
作者&投稿:荡都 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



【译】:I am now in Chungqing, it's a beautiful city, welcome to our city.

I'm in ChongQing now,this is a beautiful city ,welcome to come here.

i am in chongqing,which is a very nice city.and you are welcome to come here

大家好,今天我演讲的主题是:爱,没有国界。Hello, my topic today is: love, know no boundaries.以下是一些图片:Below are some pictures:众所周知,日本是一个地震多发的国家。As is known to all, Japan is a earthquakes are a country.2011年3月11日13时46分,日本发生8.8级地震,东京...

1..Flume:水槽,斜槽,液槽,水道 2..siphon vortex flushing action:旋涡虹吸式冲洗功能纠错 \/旋涡虹吸式冲洗功能 3..Overflow :溢出; 淹没 ventilation:空气流通,通风设备; 通风方法 4..Inspection opening:【化】 检查孔; 检查口

1.我从不满足我自己取得的一切成就.I ever do not satisfy all achievements which I obtains 2.只有在肥沃的土地上,庄稼才能长好.Only has on the fertile land, the crops can long be good 3.与外国友人交谈时,言谈举止谨慎是非常重要的,否则误会是不可避免的.When with foreign friend conver...

tough policy 强硬政策 impose import (duties)强制征收进口(关税)surplus labour 过剩劳力 debt restruring 债务重组(Debt Restructuring)currency exchange system 货币兑换系统 foreign exchang earnings 外汇收入 primary products 农产品 in prospect 展望、可期待、在考虑中、有...希望 unfair trade 不...

1)I admit that I haven't much working experience.But I am hardworking, attentive and quite adaptalbe. I can gurantee that you will be pleased with my work if you give it to me.2)As the first job I get, it will enjoy my full-hearted enthusiasm. Besides enthusiasm, ...

可以翻译为:seize the day或者carpe Diem。英文里,Carpe Diem就是及时行乐,说这一句用不着加那句life is short大家也知道什么意思,这是一个英语习惯的问题。就象口语中说life is short,也用不着再说下一句just enjoy,这是英语和中文的不同。seize the day也是这个意思。另外,live a little也可以...

echo 显示 S.vol估计是音量,或者环绕声音量 bass 低音 treble 高音 balance 声道平衡 loudness 降噪 tuner 调谐器(收音机选台用)aux 其他外部设备 tape 卡带 signal input 输入信号(即输入源)midout 中输出(即多声道中的中间声道输出)for out 前输出(即多声道中的前置声道输出)speaker output ...

fine as well and thanks a lot for your mail. 我希望你们那儿也好,谢谢你的来信。I will not forget to contact you as soon as we will get the new law of importation approved and of course translated 我不会忘记联络你,一旦我们这里的进口新法律批准实施,呵呵,会翻译给你的。

生了锈的板,它们是配合工作台的基座使用的.很糟糕的伪造质量.生了锈的部件,额外场合的工作.检修发热铃状物的其他支持部件.内部的维修工作.冷却铃状物起重装置的挂钩类零件和钢制平衡件.调整内部的导向装置.(最后的primar拼写错误,估计是primary.primar painting译为第一次刷油漆,或上一次刷油漆)...

Dear readers,Now it's almost the closing time . PLease put back the chairs to their usual place, take your belongings like bags, computers and other items, and leave in an orderly way. Those who need to borrow or return the books plaese just be quick.Thank you for your ...

新巴尔虎左旗17877256845: 请大家帮忙翻译一下
马诚灵达: Music tour

新巴尔虎左旗17877256845: 请大家帮忙翻译一下 -
马诚灵达: Jiangxiangxiang, hello! I am wangjiaqi! You possibly already did notremember I, I was you originally in Nanjing's good friends. I thinkyou very much, how you now do live in US? R...

新巴尔虎左旗17877256845: 请大家帮忙翻译一下英语、
马诚灵达:Dear friends, I would like to use Chinese students birthday approaches, I would like to birthday party in a park on the grass, I want a birthday cake, there are a lot of candy wine cakes, many balloons, please also musicians to live music, I want to a ...

新巴尔虎左旗17877256845: 请大家帮忙翻译一下这句句子Parents must answer for their children's act. -
马诚灵达:[答案] answer for 固定短语:为...负责 父母必须为孩子的行为负责

新巴尔虎左旗17877256845: 请大家帮忙翻译一下啊 -
马诚灵达: mournful or happy?Sadness or happiness ?sorrow or happiness?房主自选一句

新巴尔虎左旗17877256845: ,,请大家帮忙翻译一下(汉译英)
马诚灵达: I will go to the train station to pick up my grandpa at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. 希望你满意哦^_^

新巴尔虎左旗17877256845: 英语翻译请大家帮忙翻译一下“建国以来最早的台风”. -
马诚灵达:[答案] The earliest typhoon since the establishment of the People's Republic of China. 你没具体说是哪个国家,所以就先翻译成我国——仅供参考.

新巴尔虎左旗17877256845: 请大家帮忙翻译一下管同的《宝山游记》. -
马诚灵达:[答案] 宝山县城临近大海,潮汐姿态多种多样,被称为奇观.然而,我刚到这县城时,却未曾一次没出去.惟独在夜晚卧床就寝,夜... 只能简单的观看一下而不能长久的注视. 下一月的五日,保绪又邀请了我,在吴淞台上设了酒宴.中午天气晴朗没有风,远处的...

新巴尔虎左旗17877256845: 请大家帮忙翻译!!中文翻译英文!! -
马诚灵达: I was a boy, my 13-year-old, my favorite sport is basketball, every day is my school to play basketball. My favorite subject is English. I am a boy ready to help others, as long as power is my thing, I will certainly help. I am also a filial child's parents, to ...

新巴尔虎左旗17877256845: 请大家帮忙翻译一下英语(英翻中)1.我忘了让您去社区服务中心了2
马诚灵达: 1.我忘了让您去社区服务中心了I forget to let you go to the Community Service ... 幸运的是,我们没有更多的活儿要做Fortunately, we have no more work to do. 5.海伦很...

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