
作者&投稿:示窦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

大自然是美的, 那郁郁葱葱、四季常青的树木,那千姿百态、万紫千红的花卉,以其色彩、情态、形状、功能装点着犬自然,也装点着人们的生活,为我们创造了一个美丽宜人、多姿多采的环境,为人类提供了各种不可缺少的资源。我们的生存、生活离不开植物,花草树木也成了同学们练习作文的重要题材。
描写植物今既要抓住植物的静态,又要抓住植物的动态如同样是描写翠竹,“它在隆冬深秋,涉霜雪,斗风雨,修J挺拔,宁折不弯,它节节刚正,竿竿应心,亭亭玉立,神3.飘逸",以其独特的风貌,言其静态。“每当春风吹绿大江?岸,桃李争芳斗艳的时候,家乡竹园里泥土就东一块百一1地向上拱起,这是春笋听到了春风的召唤,开始萌动了。i些春笋以顽强的生命力冲破重重阻力,从泥土中钻出来,.经春市滋润,一夜之间就能窜高许多。雨后的清晨,家乡自竹园分外秀美。朝阳初升,一抹金色的阳光首先照亮竹梢,1高矮矮的春笋挺着笔直的腰杆,笋线的歉叶上滚动着晶莹6露珠......"以破土而出的竹笋、流光溢彩的竹林, 状其动态而无论是描写翠竹的静态还是动态,在小作者的笔下,都!现出一种美的境界。

大自然是美的, 那郁郁葱葱、四季常青的树木,那千姿百态、万紫千红的花卉,以其色彩、情态、形状、功能装点着犬自然,也装点着人们的生活,为我们创造了一个美丽宜人、多姿多采的环境,为人类提供了各种不可缺少的资源。我们的生存、生活离不开植物,花草树木也成了同学们练习作文的重要题材。
描写植物今既要抓住植物的静态,又要抓住植物的动态如同样是描写翠竹,“它在隆冬深秋,涉霜雪,斗风雨,修J挺拔,宁折不弯,它节节刚正,竿竿应心,亭亭玉立,神3.飘逸",以其独特的风貌,言其静态。“每当春风吹绿大江?岸,桃李争芳斗艳的时候,家乡竹园里泥土就东一块百一1地向上拱起,这是春笋听到了春风的召唤,开始萌动了。i些春笋以顽强的生命力冲破重重阻力,从泥土中钻出来,.经春市滋润,一夜之间就能窜高许多。雨后的清晨,家乡自竹园分外秀美。朝阳初升,一抹金色的阳光首先照亮竹梢,1高矮矮的春笋挺着笔直的腰杆,笋线的歉叶上滚动着晶莹6露珠......"以破土而出的竹笋、流光溢彩的竹林, 状其动态而无论是描写翠竹的静态还是动态,在小作者的笔下,都!现出一种美的境界。


A long time in a foreign country, people sometimes miss the motherland. Miss the most, and I also think: children must be able to draw a picture, draw the face of country characteristics, always hanging in front of us, how good. I put thoughts join efforts to discuss a good comrade Dan-Qing, and begged her to painting. She said: "It has a problem, draw what? Painting mountains broken the zero-point of water, one person, one object, will not work. Furthermore, the color difficult to reach. You are stressed to make colorful, how come to the motherland, face painting?" I thought, but also, they put aside his awful thoughts.
This year in February, I came back from overseas, stepped into Kunming, heart drunk. I am a northerner, on the season, the North is perhaps stirring days of snow, water, thin mountain cold, and Yunnan in the spring but the pace of infant handling, faster, everywhere to destroy health as early as po like being Rearranging destroy the movement.
Rearranging the number of the most prevalent place Xishan Temple Terrace. Less than Terakado, far to smell the fragrance of Yi Gu thin, straight infiltrated the human heart and lung. This is a plum, with Hongmei, Bach Mai, green plum, as well as cinnabar plum, a tree a tree, each tree is a plum tree poem. Magnolia flower a little bit handicapped Jiao Huang Ying-chun is now of the time, then a springtime ah, compared to the Dianchi Lake water to the deep still do not know how many times.
In fact, this study is not the deepest of the Spring. And see which trees, Monte Temple Lang Yan Qi a tall, shiny green leaves and intermediate care out of thousands of duo plena big flowers, so Hongyan, each duo Just like a burnt Zhengwang of Huadu flame. This is the famous Camellia. Camellia not see, you are not easy to understand, "Spring is like the sea" phrase poetic beauty of the.
Camellia want to see, it is a good time. I swim across the Terrace Temple, also braved the scattered light rain You had a black Longtan, these are places of interest to see Camellia. Originally thought that certain rare Camellia do not want them in traveling, and always saw a Bamboo Fence came a hut next to the scarlet of the flowers. Listen friend said: "It is not unheard of. If in Dali, almost every household raising camellias. Flowering period is up, all sorts of varieties of flowers contests, and that it was the United States."
I unknowingly facing the camellias wondering what was going up. Camellia is beautiful ah. Things in life are those who work in Sino-US created. Who day and night, Jinian after year, using his sweat poured the flowers, like raising their own children, tending the flowers, like seedlings, and finally a good nurture this stunning flowers? Should be grateful that beautify the lives of our people.
The Ren & Poor's is such a skillful craftsman, I will go to his side of Green Lake. Camellia Green Lake and more bloom Ye Hao, glowing red in a large, is simply that period Choi fell shores. S & P's lead Ren Camellia I wore to go, pointing out the tell me is called big agate is called the Snow Lion; it is Diechi, it is great color purple robe ... ... names abound. Later, he Panzhuo a small tea Mikie said: "This is called Boy face, flowering late, just hit Guduo, open up the color crimson, but added the best looking."
I asked: "As the old saying, said: flowers easy to grow flowers is difficult - very difficult cultivation of camellias will not you?"
S & P's Jen replied: "No, it is difficult, not easy. Camellia the thing a bit characteristics, soil water, climate, everything had to carefully. Afraid of the wind, afraid of sun, most prefer semi-Ban Yin-Yang. Top dislike insects. There is a borer, drilling a go, took the dead. throughout the year, I do not know how many hearts, was speaking. "
I asked: "a camellia not live long, right?"
The Ren & Poor's said: "The living may be longer啦. Huating Temple, there are pine trees, scales, is the Ming Dynasty, 500 years, a flowering, able to open more than 1000 Duo."
Oh, I unknowingly uttered: did not expect to see tree Camellia Terrace Temple origin so big.
The Ren & P not get me wrong, quickly said: "You do not believe Mody? Dali on the ground there is an even older then, listen to the elders say that thousands of years, and by opening flowers, garden trees countless number, all call 10000 tea. trunks son as thick, hug a few people over. "And he stretched out his arms, to be a cuddle position.
I eagerly looked at his hand, then his hands full of cocoons son, stained with fresh soil. I looked at his face, his eyes deeply carved wrinkles, do not need to ask him about his life experience, guess he was a middle-aged man had been hardship. If he leaves you to go into the Rencong Li, immediately they disappeared again not easy to find a him - he is such a very ordinary workers. Yet it is such a person, a whole month, a whole year of dedicated work out all their energy to cultivate the flowers and trees and beautify our life. America is such a creation.
Just then, a group of kids happen to see camellias, one by one upturned red little face, sweet smile Honey, called a twitter endlessly.
I said: "Boy seasoned millet mush of flowers."
The Hui Leng Leleng Pu, immediately wake up to reality over, smiled and said "Really it There's nothing that children would face a better look at the Camellia."

A long time in a foreign country, people sometimes miss the motherland. Miss the most, and I also think: children must be able to draw a picture, draw the face of country characteristics, always hanging in front of us, how good. I put thoughts join efforts to discuss a good comrade Dan-Qing, and begged her to painting. She said: "It has a problem, draw what? Painting mountains broken the zero-point of water, one person, one object, will not work. Furthermore, the color difficult to reach. You are stressed to make colorful, how come to the motherland, face painting?" I thought, but also, they put aside his awful thoughts.
This year in February, I came back from overseas, stepped into Kunming, heart drunk. I am a northerner, on the season, the North is perhaps stirring days of snow, water, thin mountain cold, and Yunnan in the spring but the pace of infant handling, faster, everywhere to destroy health as early as po like being Rearranging destroy the movement.
Rearranging the number of the most prevalent place Xishan Temple Terrace. Less than Terakado, far to smell the fragrance of Yi Gu thin, straight infiltrated the human heart and lung. This is a plum, with Hongmei, Bach Mai, green plum, as well as cinnabar plum, a tree a tree, each tree is a plum tree poem. Magnolia flower a little bit handicapped Jiao Huang Ying-chun is now of the time, then a springtime ah, compared to the Dianchi Lake water to the deep still do not know how many times.
In fact, this study is not the deepest of the Spring. And see which trees, Monte Temple Lang Yan Qi a tall, shiny green leaves and intermediate care out of thousands of duo plena big flowers, so Hongyan, each duo Just like a burnt Zhengwang of Huadu flame. This is the famous Camellia. Camellia not see, you are not easy to understand, "Spring is like the sea" phrase poetic beauty of the.
Camellia want to see, it is a good time. I swim across the Terrace Temple, also braved the scattered light rain You had a black Longtan, these are places of interest to see Camellia. Originally thought that certain rare Camellia do not want them in traveling, and always saw a Bamboo Fence came a hut next to the scarlet of the flowers. Listen friend said: "It is not unheard of. If in Dali, almost every household raising camellias. Flowering period is up, all sorts of varieties of flowers contests, and that it was the United States."
I unknowingly facing the camellias wondering what was going up. Camellia is beautiful ah. Things in life are those who work in Sino-US created. Who day and night, Jinian after year, using his sweat poured the flowers, like raising their own children, tending the flowers, like seedlings, and finally a good nurture this stunning flowers? Should be grateful that beautify the lives of our people.
The Ren & Poor's is such a skillful craftsman, I will go to his side of Green Lake. Camellia Green Lake and more bloom Ye Hao, glowing red in a large, is simply that period Choi fell shores. S & P's lead Ren Camellia I wore to go, pointing out the tell me is called big agate is called the Snow Lion; it is Diechi, it is great color purple robe ... ... names abound. Later, he Panzhuo a small tea Mikie said: "This is called Boy face, flowering late, just hit Guduo, open up the color crimson, but added the best looking."
I asked: "As the old saying, said: flowers easy to grow flowers is difficult - very difficult cultivation of camellias will not you?"
S & P's Jen replied: "No, it is difficult, not easy. Camellia the thing a bit characteristics, soil water, climate, everything had to carefully. Afraid of the wind, afraid of sun, most prefer semi-Ban Yin-Yang. Top dislike insects. There is a borer, drilling a go, took the dead. throughout the year, I do not know how many hearts, was speaking. "
I asked: "a camellia not live long, right?"
The Ren & Poor's said: "The living may be longer啦. Huating Temple, there are pine trees, scales, is the Ming Dynasty, 500 years, a flowering, able to open more than 1000 Duo."
Oh, I unknowingly uttered: did not expect to see tree Camellia Terrace Temple origin so big.
The Ren & P not get me wrong, quickly said: "You do not believe Mody? Dali on the ground there is an even older then, listen to the elders say that thousands of years, and by opening flowers, garden trees countless number, all call 10000 tea. trunks son as thick, hug a few people over. "And he stretched out his arms, to be a cuddle position.
I eagerly looked at his hand, then his hands full of cocoons son, stained with fresh soil. I looked at his face, his eyes deeply carved wrinkles, do not need to ask him about his life experience, guess he was a middle-aged man had been hardship. If he leaves you to go into the Rencong Li, immediately they disappeared again not easy to find a him - he is such a very ordinary workers. Yet it is such a person, a whole month, a whole year of dedicated work out all their energy to cultivate the flowers and trees and beautify our life. America is such a creation.
Just then, a group of kids happen to see camellias, one by one upturned red little face, sweet smile Honey, called a twitter endlessly.
I said: "Boy seasoned millet mush of flowers."
The Hui Leng Leleng Pu, immediately wake up to reality over, smiled and said "Really it There's nothing that children would face a better look at the Camellia."

A long time in a foreign country, people sometimes miss the motherland. Miss the most, and I also think: children must be able to draw a picture, draw the face of country characteristics, always hanging in front of us, how good. I put thoughts join efforts to discuss a good comrade Dan-Qing, and begged her to painting. She said: "It has a problem, draw what? Painting mountains broken the zero-point of water, one person, one object, will not work. Furthermore, the color difficult to reach. You are stressed to make colorful, how come to the motherland, face painting?" I thought, but also, they put aside his awful thoughts.

This year in February, I came back from overseas, stepped into Kunming, heart drunk. I am a northerner, on the season, the North is perhaps stirring days of snow, water, thin mountain cold, and Yunnan in the spring but the pace of infant handling, faster, everywhere to destroy health as early as po like being Rearranging destroy the movement.

Rearranging the number of the most prevalent place Xishan Temple Terrace. Less than Terakado, far to smell the fragrance of Yi Gu thin, straight infiltrated the human heart and lung. This is a plum, with Hongmei, Bach Mai, green plum, as well as cinnabar plum, a tree a tree, each tree is a plum tree poem. Magnolia flower a little bit handicapped Jiao Huang Ying-chun is now of the time, then a springtime ah, compared to the Dianchi Lake water to the deep still do not know how many times.

In fact, this study is not the deepest of the Spring. And see which trees, Monte Temple Lang Yan Qi a tall, shiny green leaves and intermediate care out of thousands of duo plena big flowers, so Hongyan, each duo Just like a burnt Zhengwang of Huadu flame. This is the famous Camellia. Camellia not see, you are not easy to understand, "Spring is like the sea" phrase poetic beauty of the.

Camellia want to see, it is a good time. I swim across the Terrace Temple, also braved the scattered light rain You had a black Longtan, these are places of interest to see Camellia. Originally thought that certain rare Camellia do not want them in traveling, and always saw a Bamboo Fence came a hut next to the scarlet of the flowers. Listen friend said: "It is not unheard of. If in Dali, almost every household raising camellias. Flowering period is up, all sorts of varieties of flowers contests, and that it was the United States."

I unknowingly facing the camellias wondering what was going up. Camellia is beautiful ah. Things in life are those who work in Sino-US created. Who day and night, Jinian after year, using his sweat poured the flowers, like raising their own children, tending the flowers, like seedlings, and finally a good nurture this stunning flowers? Should be grateful that beautify the lives of our people.

The Ren & Poor's is such a skillful craftsman, I will go to his side of Green Lake. Camellia Green Lake and more bloom Ye Hao, glowing red in a large, is simply that period Choi fell shores. S & P's lead Ren Camellia I wore to go, pointing out the tell me is called big agate is called the Snow Lion; it is Diechi, it is great color purple robe ... ... names abound. Later, he Panzhuo a small tea Mikie said: "This is called Boy face, flowering late, just hit Guduo, open up the color crimson, but added the best looking."

I asked: "As the old saying, said: flowers easy to grow flowers is difficult - very difficult cultivation of camellias will not you?"

S & P's Jen replied: "No, it is difficult, not easy. Camellia the thing a bit characteristics, soil water, climate, everything had to carefully. Afraid of the wind, afraid of sun, most prefer semi-Ban Yin-Yang. Top dislike insects. There is a borer, drilling a go, took the dead. throughout the year, I do not know too

A long time in a foreign country, people sometimes miss the motherland. Miss the most, and I also think: children must be able to draw a picture, draw the face of country characteristics, always hanging in front of us, how good. I put thoughts join efforts to discuss a good comrade Dan-Qing, and begged her to painting. She said: "It has a problem, draw what? Painting mountains broken the zero-point of water, one person, one object, will not work. Furthermore, the color difficult to reach. You are stressed to make colorful, how come to the motherland, face painting?" I thought, but also, they put aside his awful thoughts.
This year in February, I came back from overseas, stepped into Kunming, heart drunk. I am a northerner, on the season, the North is perhaps stirring days of snow, water, thin mountain cold, and Yunnan in the spring but the pace of infant handling, faster, everywhere to destroy health as early as po like being Rearranging destroy the movement.
Rearranging the number of the most prevalent place Xishan Temple Terrace. Less than Terakado, far to smell the fragrance of Yi Gu thin, straight infiltrated the human heart and lung. This is a plum, with Hongmei, Bach Mai, green plum, as well as cinnabar plum, a tree a tree, each tree is a plum tree poem. Magnolia flower a little bit handicapped Jiao Huang Ying-chun is now of the time, then a springtime ah, compared to the Dianchi Lake water to the deep still do not know how many times.
In fact, this study is not the deepest of the Spring. And see which trees, Monte Temple Lang Yan Qi a tall, shiny green leaves and intermediate care out of thousands of duo plena big flowers, so Hongyan, each duo Just like a burnt Zhengwang of Huadu flame. This is the famous Camellia. Camellia not see, you are not easy to understand, "Spring is like the sea" phrase poetic beauty of the.
Camellia want to see, it is a good time. I swim across the Terrace Temple, also braved the scattered light rain You had a black Longtan, these are places of interest to see Camellia. Originally thought that certain rare Camellia do not want them in traveling, and always saw a Bamboo Fence came a hut next to the scarlet of the flowers. Listen friend said: "It is not unheard of. If in Dali, almost every household raising camellias. Flowering period is up, all sorts of varieties of flowers contests, and that it was the United States."
I unknowingly facing the camellias wondering what was going up. Camellia is beautiful ah. Things in life are those who work in Sino-US created. Who day and night, Jinian after year, using his sweat poured the flowers, like raising their own children, tending the flowers, like seedlings, and finally a good nurture this stunning flowers? Should be grateful that beautify the lives of our people.
The Ren & Poor's is such a skillful craftsman, I will go to his side of Green Lake. Camellia Green Lake and more bloom Ye Hao, glowing red in a large, is simply that period Choi fell shores. S & P's lead Ren Camellia I wore to go, pointing out the tell me is called big agate is called the Snow Lion; it is Diechi, it is great color purple robe ... ... names abound. Later, he Panzhuo a small tea Mikie said: "This is called Boy face, flowering late, just hit Guduo, open up the color crimson, but added the best looking."
I asked: "As the old saying, said: flowers easy to grow flowers is difficult - very difficult cultivation of camellias will not you?"
S & P's Jen replied: "No, it is difficult, not easy. Camellia the thing a bit characteristics, soil water, climate, everything had to carefully. Afraid of the wind, afraid of sun, most prefer semi-Ban Yin-Yang. Top dislike insects. There is a borer, drilling a go, took the dead. throughout the year, I do not know how many hearts, was speaking. "
I asked: "a camellia not live long, right?"
The Ren & Poor's said: "The living may be longer啦. Huating Temple, there are pine trees, scales, is the Ming Dynasty, 500 years, a flowering, able to open more than 1000 Duo."
Oh, I unknowingly uttered: did not expect to see tree Camellia Terrace Temple origin so big.
The Ren & P not get me wrong, quickly said: "You do not believe Mody? Dali on the ground there is an even older then, listen to the elders say that thousands of years, and by opening flowers, garden trees countless number, all call 10000 tea. trunks son as thick, hug a few people over. "And he stretched out his arms, to be a cuddle position.
I eagerly looked at his hand, then his hands full of cocoons son, stained with fresh soil. I looked at his face, his eyes deeply carved wrinkles, do not need to ask him about his life experience, guess he was a middle-aged man had been hardship. If he leaves you to go into the Rencong Li, immediately they disappeared again not easy to find a him - he is such a very ordinary workers. Yet it is such a person, a whole month, a whole year of dedicated work out all their energy to cultivate the flowers and trees and beautify our life. America is such a creation.
Just then, a group of kids happen to see camellias, one by one upturned red little face, sweet smile Honey, called a twitter endlessly.
I said: "Boy seasoned millet mush of flowers."
The Hui Leng Leleng Pu, immediately wake up to reality over, smiled and said: "Really it There's nothing that children would face a better look at the Camellia."
Suddenly an idea jumped into my mind, I got the idea of a painting. If you use the most concentrated most of the vermilion-yan, paintings reveal a great duo with face Camellia Boy opened at first glance, would not be a symbol of the motherland is the face? This simple idea I write it down and then sent them far away in foreign countries who Danqing skilled, perhaps she was willing to consider carefully about it, painting a picture of my son bar.


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塔哀贝敏: 中心思想:本文借助茶花的形象,抒发作者的热爱祖国、热爱普通劳动者的感情. 文章主题:借茶花表达歌颂祖国之意,借茶花打发热爱祖国之情;笔笔写茶花,处处赞茶花. 杨朔提出了诗化散文的主张,而且注重创造诗的意境,很多散文都...

贡嘎县13833643854: 现代的《茶花赋》中的赋啥意思 -
塔哀贝敏: 赋是我国古代的一种文体,介于诗和散文之间,类似于后世的散文诗.它讲求文采、韵律,兼具诗歌和散文的性质.其特点是“铺采摛文,体物写志”,侧重于写景,借景抒情.最早出现于诸子散文中,叫“短赋”;以屈原为代表的“骚体”是...

贡嘎县13833643854: 《茶花赋》这个题目中的“赋”指什么
塔哀贝敏: 赋,中国古典文学的一种重要文体,虽然对于现代人来说,其远不及诗词、散文、小说那样脍炙人口.但在古代,特别在汉唐时诗与赋往往并举连称,从曹丕的“诗赋欲丽”和陆机的“诗缘情而绮靡,赋体物而浏亮”可窥端倪.赋萌生于战国,兴盛于汉唐,衰于宋元明清.在汉唐时期,有只作赋而不写诗的文人,却几乎没有只作诗而不写赋的才子.建安以后乃至整个六朝时期,对赋的推崇甚至于诗.《史记》中称屈原的作品为赋,《汉书》也称屈原等人的作品为赋.后人因推尊《史》、《汉》,所以便把屈原等人作品称为之赋.赋是汉代最具代表性,最能彰显其时代精神的一种文学样式.

贡嘎县13833643854: 急求文言文翻译 -
塔哀贝敏: 原文: 魏王欲攻邯郸,季梁谏曰:"今者臣来,见人於大行,方北面而持其驾,告臣曰:'我欲之楚.'臣曰:'君之楚,将奚为北面?'曰:'吾马良.'曰:'马虽良,此非楚之路也.'曰:'吾用多.'臣曰:'用虽多,此非楚之路也.'曰:'...

贡嘎县13833643854: 为什么说“杨朔的散文《茶花赋》实为祖国赋”?请分析说明
塔哀贝敏: 〈茶花赋〉的中心意象是茶花.茶花是祖国面貌的象征.作者极度力写昆明茶花的美艳旺盛.写的是茶花,但不难从中体会到隐寓对古老的历史悠久的祖国的崇敬之情;而老树开花繁花似锦,隐寓着对充满青春活力、最美最艳而又前程无限的祖国的赞唱.总之,茶花这一中心意象对表达主题具有关键性作用,作品正是通过茶花来表达主题的.

贡嘎县13833643854: 茶花赋里有哪些好词20个左右急!!! -
塔哀贝敏: 《茶花赋》好词: 水瘦山寒、油光碧绿、春深似海、争奇斗艳、含露乍开、零山碎水、积年累月、能工巧匠、心思、擅长、清香、斟酌、红艳、妙处、沉吟、新鲜、消逝、省悟、红彤彤、甜蜜蜜.

贡嘎县13833643854: 急求,古文翻译!!!!!! -
塔哀贝敏: (节选自《新五代史·伶官传) 庄宗既好俳优,又知音,能度曲,至今汾,晋之俗,往往能歌其声,谓之“御制”者是也.其小字亚子,当时人或谓之亚次.又别为优名以自目,曰李天下.自其为王,至于为天子,常身与俳优杂戏于庭,伶人由...

贡嘎县13833643854: 急求古文翻译 -
塔哀贝敏: 、 【原文】 王积薪棋术功成,自谓(13)天下无敌⑶.将游京师⑷,宿于逆旅⑸.既灭烛,闻主 人媪隔壁呼其妇⑹曰:“良宵难遣⑺,可棋(14)一局乎?”妇曰:“诺⑻.”媪曰:“第几道⑼下子矣.”妇曰:“第几道下子矣.”各言数十...

贡嘎县13833643854: 急求翻译.还有这首诗的由来.. -
塔哀贝敏: 出自金陵十二钗(二) [可卿春困]秦可卿是宁国府里贾蓉的妻子,贾珍的儿媳妇,贾宝玉的侄媳妇.她在《红楼梦》中结束得最早,在第十三回中就死去了.秦可卿自幼是一个被弃于养生堂的孤儿,后被人抱出来抚养成人来到贾府,结果成了贾...

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