates.I often use holiday to participate in all kinds of social practice, learned a lot of social experience, also has won the acceptance of the practice unit.第二段完结。

I am lively and cheerful,I like dealing with a lot of different people,like travelling everywhere to experience the customs and habits of different places.In usual days,I prefer doing sports like billiard ball, roller skating etc,because doing these things I can forget the trouble all, I think I get more happy because of them.
In the three years of the college,I learned a lot of professional knowledge of economics,got the English level 4 certificate.Besides,I actively participated in various community activities in school,and some activities organized by the college,of course, I also organized a number of activities that has been recognized by students and teachers.I also often used the holidays to participate in various social practice,that learned lots of social experiences,and also been recognized by the practice units.

I am cheerful and lively and like to communicate with different persons. I like travelling around to experience different customs. what's more, I enjoy billiards and roller skating which make me forget all the annoyance and give me a happier life.

During the 3-year college life, I have equiped with a lot of specialist economic knowledge and gain CET-4 certificates. Besides, I participate in various club activities and the other activities held by college energetically. There is no doubt I have orgnized some activities, which help me to get the nod by my schoolmates and teachers. Also, I entered all kinds of social activities in holidays and learned a lot social experience from that.

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谁英语厉害帮我翻译一下 急 急!~~~
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东西湖区17062559177: 急急急 谁帮我翻译一下这段英文 -
塞祝艾洛: 我非常抱歉那天我迟到了.但是你知道我并不想那么做.因为我睡着了,当我醒来时,已经太晚了.我应该向你道歉.我仍然为这件事感到内疚.我同学告诉我:因为这件事,你非常非常气愤和吃惊(bistended?).但是你并没有责备我.是我欺骗了你,伤害了你.好几天过去了,我仍感到不安.但是我不知道该怎样恰当地对你说,你是否原谅了我.所以,我必须给你写封信并希望你能够理解我心里的想法.

东西湖区17062559177: 谁帮我翻译下这两段英语....急
塞祝艾洛: 1. 遥远的距离可以阻隔....同上 翻译哦不错 2.前面有错 后面部分是--知识使人懂得下步将做的事情,技术将决定你能否完成此事,但最重要的是你一定要去亲手试试. 前面部分有错

东西湖区17062559177: 谁能帮我翻译一下下面这两段古文? -
塞祝艾洛: 陈仲举(陈蕃)的言行成为当时读书人的楷模,为官刚上任,就有澄清天下的志向.担任豫章太守时,一到南昌就问徐孺子住哪里,要去探望他.主薄说:" 大家伙儿的意思,是请太守您先到官府去." 陈仲举说:" 从前,周武王乘车经过贤人商容家门口,俯首而立.敬贤礼士,席不暇暖,我要去拜访一下贤人,有什么不应该呢?"

东西湖区17062559177: 谁能翻译下这两段英语!!!!急!!!!
塞祝艾洛: Young time we have not expected, in a hurry a Wrong body, one error this life.年轻的时候我们没有期望,一生匆忙而过.Clearly not stangers, but one with more than strangers still unfamailiar.清晰却不陌生,只是一个人比陌生更陌生.

东西湖区17062559177: 请哪位高手帮我翻译一下这两段话,急用啦,谢谢啦! -
塞祝艾洛: abstract: This article mainly introduced great is popular the knitting limited company enterprise blog the application, has summarized the blog characteristic and the superiority, and analyzed great has been popular some strategies which the knitting ...

东西湖区17062559177: 哪位高人能帮我翻译两段文字,急!!!跪求!(不要机械翻译,最好标准.可加赏)
塞祝艾洛: outlined WSS series bimetallic thermometer, measurable -80 ~ +500 ℃ within the scope of temperature, and on-site instruction. According to different measurement range can be directly measured gas, liquid and vapor temperature. Bimetallic ...

东西湖区17062559177: 谁能帮我翻译这两段话?
塞祝艾洛: 这是一个关于每一个人的故事 树是我们的伙伴 当我们还小的时候 我们很喜欢玩 当我们长大以后 离开它们…… 我有三个愿望 希望友谊温暖我们的心 希望我们常常见面 一个声音的关心问候胜过十打良药疲劳和疼痛(意思就是疲劳和疼痛就算有十打良药都不如朋友一句关心问候的话)

东西湖区17062559177: 急求英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话....跪谢. -
塞祝艾洛: 这是我自己译的,为了配合英文语法,做了些小改动.希望对你有帮助.每年的4月至12月是最佳旅游时节. Every year between april and december, is the best tourist season.如果想观赏太姥山的红叶最佳时间为11月下旬:景区西南侧霞浦县境...

东西湖区17062559177: 跪求英文翻译高手!!!!!帮我翻译一下这两段话!!!谢谢1.随着?
塞祝艾洛: 1. Along with the modern library unceasing rapid development, thelibrary ... This article breaks the traditional library only from angleexploration public library construction ...

东西湖区17062559177: 【急】谁能帮我把这段话翻译成中文?
塞祝艾洛: 我只是希望所有事情能有一个不同的结果. 我对你有一种很特别的感觉. 我想也许你也是这样的. 或许你会明白.但…… 无论怎样,你都将一直在我的心里. 你永远都是我的宝贝.

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