
作者&投稿:胥泊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

艾斯美拉达 Gypsy Esmeralda
卡西莫多 Quasimodo
克洛德-孚罗洛 Claude Frollo
腓比斯 Phoebus
彼埃尔-格兰古瓦 Pierre Grangoi

" Notre Dame cathedral " describes is one beauty, is romantic but the again pitiful love story. Is lost abandoned by the parents humpbacked Karsy are not many, in one accidental situation by vice- Bishop Klode - the trust Rollo adoption is the adopted son, grows after lets it works as Notre Dame cathedral strike a gong again the person. West gal not many although the appearance is extremely ugly moreover has the many kinds of deformity, actually throughout maintains one nobleness, chaste heart. The elder roams about the street corner gypsy girl Chinese mugwort Lare reaches can the song friendly dance, naive appearance America moreover the heart is sincere. The very poor young poet you - the Gansu fruit tile accidentally meets one another compared to Egypt with her, and synthesized in her name husband in one accidental field. Very has the fame vice- Bishop Klode - trust Rollo, originally one to wholly absorbed to " saint duty ", but suddenly one day, he appreciates to the gypsy girl's dance, lit in his heart buries already fire the long desire. Thereupon, he by any means possible wants the Chinese mugwort Lare to reach appropriates to oneself, posed all sorts of threats to her even frames, simultaneously also did not hesitate to play with means, deceived and uses him the adopted son Karsy are not many and student Gan Guo Wa. At the same time, passes on the armed escort Chief Philippine Beese although has had the sweet and pretty fiancee actually loose purports because of the natural disposition to bribe the Chinese mugwort Lare reaches. The Chinese mugwort Lare reached falls in love Philippine Beese, this caused the trust Rollo unusual envious hatred, he took advantage of when the Chinese mugwort Lare reached with the Philippine Beese lover's rendezvous, stabbed Philippine Beese then shifts blame for the Chinese mugwort Lare reaches, coerces her by the body little, otherwise had to execute her. But, the Chinese mugwort Lare reached rejects. Shortly in any event also realized does not hold the evil attempt which the Chinese mugwort Lare reached, trust Rollo finally unexpectedly personally the lovable young girl delivers the death by hanging frame. On the other hand, Karsy are not many also admires the beautiful Chinese mugwort in private Lare reaches, but because of feels inferior but deeply buries this love in the heart. Sees girl encounters frames, west the gal not multipurpose Scheme rescued her, and let her seek asylum in the notre dame one secret room. Strikes a gong the person comforts her with extremely simple and the sincere sentiment, protects her. Soon gypsy person's leader gram Low Pan leads the audiences to attack the notre dame, the intention rescues the Chinese mugwort Lare reaches. The Philippine Beese leadership armed escort routed the gypsy person. Knows oneself the incapable resistance army Karsy not thinks Philippine Beese is rescues the girl, then let trust Rollo Lare reach the Chinese mugwort gives the Philippines Beese. Has not thought of Philippine Beese because does not dare to enrage the fiancee again announces Lare reaches the Chinese mugwort executes. When inside the grief and indignation Karsy not many accidentally discovers oneself " adoptive father " and " benefactor " far looks high hangs when sends out devil in the death by hanging above gypsy girl grin fiendishly, he understands all. Karsy were not many to that hypocrisy gets down the final decision, and personally from in the clock tower which reached to the sky pushes down trust Rollo, causes it to fall meets a cruel death. Even if so, Karsy not many also does not have can save the spouse the life, he begged executioner's agreement to hold the remains which the Chinese mugwort Lare reached, hid Lare reaches in in the Paris public cemetery cave with the Chinese mugwort together changes into the dust which the life and death relied on one another.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

卡西莫多 Quasimodo
艾斯美拉达 Gypsy Esmeralda
克洛德-孚罗洛 Claude Frollo
腓比斯 Phoebus
彼埃尔-格兰古瓦 Pierre Grangoi

Notre-Dame de Paris






















原版名称:Notre-Dame de Paris

如果是说电影的话,The Hunchback of Notre Dame(有两部,都是这名字)

《巴黎圣母院》英文名称The Hunchback of Notre Dame 其实就是巴黎圣母院的驼背人 您的满意/采纳就是我最大的快乐

《Notre-Dame de Paris》

Notre Dame de Paris

彼埃尔-格兰古瓦 Pierre Grangoi

Notre-Dame de Paris 内容简介 卡西莫多是一个弃婴,在复活节之后的第一个星期日,即卡西莫多日,在圣母院门口被人发现。由于相貌奇丑无比、面目狰狞,当时有许多人围观,却没有人愿意收养他。正巧克洛德·弗洛罗经过,看见婴儿弃置在弃婴木架上,他立即想起了从小与自己相依为命的可怜的弟弟,于是怜悯...

巴黎圣母院 英文名?
巴黎圣母院(Notre Dame De Paris)

巴黎圣母院,英文名为 Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris ,意为 Our lady of paris , Our lady 不是指别人,指的正是耶稣的母亲圣母玛利亚。这座矗立在法国巴黎塞纳河畔的建筑,是古老巴黎的象征,是历史上最为辉煌的建筑之一,里面藏有大量的艺术珍品。哥特式基督教教堂建筑风格吸引无数的...

歌名:Le temps des cathédrales - Rappel (Final)舞台剧《巴黎圣母院》歌曲 演唱:Bruno Pelletier \/ Ensemble 作词:Ensemble 作曲:Ensemble 歌词:Il est venu le temps des cathédrales 大教堂撑起这信仰的时代 Le monde est entré 世界进入了 Dans un nouveau millénaire 一个新的纪元 L'homme...

2.《巴黎圣母院》(又译《钟楼怪人》)这是维多克·雨果在1831年在法国发表的一部哥特式小说,小说以其英文名《The Hunchback of Notre Dam》闻名于世,后来又被拍成同名电影。以中世纪法国未背景,这部小说叙述了钟楼怪人卡西莫多和他所热爱的爱斯美拉达之间的一个离奇而又感人的故事。3.《双城记》...

巴黎圣母院 Notre Dame de Paris 维克多·雨果 Victor Hugo


维克多·雨果(英文名:Victor Hugo,1802年2月26日—1885年5月22日),法国19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学的代表作家。雨果的创作历程长达60余年,其作品包括26卷诗歌、20卷小说、12卷剧本、21卷哲理论著,合计79卷。其代表作有长篇小说《巴黎圣母院》《九三年》和《悲惨世界》。《巴黎圣母院》作品主题 ...

4、巴黎圣母院——Notre Dame de Paris 巴黎圣母院始建于1163年,是巴黎大主教莫里斯·德·苏利决定兴建的,整座教堂在1345年全部建成,历时180多年,正面双塔高约69米,后塔尖约90米,是法兰西岛地区的哥特式教堂群里面,非常具有关键代表意义的一座。5、卢浮宫——Louvre 占地约198公顷,分新老两部分...

肇源县14715425620: 想要巴黎圣母院书名的英文版和作者雨果的英文形式如题, -

肇源县14715425620: 巴黎圣母院 英文名? -
酆拜屏风: 巴黎圣母院(Notre Dame De Paris)

肇源县14715425620: 《巴黎圣母院》用英语怎么说 -
酆拜屏风: 巴黎圣母院: Notre Dame 巴黎圣母院 Notre - Dame de Paris 巴黎圣母院 Notre D - 巴黎圣母院 Cathedral of Notre Dame,Paris

肇源县14715425620: 巴黎圣母院的英文名和音标有谁知道? -
酆拜屏风: Notre Dame Cathedral这和法语很像. 音标我打不上, 我会想办法的.

肇源县14715425620: 想要巴黎圣母院书名的英文版和作者雨果的英文形式 -

肇源县14715425620: 《巴黎圣母院》的英文简介 -
酆拜屏风: Notre Dame de Paris is a Gothic cathedral on the eastern half of the Île de la Cité in Paris, France, with its main entrance to the west. It is the cathedral of Paris and the seat of the Archbishop of that city. Notre Dame de Paris is widely considered ...

肇源县14715425620: 巴黎圣母院英文怎么说啊
酆拜屏风: Notre-Dame de Paris没错.英国人也这么说.这是法语原文,但已经被英语吸收了,也可以说是英语.

肇源县14715425620: 巴黎圣母院的英文说法
酆拜屏风: 巴黎圣母院(NotreDamedeParis)建成于1345年.不仅因雨果的同名小说而出名,更因为它是巴黎最古老最宏伟的天主教堂.这座哥特式的巨石建筑物,历经两百年,由...

肇源县14715425620: 巴黎圣母院用英文怎么说
酆拜屏风: Notre Dame de Paris

肇源县14715425620: 巴黎圣母院英语怎么说?
酆拜屏风: 巴黎圣母院 [名] Notre Dame de Paris; [例句]包括埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎圣母院,世界上最著名的教堂之一. Including the EiffelTower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world.

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