谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文啊 先谢谢啦`

作者&投稿:佛是 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Friend? Well, I don't care, you don't play with me, then,even if you got down on his knees and begged me, I won'tplay with you!

Perhaps you came to Beijing before we met in Canada!


真的非常爱一个人就不要去得到她 只有这样 你才永远不会失去她。

Never try to possess her if you really love her,Only in this way you will never lose her.

() possess ——及物动词 vt. 拥有;占有

例如:He never possessed much money, but he always possessed pretty women.

(2)never—— 副词 adv. 从来没有;决不;永不

比如:I'll never do this sort of thing.
—— 我决不会干这种事。
I will never forget it.
(3)try to possess her——试图去占有她,拥有她
(4)Only in this way ——只有这样(备注:这是个固定搭配的英语词组)
(5)lose——动词 失去,丧失
He has lost all his friends as a result of his foolish behaviour.


If you like someone very much, please don't to get it. Only in this way, you can't lose her/him never!

you really love sb very much, but donot have to let she love you, if so, you never lose her

If you really love someone, you should just want to own her. Only in this way, you will never lose her.

Really extremely likes a person not having to go obtains her only tohave you only then never to be able to lose her like this


If you really love her, do not attempt to own her. Because only in this way can you hold her forever.

4 i wish to have a kindly teacher.5 he is never mad at the students.6 he helps me with learning.7 i also hope to have classmates who help each other.估计这是准备给高中英语课自我介绍什么用的。提前准备这个出发点是好的。给你个建议,少用“我”这个字,少把自己当做主语。少给...


仆は仆たちが同じ爱してる人を守ってるだけです、贵方が帰ってきた时に、また彼女を幸せにしてください 看到楼上好多翻译都把共同爱着的人 的共同翻译成“共に”..共に是一起的意思 感觉怪怪的..感觉像2个人在竞争一样,这里的共同更强调的是两个人爱的是同一个人吧......

谁能帮助我把这句日语意译翻译一下,谢谢谢谢谢谢!急急急急急急急_百 ...
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大家来帮我翻译下这句话 速度啊...谢谢了
all i need is someone who makes me wanna sing 我仅仅需要一个能让我欢乐而歌的人 take me to your heart take me to your soul 将我留存心间与你的灵魂相伴 give me your hand before i'm old 给我你的手,在我老去之前 show me what love is haven't got a clue 问情为何物在我们...

我看着她的眼睛,从她的眼睛里我发现,如果她的男孩还活着的话,我真的能成为我可以做的人。这句话因为没有上下文,所以读起来会很奇怪。我查到了那篇文章,结合文章这样理解:这位 Tom Anderson 有心理阴影(他的同学死了),所以很萎靡。如果他的同学(句中her boy,she是同学的母亲)还在世的话...

点军区18365688996: 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文啊“我一定还会遇见你的”为了等一个人,谢谢英语大神 -
貊尚炉甘:[答案] 我是英语老师,对于你的问题,我做了如下答案,若有不懂,尽可提问. I will meet you

点军区18365688996: 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文?谢谢了 -
貊尚炉甘: I love you, but I'm not sure you love me!

点军区18365688996: 帮我把这句翻译成英文啊~谢谢
貊尚炉甘: 注意点: 1)不正确 应翻为 invalid; 2)寄达地址 是 mailing address ---------------------------------- 这件邮件的寄达地址不正确,我们无法将它投递给收件人,请你尽快正确的寄达地址.谢谢 We cannot send the mail to the recipient due to invalid mailing address. Kindly provide correct address asap. Thank you.

点军区18365688996: 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文啊 先谢谢啦`
貊尚炉甘: 楼主你好!我来为你翻译并解释一下:真的非常爱一个人就不要去得到她 只有这样 你才永远不会失去她.Never try to possess her if you really love her,Only in this way you will never lose her. 解析:() possess ——及物动词 vt. 拥有;占有 例如...

点军区18365688996: 谁可以帮我把这句话翻译成英语啊?谢谢不要机翻.
貊尚炉甘: I crye excitly when I recieved the mail you sent to me.It has been 3 months.3 months trying ,and I finally got the mail you sent to me on your own.

点军区18365688996: 谁能帮助我把这句话翻译成英语,“我希望所有的小朋友健康快乐的成长” -
貊尚炉甘:[答案] I hope that all the chidren can grow up healthily and happily.

点军区18365688996: 谁来帮我把这句话翻译成英语?谢谢!
貊尚炉甘: I miss you.I miss you.I miss your smile and every minute that we've spent together,you know?You're my angel.

点军区18365688996: 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文 -
貊尚炉甘: This is my three childhood dream, is the three important stages of my life. And now, I have only one life: on the way, the pursuit of dreams and expose to wind and rain, no t...

点军区18365688996: 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文??急急急~~
貊尚炉甘: Owl, the head is generous cat head.Beak and claw present hook-like, very sharp-edged.Two eyes are located on head right ahead, visual field comprehensiveness.While fly have no voice.The Zhou Fu night take rat as staple food.For the agriculture and forestry insectivorous birds.(

点军区18365688996: 英语翻译谁能帮我把这句翻译成英文 “如我们所知,罗马不是一天建成的,所以不要急于求成,要循序渐进,坚持是成功的关键.”请尽量翻译的简单好记忆点 -
貊尚炉甘:[答案] As we all know "Rome wasn't build in a day",you can not jump to success overnight.Grudual effort and persistence are just the key to success.

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