
作者&投稿:印叙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As we all know, is China's value-added turnover tax, one of the important types of taxes, it not only in the state's tax total account for a large proportion, but also in enterprises, especially the industrial and commercial enterprises pay tax also occupies a decisive position, therefore, of value-added tax the importance of rational planning. Although China's value-added tax planning study more, but in most cases are limited to its concepts, principles of basic questions such as, less value-added tax of enterprises planning system analysis theory and practice. And payment of value-added tax in accordance with the law is the obligation of every business, however, pay taxes in accordance with the law does not mean more tax, how to understand the relationship between the two, so that the burden of unpaid value-added tax and legitimate tax savings effectively combine in order to achieve predetermined financial goals, get the best economic interests, which is in the market competition for all enterprises are facing problems. This article mainly through value-added tax on the basis of discussions and the formulation of the concept of tax planning, tax planning is clearly a lawful act, and through detailed analysis and discussion of the current common value-added tax planning some cases, taxpayers in tax planning to deepen theory understanding, reveals the existence of tax planning "space", an analysis of setting up a "space" on the value of the business, and how the plan put forward some proposals.

Shaoguan is a famous city with a history of over 2000 years. With the subtropical monsoon climate, it's hot in summer, cool and occasionally snows in winter. It has dense forests and abundant products. It has developed transportation with Jing-Guang railway crossing the urban district. Shaoguan is a multi-nationality living place, thus there are dishes of all tastes here. The special local products are: winter mushroom, white shoot tea, Maba oil rice, Nanhua plum, hore's hoof and so on.

Enters for the 21st century, our work way, the life style, the study way has all had the huge transformation. This is by covers, it which global the becoming an information based society tide brings by the unprecedented astonishing speed and the strength, is impelling each technical progressing by leaps and bounds, at the same time also greatly promoted the economical globalization, the economic structure reorganization and the business model fundamental transformation. Electronic business takes up honest work becomes the information technology gradually in the world scope the biggest scale the application domain. The geography will be away from and the time difference no longer is the economical development gap and the shackles, depends upon the electronic commerce, the people can map out strategic plans in an army tent, determine the final outcome the great distance, electronic commerce do not have by reason of this kind by the peer superiority, will become the formidable auxiliary booster which the various countries economy will rise, will pour into the new vigor for the economical globalization. Our country electronic commerce also has many insufficiencies in the present developing process, therefore needs to the developed country introduction and the model corresponding experience, by causes us little to detour, saves the more manpower financial resource physical resource energy. This article through to Chinese and the developed country electronic commerce development present situation analysis, the research and the contrast, accurately will take the pulse for the China electronic commerce, to explore the China electronic commerce future well, road of the development.

The summary full text:( copyright oneself is all)
Enter 21 centuries, our work method, life style, the study methodses all took place the huge change.This is from overlay the information-based wave tide of the world to bring of, it with unprecedented astonishing speed and power, push advance by leaps and bounds of various science and technology, also and consumedly promote economic globalization, economic structure basic sex change of the reorganization and business model.The electronic commerce is becoming the information technique gradually the most large-scale applied realm within the scope of world.The geography distance and time lags are not the ditch of 鸿 and fetters of the economic developments any more, depending on the electronic commerce, the people can devise strategies within a command tent, make final bid a long distance, electronic commerce by dint of this kind of has no with the advantage that 伦 compare, willing become the international community economy's grow strong to help to push the machine, infusing into the new vitality for the economic globalization.The our country electronic commerce still exists many shortage in current development process, so need to usher in toward flourishing nation and draw lessons from the homologous experience, to make us little walk curved road, economical more manpower financial power material resources energies.The analysis that this text passes to develop the present condition with flourishing and national electronic commerce to China, research and contrast, chase the vein for the Chinese electronic commerce betterly and more accurately, investigate the Chinese electronic commerce road of the future development.


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贵南县17752657304: 谁能帮我翻译这段话?急!!! -
主壮意速: “ The long-lasting love which I have been expecting for is that we can still be helping each other walking on the alley in the park, watching sunrise and waiting for the sunset together when we become very very old with lots of children and ...

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主壮意速:[答案] 总有一天我会离开你I will leave you one dayDear, you know, one day I will leave you, dear Please do not blame me, and I'll have, but in doing so I really, I can not unfilial, my parents did not raise s...

贵南县17752657304: 谁能帮我翻译一下这段话?翻成英文....
主壮意速: A long time ago, there was a love of the King dressed and often have to wear new clothes, but the city's designers are not able to meet him. One day, a foreign businessman to the king said that he brought one of the most peculiar clothes, must be a ...

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