
作者&投稿:运盼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮忙翻译几个句子(汉翻 英)谢谢!~

I‘d like to do handmake to cultivate my patience and carefulness.
In the past, my family and I were sick in hospital and I noticed that the nurses were very busy and rarely talk to us. I want to improve in this aspect. I will smile and try my best to warm the heart of the patients and make them happy.

1. This is not to your chocolate.
2. Plate you have some bread?
3. You can do when I read the letter?
4. I do not like coffee, I like to put sugar in coffee.
5. That he can hold only big box.
6. I can not play this letter. (In this fight means to print)
7. The table you have some pencils?
8. The little boys will read this book. (Recognizing that the word will be read, you can read)
9. The boy was standing in front of the house.
10. Would you help me open it?

1,I speak,i'm sure,for the faculty of the liberal arts college and for the faculty of the specialized schools as well,when i say that a universuty has no real existence and no real purpose except as it succeeds in putting you in touch,both as specialists and as humans,with those human minds your human mind needs to include.1,我说,我敢肯定,为学院文科大学和学院的专业学校一样,当我说,大学没有真实的存在,没有真正的目的,除非他成功的把你联系,既作为专家,作为人类,那些人类思想和你人的心灵应包括。2,the jets from Washington National Airport that normally fly around the presidential monuments like hungry gulls are,for the moment represented by the one that fell.2,从华盛顿国际机场起飞的飞机正常飞行在总统遗迹像饥饿的海鸥,目前代表一个倒下。3,instead of devoting large of our days to our loved ones,we replace them with sth called "quality time",which,more often thannot,is no time at all.3,而不是投入大量的我们的日子,我们的亲人,我们取代他们与某事称为“时间”,其中,通常,根本没有时间。4,American,i expained in a rush ,and i live over the hill,and i was just seeing if there was a pond,and farmer Crowford had said it was okay,and anyhow,i was on my way home,so goodbye.4,美国,我解释过在一个繁忙,我居住在山上,我只是看到如果有一个池塘,和农民克劳福德说这是很好的,不管怎样,我在回家的路上,再见。









That singer has been striving very hard, but still he is not recognized .2. 用了他的方法,我的学习效率提高了。My learning efficiency is greatly enhanced after using his method.3. 他是我最羡慕的人,因为他有很多成绩。I most admire him because he has a lot of achievements.4....

回答和翻译如下:How troublesome differing ways of handling time can be is well illustrated by the case of an American agriculturalist assigned to duty as an attache of out embassy in a Latin country. After what seemed to him a suitable period he let it be known what he would li...

Apart from the fact that this pair of trousers doesn't go well with my jacket, it it isn't big enough.18.不论理由是什么,反正我喜欢流行音乐(whatever )Whatever the reason is, i enjoy popmusic.19.他对国外文化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以求有用的信息(browse through )Showing ...

1.我拿不准这本书是谁的。(belong to)I am not quite sure who that book belongs to.2.毫无疑问,搜寻那些丢失的文物的工作还会继续下去。(no doubt;search for)There is no doubt that the search of for those lost cultural relics will continue.3.妇女不仅参与奥运会,而且还起了重要...

当眼前呈现出涉及抚育孩子的场景时,他们可以记住更多的话语。这里present可以理解成展现,出现,主语是they,是they被呈现以,所以用presented with。


这句话的翻译是 圣克鲁斯岛坐落于南加州海岸,岛上居住着一种叫做岛狐狸的神奇动物。这是个含有定语从句的主从复合句,主句是倒装句,是因为介词短语放句首用了完全倒装,从句是 where 引导的定语从句,修饰主句主语Santa Cruz Island,从句中的 主语是 a magical creature,called the island fox 是过去...

1、It is up to 20% populations in the city lived underneath the line of poverty for which dues to less incomes or without incomes 2、These families are eager to live a better life 3、we believed that they are supposed to have training and educating,and then makes their ...

21。在选集中演讲者忽视了对选举的微不足道的消极反思。22。光电升降机内的电气连接涉及到电子学。23。上升的风险起因于受惊的资金聚集者对评估的赞美。24。那个能干的古代科学家在科学上有良知。25。鹰渴望激怒处在危险中的老虎。参考资料:百度翻译 ...

求 英语大神 翻译8个句子~
1.我喜欢美术课 因为画画可以培养艺术细胞,而且画画可以改变人的心态。可以很好的表达感情,回忆。I like Arts classes. Drawing inspires creativity and does bring out the best in a person. It can also enhance our disposition and it is also a means of expressing ourselves.2.因为现在在...

浦东新区18520882946: 英语翻译英语大神帮我翻译几个句子!1.将来会有更多的树2.人们将会活到200岁吗?3.人们将不使用钱4.我想,未来汽车会更少 -
穰仁复方:[答案] 1. There will be more trees in the future 2. People will live to be 200 years old? 3. People will not use the money 4. I think the future car will be less

浦东新区18520882946: 英语翻译求大神帮忙翻译下列几个句子,汉译英1吸烟者应尽快把烟戒掉2我们为你做的越多,我们越高兴3我肯定你在那里能找到你想要的4如果我们很好地... -
穰仁复方:[答案] 你好为你Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The more we do for you, the happier we are.I am sure that you will find what you want there.The Internet can offer us a number of b...

浦东新区18520882946: 英语翻译求大神翻译三个英语句子,第一Every thing will be good第二It is my last第三At the end 大神也可以结合起来看, -
穰仁复方:[答案] 1.每件事情都会是好的 2.那是我最后的一场 3.最后

浦东新区18520882946: 求英语高手帮忙翻译几句句子!急!谢绝工具翻译者!1:不要在乎别人怎么议论你2:人生中,有那么几件事,是不能用眼睛来看的3:当局者迷,旁观者也... -
穰仁复方:[答案] 1.Don't care about what others say behind you. 2.There are some things in life that can't been seen with your eyes. 3.those closely involved cannot see clearly,and those not can not necessarily see clearly either.

浦东新区18520882946: 来个大神帮忙翻译几个英语句子 你最好在考虑一下 他应该戒烟我妈妈鼓励我更好地工作 -
穰仁复方:[答案] " You'd better think about it again.""He should quit smoking.""My mother encouraged me to work even better." 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!

浦东新区18520882946: 求大神翻译几句英语句子 -
穰仁复方: 1.有人相信疟疾(这种疾病)的起源有可能是在非洲西部. (好像有错....their 应该是 its--- malaria貌似是复数但 disease才是这半句里真正的主语)2. 他被骗了,以为自己会得到一个面试机会.3. 我发现每星期做几次体能锻链会让我感觉更有活...

浦东新区18520882946: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子
穰仁复方: 1. You look so hot today! Spent a lot of time on the hairstyle didn't you? 2. Tom, Peter shouldn't be freaking out because he was the bravest man when it comes to adventure park. 3. We will not let him get away with this, go home 'till we are drunk. 4. Did she stuck in a traffic jam?

浦东新区18520882946: 各位大神帮忙翻译几个英语句子、...
穰仁复方:1.It will be a long time of we finish the work 2.He was busy taking care of three children

浦东新区18520882946: 求英语大神帮我翻译几个句子根据所给提示将下列句子翻译成英语1 我回来和他们一起生活,更确切地说,是和他们呆在一起 (or rather)2 劳驾,我在打电... -
穰仁复方:[答案] 1.I 'll be back to live with them ,or rather,to stay with them.2.Excuse me.Could you do me a favour to turn down the radio considering that I'm on the phone?3.He scanned his face carefully to wonder ...

浦东新区18520882946: 求英语大神翻译几个句子.谢谢.. -
穰仁复方: 1. i'm a senior, there is so much pressure in the graduating year, and there is a lot of homework.2. i found that recently, some students are staying over night to do their homework. they also spend their luck time for studying. but they fall asleep on ...

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