
作者&投稿:宾荀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

All this would appear to be:
(1) [another success story for the American dream, ]
(2) [an example of the continuing immigrant urge to succeed ]
and (3) [ (an example) of the nation's ability to thrive on the dynamism of its new citizens.]
【All this】(主) +【would appear to be】(系)+【(1)(2)and(3)】(表)

其中:【美国梦】[the American Dream]这是一个专用名词,其内涵为这样一种“观念”: [the notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual]. 即:[在美国的社会、经济、政治体系下,任何人都有希望成功和发达。]

(2) 【外境移居者对成功的源源不绝的渴望】
这里continuing表达一种不间断不停歇的;urge强烈愿望;urge to succeed 成功欲。

(3) 这里的of与(2)中example后面的of构成一个平行结构,共同与(1)并列,是would appear to be的内容。
thrive on... 以……成长繁荣,靠……蓬勃发展; thrive on the dynamism (of its new citizens) 依靠新公民的动力繁荣



It did not take long for the young trader to turn from an investing beginner into a sharp investor.



第一分句(复合句) Again,there has alwaysbeen some thing surprising to me about those cone-shaped hills that suddenlypop up in Shropshire and along the Welsh border,

  • 主句:there has always been some thing surprising to me about those cone-shaped hills


  【系动词】has always been 总是一直都有

  【主语】some thing 某种东西

  【定语】surprising to me  让我感到惊讶的(东西)

  【状语】about those cone-shaped hills 在这些锥形山的周围

  • 定语从句:that suddenly pop up inShropshire and along the Welsh border

  【关系代词兼主语】that (这些山)

  【谓语部分】suddenly pop up in Shropshireand along the Welsh border 在萨罗普郡和沿着威尔士边境骤然出现。

第二分句(简单句) Ihave never explored this region properly, 严格地说,我从未考察过这个地区

第三分句(简单句) andso it remains to me a country of mystery, with a delightful fairy-tale quality about its cone-shaped hills

  【表示结果的并列连词】and so

  【主体部分】it remains to me a country of mystery,对我而言它是一个神秘的国度

  【状语】with a delightful fairy-tale quality about its cone-shaped hills . 在这些锥形山的周围有讨人喜欢的神话般特性的情况下 (about its cone-shaped hills 是后置定语)


(to Mr 张大人zhdr)

1. “【主语】some thing 某种东西” — should be “something”, one single word.
2. “【状语】about those cone-shaped hills 在这些锥形山的周围” — “about” here means 关于, the same as the “about” in “there is something off-the-wall about Tom”.
3. “【主体部分】it remains to me a country of mystery, 对我而言它是一个神秘的国度” — “country” here clearly means “region”, not “国度”.
4. “【状语】with a delightful fairy-tale quality about its cone-shaped hills. 在这些锥形山的周围有讨人喜欢的神话般特性的情况下…” — “about” DOES NOT mean “在……的周围”.
5. “参考译文:此外,在这些萨罗普郡和沿着威尔士边境跃然而现的锥形山周围一直都有某种让我感到惊讶的东西;严格地说我从未真正考察过这个地区,因此当看到这些锥形山周围讨人喜欢的神话般的特点,它对我而言是一个神秘的国度。” — needs editing.



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枝虏佳乐:[答案] The hard thing is knowing in some detail the reality of ignorance,the worst spots and here and there the not-so-bad spots,but no true light at the end of the tunnel nor even any tunnels that can yet be trusted. 结构分析: 句子框架是The hard thing is ...

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枝虏佳乐: 先划分主谓宾,然后剩下的什么后置短语,从句找到相关的先行词就行了

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枝虏佳乐: 翻译英文中的长难句,首先你要找这个句子中的一些连接词 ,并列词 以及插入语..

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枝虏佳乐: 理清句子结构后就能在理解的基础上翻译了.译文在忠于原意的基础上可以适当调整表达方式,以符合中文的表达习惯.

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枝虏佳乐: 英语习惯于用长的句子表达比较复杂的概念,而汉语则不同,常常使用若干短句,作层次分明的叙述.因此,在进行英译汉时,要特别注意英语和汉语之间的差异,将英语的长句分解,翻译成汉语的短句.在英语长句的翻译过程中,一般采取下...

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枝虏佳乐: 这是个祈使句,省略了主语you Just imagine 谓语 how terribly shy i was 宾语从句 the moment i thought of that是the moment引导的 时间状语从句 with so many eyes fixed upon me. 是with的复合结构,做伴随状语 翻译:就想象一下我想到那个的时候,有那么多双眼睛看着我,我是多么的害羞.

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