
作者&投稿:桐便 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
不要直接用翻译软件翻译!谢谢了,高手们,翻译的好 我多送100分的啊!~

More than the world's top children's education, the liberation of children, the liberation of future generations, and promote scientific and technological progress, "learning system optimization" (see Annex p. 139) promote the wealthy and strong country, more social benefits are limitless!
Developed countries have a national system of scientific早教. United States 200 years ago the publication of monographs早教, the current library collections at Harvard University; the world's Nobel Prize winner by 100 percent a good early education; a long time, due to my lack of true science早教systems, the majority of people in concept can not fully accept the scientific早教that promote our children's education the top obstacles. In view of this, our country there is no Nobel Prize 0 to break the record, it is not surprising.
In order to早教with many other institutions at home and abroad to draw a line, exclusive launch of this Center-wide quality of education; ability to improve the quality of science. Including the ability to test; signed an exclusive commitment to training as early as慧儿can not skip class do not charge tuition fees - to develop more stringent skip the "double standards", not only internally synchronized test than test scores better, but also strictly increase the overall quality of assessment test! To fill gaps in the world. (Regular classes with the students pay the same child care costs, and that the fees are one kindergarten; cooperation in sharing dance class fees only).
The past 10 years, tested a large number of messages received, to participate in the Center-wide quality of education "to stimulate the potential" of children, schools need only 3-4 years period, 11-year-old to enter first-class university-wide quality. Their access to higher education to enter puberty, adolescence is not only to reduce a lot of trouble, and its infinite vitality of adolescence more will be driven by a strong scientific and technological power - It is commendable that the current teachers of secondary education at the global level is not backward, to promote and universal 4-year (junior 2-year high school for 2 years) is the central goal of the second phase.
The new implementation of the above quality education, the individual level, well-known beneficial; of society,利国利民.
More than a brief program. One of the study the experimental class students, as well as other issues such as the Expert Q & A, we will be a seminar on television stations in Hubei, "face-to-face" of the seminar the time and place, we will choose to send a formal invitation letter day! Thanks!

I was sent to my grandmother's home when I was twenty days.

when I was two years old,I got a high fever that make me
become a deaf people,so I had a cochlear operation in Benjing
hospital, I was being in there three months.

At the primary school,my hearing is not like normal people
,so my study is slower than normal guy.but my grandmother
accompany with me until I graduated from the primary school.

In this way, after my grandmother has raised me with toil for
thirteen years,she passed away.

I went to Korea ,and began a new life with my mother when I
join the first year in junior high school.My mother taught me

I havn't friend because the language is different.I spent a
alone life of junior high school.

I'm joining the senior high school now.Although my study is
very busy,my family give me a free and happy life,I feel
very happiness.

楼上的那位仁兄,翻译的话在后面加上“一定准确”,会给人以误导的。你的翻译前面两句就已经有很明显的错误了。No matter how good the things are, they will be lost one day....如果你是由于打字匆忙导致的错误,那么请在确定你的答案“一定准确”之前重复检查几遍!

再好的东西,也有失去的一天,No matter how good the things are, they will be lost one day.
再深的记忆,也有淡忘的一天,No matter how deep the memery is, it will be forgotten someday.
再深爱的人,也有分离的一天,No matter how deep I love you , there will be oneday that we part.
再美好的梦,也有苏醒的一天,No matter how good my dream is, I will be waken one day.
该放弃的决不挽留 Do not keep what should be given up
该珍惜的决不放手,Do hold what should be cherished
分手后不可以做朋友,We won't be friends after we break up
因为彼此曾伤害过,that's because we have hurt each other
分手后也不可以做敌人,We aslo won't be foes after we part
因为彼此曾深爱过。that's beacause we have loved each other
从此以后,将你从我的记忆中删除,I will remove you from my memories from now on.
你就是路人甲,You are the passer-by No. 1
我就是路人乙,and I'm just the passer-by No.2
你走你的阳光道,You have your way to go
我过我的独木桥,and I have mine.
彼此形同陌路。 That's what we are like.

Even the best thing will lost,
Even the deepest memory will be forgetten,
Even the last love will gone,
Even the beautiful dream will wake up.
Don`t linger on the one that should be gave up,
Don`t let go that must be cherished.
Because the hurt of each other,
Do not be enemy after we broke up.
Because we loved,and deeply,
Delete you from my mind since then.
You are Mr A,
I am Ms B,
You go your way and,
I go mine.
And we enstranged.

No matter how good things have lost one day, and then deep memory, also has forgotten the day, and then loved ones, also have separate day, and then a beautiful dream, but also waking day, the waiver will not retain the value The never let go, can not be friends, after breaking up, because each had harmed, can not do the enemy, after breaking up, because who love each other too. From then on, will you remove from my memory, you're a passerby, I'm Lu Renyi, you take your sun, then I had my single-plank bridge, strangers to each other


Sorry to word like this, but the 1st answer was totally messed up! I'm completely lost by the translations........

I do like the translations given by "may19851226" though. More accurate and make more sense to me.

Good job!


楼上的那位仁兄,翻译的话在后面加上“一定准确”,会给人以误导的。你的翻译前面两句就已经有很明显的错误了。No matter how good the things are, they will be lost one day...如果你是由于打字匆忙导致的错误,那么请在确定你的答案“一定准确”之前重复检查几遍!再好的东西,也有失去的一天...

dull [简明英汉词典]adj.感觉或理解迟钝的, 无趣的, 呆滞的, 阴暗的 vt.使迟钝, 使阴暗, 缓和 vi.变迟钝, 减少 pure [简明英汉词典]adj.纯的, 纯粹的, 纯净的, 无垢的, 纯洁的, 完美的, 抽象的 free [简明英汉词典]adj.自由的, 大方的, 免费的, 免税的, 丰富的, 空闲的 vt.释放, ...

1、A 翻译:我不知道史密斯先生下周是否会回来。如果他回来了,我会告诉你的。if 引导宾语从句,通常翻译成:是否。从句的时态根据具体语境判断,如果引导条件状语从句,通常翻译成:如果。使用一般现在时代替将来时。第一个空是宾语从句,第二个空是条件状语从句,参考翻译。2、B 翻译:他们以1万元的价...

1.The teacher was very angry with the careless students when we had a math lesson yesterday。昨天数学课时,老师对粗心的学生感到十分生气。2.The English teacher said that in English, my audition is better than writing.英语老师说在英语科目上,我的听力要比写作好。3.I didn't let ...


英语高手们,帮忙翻译这个句子 关于运动的
1、from exercise, continue to jump for 10 minutes, jogging 30 minutes or jump JianShenWu 20 minutes, time-consuming, energy consumption of aerobic exercise.2、Effect reducing weight is very obvious.3、strong muscles, make your body continuously.英语学习方法 1、英语基础 要想学好高三...

1选A,in the beginning可以单独使用,而at the beginning后面需加of,不能单独使用 2选D,look for意思是寻找,而find out是找出,查明的意思,根据语境,选D 3选A,因为cost是动词,worth是形容词,有“值…的;价值…的”意思,按照语境就是选worth.而valued和valuable虽然是形容词,但用法不对...

介词+which。因为本来词组是be familiar with stn.而从句中with要提到which前所以就是这样的用法了 然后that is to say是一个插入语,表示 也就是说,本来理解后半句应为which we learn from the members of our own family and from our friends 这里which指代 those words ...

1,However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to go for an interview.然而,三天后我收到一邀请我去面试封信 2,The walls were dirty with ink marks.四壁都沾满了墨水的污迹 3,She's the one who really runs this school.她才是真正经营这所学校的人 4,What would my ...

礼泉县13080359506: 我不懂英语,麻烦请懂英语的高手帮我英文翻译成中文!...
涂洪龙血: 英语第一,日语第二,韩语第三, 英语是最简单的

礼泉县13080359506: 请懂英文的朋友帮我翻译一下,请不要用翻译器,谢谢. -
涂洪龙血: I have something to go out ,so I need passport. If I can't take my passport for the time being, Please give me a proof of passpor...

礼泉县13080359506: 请英语高手帮忙翻译以下内容(不会的或者用软件翻译的请不要误导我) -
涂洪龙血: 你好,翻译如下 因为我英语不好,所以工作交流过程中,如果有不礼貌,或者做的不好,不到位的地方,请多多包涵.Because my English is poor, so if I am being impolite or I am doing it wrong in working, please remind me.谢谢,请您谅解....

礼泉县13080359506: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下这句话,不要翻译器 -
涂洪龙血: 我只是害怕失去一个原本不属于我的东西,这也是我矛盾纠结的原因:It's just that I'm afraid of losing something that wasn't originally mine; this is the reason why I'm conflicted and at a loss. 句子翻译以后,选择用 ; 这个分成号,觉得比逗号要更恰当一点.自己认真翻译的,有问题请追问、希望及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒

礼泉县13080359506: 能不能请英语高手们帮忙翻译一下下!!谢谢!! -
涂洪龙血: Dear King, I love you, love love you, but I look at you uneasy, I do not know whether you love me ... ... my king, although everyone is lonely years, but not everyone are lonely and left, if one day, I will eventually ask you this question ... ... Will allow me to answer your heart-rending it?

礼泉县13080359506: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下``很短``急!!!!!!!!!!! -
涂洪龙血: Don't harm your health for reducing weight,I think your stature is very good.

礼泉县13080359506: 懂英语的高手们请近来帮我翻译一个英语自我介绍.
涂洪龙血: 早上好,我是你们新的英语老师,我很高兴见到你们.首先介绍一下我自己. Good morning. I'm your new English teacher. Nice to meet you. First, let me introduce myself. 我的名字叫KITTY,我今年23岁.我来自于洮南. My name is Kitty, twenty-three ...

礼泉县13080359506: 请高手帮忙翻译一下句子我得英语很差,现在有9个句子不是很会翻译,
涂洪龙血: 1.除了去公园以外,这个夏天我就没有出过公寓.(apart from) I just stayed in the ... (draw a conclusion) It's hard to draw a conclusion without enough evidence. 5.在完成...

礼泉县13080359506: 不好意思,请懂英文的高手来帮帮忙,帮我翻译下... -
涂洪龙血: 如果你不介意别人看到你的眼泪,你能做到得/你就哭吧(我不确定是什么意思)我真希望你就是那个如此在乎我的人,任何我想要的你都会知道我真希望你就是那个如此理解我的人,无论你自己多烦恼,都能让我开怀微笑我希望你能坚强,无论有什么样的困难,我都能看到你自信满满地站在我面前爱很假单,就是两个人在一起.我们要做的就是维护好我们的感情,让它的根扎得更深.这样当暴风雨来临时,爱情的树能够屹立不倒(额..要做到上面这些是不是很难?,有些东西并不是嘴上说做到就做到的,现实往往....还是祝福你啦,如果是你那位写给你的话,呵呵,不好意思,心情不太好,最后加了我的猜测)

礼泉县13080359506: 请英语高手帮忙汉译英一下~不要从翻译器上复制给我~拜托了~急!!!!!!!
涂洪龙血: In under the whole world economic integration condition, in the fastchanging network time, the information is relates the enterprisesurvival and the development question. On ERP is not the informationonly road, but at least is practiced has proven ...

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