
作者&投稿:苑甘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I think there are so many roles in the family
in the evenings during last term
We cannot late for school


1 She makes more / less (money) than I (do)

2 How much more / less does she make than you each month?

3 She makes $2000 more / less than I do each month.

4 Try your best not to borrow money from the others.


他很喜欢诗歌,特别是唐诗。(in particular)。

He likes poetry very much, in particular Tang poetry.


Many of the concrete problems mentioned in the second section of the report need to be solved immediately。

我会为你准备一杯由鲜果汁,酸奶和鸡蛋制成的特殊饮料(make up of)。

I'll prepare you a special drink made up of fresh juice, yogurt and eggs。

如果你放松一段时间,你会好的更快一些.(more quickly)。

If you relax for a while, you'll get better more quickly。

如果艾米没有逗那只猫,它就不会打翻那个漂亮的花瓶了(tease;knock over)。

If Amy hadn't teased the cat, it wouldn't have knocked over the beautiful vase


Don't forget to put the compass in when you prepare your luggage for a expedition。

我很想去街角新开的四川餐馆试一试。(would like to try out )。

I'd would like to try out the new Sichuan restaurant on the corner。

1. He is very fond of poetry, poetry of Tang Dynasty in particular.
2. The many concrete questions mentioned in the second section of the report need to be solved at once.
3. I will prepare for you a special drink made up of fresh juice, yogurt and egg.
4. If take some time to relax, you will recover more quickly.
5. If Amy hadn't teased that cat, it would not have knocked over that beautiful vase.
6. Don't forget to put in the compass when you prepare the luggage for expedition.
7.I would very much like to try out the food in that newly-opened Sichuan restaurant at the corner of the street.

One, he likes poetry, especially the Tang Dynasty. (In particular)
2, the second part of the report referred to many of the specific issues to be resolved immediately (section; concrete)
3, I will prepare for you a cup from the fresh fruit juice, yogurt and eggs made of a special drink (make up of)
4, if you relax for some time, you will be better faster. (More quickly)
5, if Amy does not amuse the cat, it will not be knocked over that beautiful vase of (tease; knock over)
6, to prepare you for a long journey to reclaim their luggage should not forget to put the compass to go (expedition; compass)
7, I would like to go around the corner to try a new restaurant opened in Sichuan. (Would like to try out)


are you in a hurry, Sir?20.我给你打了几次电话,但是没人接。I called him several times, but got no answers.21.我从中国打来的(电话)。This is from China.22.你需要确认一下我的票吗?Do you need to check my ticket?手工翻译。保证正确简单。都是平时自己常用的!笑纳!

1。和其他语言一样,你在英语上花时间越多就能学的越好 The more time you spend time on learning english,the better you will learn, just like learning other languages.2。他们已经安排好让我们明天去游览长城,我相信我们在那一定会玩的很开心 They have arranged everything for us to visit ...

对于这三个句子现在进行一一翻译。1-当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。When it rains all over the world, let's make an appointment to clear up in our hearts.前面是一个时间状语从句,后面是一个祈使句。2-极美的星夜,天上没有一朵浮云。深蓝色的夜空,满缀着钻石般的繁星...

2,the jets from Washington National Airport that normally fly around the presidential monuments like hungry gulls are,for the moment represented by the one that fell.2,从华盛顿国际机场起飞的飞机正常飞行在总统遗迹像饥饿的海鸥,目前代表一个倒下。3,instead of devoting large of our days ...

100句有翻译的英语句子(不要太深奥的平常就行 初中的 每句至少要有12...
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英语求 翻译句子 急!
It is only a snap for most students in their class to write a 100-word composition.6.我发现自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣(find…doing)I find myself showing a great interest in spoken English. 7.驱车行驶在高速公路上,我意识到近几年来,中国的公路系统发生了巨大的变化(realize,...

看起来每个8到15岁的美国男孩都喜欢玩电子游戏,但是这些游戏在同年龄段的女孩中间受欢迎程度一般。3 He was a really considerate friend ,always available to help at the slightest hint of trouble ..他真是一个体贴的朋友,哪怕是微不足道的小麻烦也总能提供帮助。4 He pointed out ...

1:总所周知,熟能生巧,每天读一篇文章一定会提高阅读技能 1: known, practice makes perfect, read an article every day will improve your reading skills 2:最后,你应该制定一项恰当的计划,这有益于现在和将来的学习 2: finally, you should make a proper plan, this is good for the ...

fell down。我用尽了他全部的力气,然后倒下了。20、Are you in agreement about the price?你对这一价格满意吗?21、The two sides failed to reach agreement。双方无法达成共识。22、It has turned out to be a nice day after all。无论怎样,看起来还是个好天气。希望对你有帮助~天上~...

You know Chinese too well.5.很多人崇洋媚外。A lot of people worship and have blind faith in foreign things.6.我们对基因的了解才刚刚开始。What we know about gene is just a start.7.我要成功!I want to succeed!或:I want to be successful.参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

呼兰区17535094330: 翻译几个英语句子,会加分的〔10分以上〕 -
登侦单硝: 1它属于修汽车的Carl clutch2她的学生开始到达3接着被拉回床上4汽车和卡车正停在外面5她叫我到外面吃早饭6那就是我如何得到的好主意7Poppy仍是被迫整天教音乐8粘在他的空口袋里9快乐地可以超过Flinch 先生10在短短的几天内11在一束光线下擦他的脏手12我一卖掉房子便搬走13没有什么地方能像家一样14 Flinch 先生想和Poppy Plink 一样搬走15你离开了吗?讨厌鬼16我可怜这个不得不和你做邻居的人

呼兰区17535094330: 寻求11个英语句子的准确翻译!!(有解释,可加分!)
登侦单硝: 1.这是我最不愿做的事 2.他最不可能撒谎 3.一个人有再多朋友也不为过 4.胜者为王 5.马有失蹄 6我担心的都不想知道结果 7.他不当老师有三年了 8.他不住那里好多年了 9.我不是不懂装懂 10我准备好了 11今天早晨很冷 1.2.last thing ...是指最后一个 引申义也就是最不愿意 最不可能的 3.never ... too 双重否定 表肯定 4.5句型一样 第四个翻错了 是智者千虑必有一失 是指人有聪明有笨的,大多数人会犯错的 ,马有好劣 大多数马还是会失蹄的 6 too...to 太 以至于不能 7.8看清前面不是完成时 9pretend to 假装 10.11good 用作程度副词 表示很非常 的意思

呼兰区17535094330: 翻译7句英语句子 -
登侦单硝: 1I met many people yesterday in the park.Some of them are crying, some are laughing and some are jumping. 2 Look!There are so many people runing on the street.3 My father practices running everday.4Mom often wakes me up early in the ...

呼兰区17535094330: 英语句子翻译!!! 好的加分!!!!!!!!!! -
登侦单硝: 1、距离不是爱的障碍2、空间不会是终点3、谢谢你证明了梦想是会实现的4、自从你进入我的生命后,我不知道用什么方式来感谢你,最另我疯狂的是我的身边没有你5、你在这里呆着6、你是我永恒的灵感7、自己寻找自信8、我无法形容你对我的生活改变有多大9、你让我糟糕的日子变得很棒10、没有绝对的完美 自己翻译的!

呼兰区17535094330: 这些英语句子翻译下,又对又多我给分
登侦单硝: 1.她经常帮助她的朋友 2..这些是你的照片,可以把它们给我吗 3.上周末你去哪儿了?我在家啊 4.你认识那个戴眼镜的女孩吗? 5.谁能帮帮我学英语啊 6.大卫和迈克正在做家庭作业 7.那个小男孩正跑向他的妈妈 8 他们在那边做什么 9 我喜欢问他们问题 10 你们正在找书吗?不,不是的 11一群男孩和女孩在操场上跑步 12 那辆玩具车刚刚都还在这里 13 我们一起去照相吧 14 邮票刚刚还在的 15 我的CD机载桌子上 16 谁能帮我拿一下那个盒子

呼兰区17535094330: 翻译英语句子7句
登侦单硝: 1 How he had? He felt uncomfortable. We have to ask the doctor! Do you remember the doctor's phone number? I take a look at your tongue 2 He was in a cold, so he must stay in bed for a week. BILL This is good news, because he does not like to ...

呼兰区17535094330: 翻译英语句子,好的加分
登侦单硝: 1.The weather will be warm 2.There are lots of buildings on the coast. 3.Our school library is binger than in your school library. 4.He plays the piano is better than me 5.I have two hobbies, one is playing football, one is playing basketball 6.China is ...

呼兰区17535094330: 英语句子翻译~~~~~~~~~7句+一段短文 高手快来~~~~~~~~ -
登侦单硝: 1、士波肯市(美国华盛顿州的一个城市)的Sonora Louise Smart Dodd (人名,杜德夫人,开创父亲节) 2、一个成年人体内含有10到11品脱(美国容量单位,为0.473升)的血液,我们可以失去一品脱的血液而毫无察觉. 3.某天一位年轻人...

呼兰区17535094330: 用英语翻译下面的7个句子 -
登侦单硝: 1.Ben this passion football, his biggest of the happiness be oneself into the a moment of ball.2.There with the help of the computer, you would detection processing and sharing the information be not difficult.3.The(杰克) right bower ...

呼兰区17535094330: 英语(超长)快翻译句子赚分了 -
登侦单硝: I think there are so many roles in the family in the evenings during last term We cannot late for school 如果帮到你请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

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