
作者&投稿:戢真 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
地球是太阳系的一颗行星 英语翻译~

The Earth is a solar system's planet

The sun and the solar system by the gravitational effect of its operation objects around it constitute the celestial system. It includes the sun, eight planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets, meteoroids and interplanetary matter. Human beings living on Earth is a member of the solar system.Solar system where we are now the star system. By the sun, eight planets, 66 satellites, as well as numerous asteroids, comets and meteorites formed. Planet from the sun out of order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. From the sun closer to Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars is called terrestrial planets.Farther from the sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune called the Jovian planets。原文:太阳系是由太阳以及在其引力作用下围绕它运转的天体构成的天体系统。它包括太阳、八大行星及其卫星、小行星、彗星、流星体以及行星际物质。人类所居住的地球就是太阳系中的一员。太阳系就是我们现在所在的恒星系统。由太阳、8颗大行星,66颗卫星,以及无数的小行星、彗星及陨星组成的。行星由太阳起往外的顺序是:水星,金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星。离太阳较近的水星、金星、地球及火星称为类地行星。离太阳较远的木星、土星、天王星、海王星称为类木行星。

距离(AU) 半径(地球) 质量(地球) 轨道倾角(度) 轨道 偏心率 倾斜度 密度(g/cm3)
太阳 0 109 332,800 --- --- --- 1.410
水星 0.39 0.38 0.05 7 0.2056 0.1° 5.43
金星 0.72 0.95 0.89 3.394 0.0068 177.4° 5.25
地球 1.0 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.0167 23.45° 5.52
火星 1.5 0.53 0.11 1.850 0.0934 25.19° 3.95
木星 5.2 11.0 318 1.308 0.0483 3.12° 1.33
土星 9.5 9.5 95 2.488 0.0560 26.73° 0.69
天王星 19.2 4.0 17 0.774 0.0461 97.86° 1.29
海王星 30.1 3.9 17 1.774 0.0097 29.56° 1.64

远计算,行星到太阳的距离(用a表示)a=0.4+0.3*2n-2(天文单位)其中n表示由近到远第n个行星(详见上表) 地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星的自转周期为12小时到一天左右,但水星、金星自转周期很长,分别为58.65天、243天和6.387天,多数行星的自转方向和公转方向相同,但金星则相反。 除了水星和金星,其它行星都有卫星绕转,构成卫星系。
在太阳系中,现已发现1600多颗彗星,大多数彗星是朝同一方向绕太阳公转,但也有逆向公转的。彗星绕太阳运行中呈现奇特的形状变化。 太阳系中还有数量众多的大小流星体,有些流星体是成群的,这些流星群是彗星瓦解的产物。大流星体降落到地面成为陨石。 太阳系是银河系的极微小部分,它只是银河系中上千亿个恒星中的一个,它离银河系中心约8.5千秒差距,即不到3万光年。太阳带着整个太阳系绕银河系中心转动。可见,太阳系不在宇宙中心,也不在银河系中心。 太阳是50亿年前由星际云瓦解后的一团小云塌缩而成的,它的寿命约为100亿年。By the sun in the solar system by gravitational bound by the celestial bodies formed, to the maximum extent it can be extended to about 1 light-years away. The main members of the solar system: the sun (star), the eight planets (Earth), numerous asteroids, a large number of satellites (including the moon), comets, meteoroid and a large amount of dust material and thin gaseous material. In the solar system, the sun The quality of the solar system accounted for 99.8 percent of the total mass, and other celestial bodies are less than the sum of 0.2 percent of the sun. Sun is the Center for Astrophysics, which controls the gravity of the solar system as a whole, so that other celestial bodies around the sun, the solar system's nine planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are close to the same plane near Circular orbit, in the same direction around the sun.

Distance (AU) radius (Earth) quality (Earth) orbit inclination angle (degrees) orbital eccentricity gradient density (g/cm3)

Sun 0 109 332,800 --- --- --- 1.410

Mercury 0.39 0.38 0.05 7 0.2056 0.1 ° 5.43

Venus 0.72 0.95 0.89 3.394 0.0068 177.4 ° 5.25

Earth 1.0 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.0167 23.45 ° 5.52

Mars 1.5 0.53 0.11 1.850 0.0934 25.19 ° 3.95

Jupiter 5.2 11.0 318 1.308 0.0483 3.12 ° 1.33

Saturn 9.5 9.5 95 2.488 0.0560 26.73 ° 0.69

Uranus 19.2 4.0 17 0.774 0.0461 97.86 ° 1.29

Neptune 30.1 3.9 17 1.774 0.0097 29.56 ° 1.64

Eight planets, the general Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars as the terrestrial planets, their common feature is its stone and iron from the main structure, and quality of the smaller radius, but a higher density. The Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune known as the Jovian planets, their common feature is mainly hydrogen, helium, ice, methane, ammonia, etc., stone and iron accounted for only a very small proportion of their quality And are much greater than the radius of the Earth, but the density is lower.

Long terms, the distance between planets to the sun (a use that) a = 0.4 +0.3 * 2n-2 (an astronomical unit) n one that is far from near to the first planet-n (see the table) of the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn , Uranus, Neptune's rotation period to 12 hours a day or so, Mercury, Venus's rotation period is very long, were 58.65 days, 243 days and 6.387 day, most of the planet's rotation and the direction of the revolution in the same direction, but Venus is the opposite. In addition to Mercury and Venus, other planets have Raozhuan satellite, the satellite system poses.

In the solar system, has now found more than 1600 comets, most of the comet is in the same direction around the sun, but there are also reverse the revolution. Comet around the Sun in the operation of a strange shape change. In the solar system are a large number of small meteoroids, and some groups of the meteoroid is, the meteor is the product of the collapse of the comet. Large meteoroid landed on the ground to become meteorites. The solar system is an insignificant part of the galaxy, the Milky Way that it is only in the 100,000,000,000 stars in one of its center of the Milky Way from the 1000 second gap of about 8.5, or less than 30,000 light-years. With the sun throughout the solar system rotating around the center of the Milky Way. Can be seen, not in the solar system center of the universe, not in the center of the Milky Way. The sun is 50 million years ago by the collapse of interstellar cloud after a mission Xiaoyun from the collapse of its life span is about 100 million years.


水星的英文名字Mercury来自罗马神墨丘利。符号是上面一个圆形下面一个交叉的短垂线和一个半圆形(Unicode: ?). 是墨丘利所拿魔杖的形状。在第5世纪,水星实际上被认为成二个不同的行星,这是因为它时常交替地出现在太阳的两侧。当它出现在傍晚时,它被叫做墨丘利;但是当它出现在早晨时,为了纪念太阳神阿波罗,它被称为阿波罗。毕达哥拉斯后来指出他们实际上是相同的一颗行星。中国古代则称水星为“辰星”。







天王星是太阳系的九大行星之一,排列在土星外侧、海王星内侧而名列第七,颜色为灰蓝色,是一颗巨型气体行星(Gas Giant)。以直径计算,天王星是太阳系第三大行星;但若以质量计算,则比海王星轻而排行第四。天王星的命名,是取自希腊神话的天神乌拉诺斯。




nihao/By the sun in the solar system by gravitational bound by the celestial bodies formed, to the maximum extent it can be extended to about 1 light-years away. The main members of the solar system: the sun (star), the eight planets (Earth), numerous asteroids, a large number of satellites (including the moon), comets, meteoroid and a large amount of dust material and thin gaseous material. In the solar system, the sun The quality of the solar system accounted for 99.8 percent of the total mass, and other celestial bodies are less than the sum of 0.2 percent of the sun. Sun is the Center for Astrophysics, which controls the gravity of the solar system as a whole, so that other celestial bodies around the sun, the solar system's nine planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are close to the same plane near Circular orbit, in the same direction around the sun.

Distance (AU) radius (Earth) quality (Earth) orbit inclination angle (degrees) orbital eccentricity gradient density (g/cm3)

Sun 0 109 332,800 --- --- --- 1.410

Mercury 0.39 0.38 0.05 7 0.2056 0.1 ° 5.43

Venus 0.72 0.95 0.89 3.394 0.0068 177.4 ° 5.25

Earth 1.0 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.0167 23.45 ° 5.52

Mars 1.5 0.53 0.11 1.850 0.0934 25.19 ° 3.95

Jupiter 5.2 11.0 318 1.308 0.0483 3.12 ° 1.33

Saturn 9.5 9.5 95 2.488 0.0560 26.73 ° 0.69

Uranus 19.2 4.0 17 0.774 0.0461 97.86 ° 1.29

Neptune 30.1 3.9 17 1.774 0.0097 29.56 ° 1.64

Eight planets, the general Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars as the terrestrial planets, their common feature is its stone and iron from the main structure, and quality of the smaller radius, but a higher density. The Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune known as the Jovian planets, their common feature is mainly hydrogen, helium, ice, methane, ammonia, etc., stone and iron accounted for only a very small proportion of their quality And are much greater than the radius of the Earth, but the density is lower.

Long terms, the distance between planets to the sun (a use that) a = 0.4 +0.3 * 2n-2 (an astronomical unit) n one that is far from near to the first planet-n (see the table) of the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn , Uranus, Neptune's rotation period to 12 hours a day or so, Mercury, Venus's rotation period is very long, were 58.65 days, 243 days and 6.387 day, most of the planet's rotation and the direction of the revolution in the same direction, but Venus is the opposite. In addition to Mercury and Venus, other planets have Raozhuan satellite, the satellite system poses.

In the solar system, has now found more than 1600 comets, most of the comet is in the same direction around the sun, but there are also reverse the revolution. Comet around the Sun in the operation of a strange shape change. In the solar system are a large number of small meteoroids, and some groups of the meteoroid is, the meteor is the product of the collapse of the comet. Large meteoroid landed on the ground to become meteorites. The solar system is an insignificant part of the galaxy, the Milky Way that it is only in the 100,000,000,000 stars in one of its center of the Milky Way from the 1000 second gap of about 8.5, or less than 30,000 light-years. With the sun throughout the solar system rotating around the center of the Milky Way. Can be seen, not in the solar system center of the universe, not in the center of the Milky Way. The sun is 50 million years ago by the collapse of interstellar cloud after a mission Xiaoyun from the collapse of its life span is about 100 million years.



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林芝地区15344111173: 太阳系八大行星英文介绍 -
石芝康哌: Mercury (水星) Venus (金星) Earth (地球) Mars (火星) Jupiter (木星) Saturn (土星) Uranus(天王星) Neptune (海王星) Pluto(冥王星) Sedna(第10大行星) 参考资料:http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/planets/

林芝地区15344111173: 求太阳系八大行星的英文资料,最好配有翻译 -
石芝康哌: /抠鼻

林芝地区15344111173: 八大行星英文名字 -
石芝康哌: 金星(Venus)、木星(Jupiter)、 水星(Mercury)、火星(Mars)、 土星(Saturn)、天王星(Uranus)、 海王星(Neptune)、冥王星(Pluto)

林芝地区15344111173: 八大行星的资料 -
石芝康哌: 太阳系八大行星资料表 名称直径(千米)与太阳的平均距离(万千米)自转周期(天)公转周期(天)卫星数量 水星 4,880 5,791 59 88 0自西向东自转 金星 12,104 10,820 243 225 0自东向西自转 地球 12,756 14,960 1 365 1自西向东自转 ...

林芝地区15344111173: 八大行星用英语怎么说 -
石芝康哌: 水星Mercury 金星Venus 地球Earth 火星Mars 木星Jupiter 土星Saturn 天王星Uranus 海王星Neptune

林芝地区15344111173: 太阳系行星英文 -
石芝康哌: 太阳系 (Solar System) 水星(Mercury) 金星 (Venus) 地球(Earth) 火星(Mars) 木星(Jupiter) 土星(Saturn) 天王星(Uranus) 海王星(Neptune)

林芝地区15344111173: 太阳系八大行星资料说出直径,与太阳的平均距离,自转周期(天),公转周期(年),已知卫星数量 -
石芝康哌:[答案] 八大行星:水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星. 【水星】 英文名:Mercury 水星最接近太阳,是太阳系中最小的行星.水星在直径上小于木卫三和土卫六,但它更重. 水星基本参数: 轨道半长径: 5791万 千米 (0.38 天文单位) ...

林芝地区15344111173: 八大行星的英文 -
石芝康哌: interplanetary 形星际的 fixed star 恒星 shooting star 流星 Mercury 水星 Venus 金星 earth 地球 Mars 火星 Jupiter 木星 Saturn 土星 Uranus 天王星 Neptune 海王星 Pluto 冥王星 morning star 晨星 evening star 昏星 aureole 光环 eclipse 食 meridian ...

林芝地区15344111173: 求八大行星的英文简介 要短小的
石芝康哌: 水星Mercury:http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-system/mercury-article.html 金星Venus: http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-system/venus-article.html 地球Earth: http://science.nationalgeographic.com...

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