
作者&投稿:荣彦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This text with power plant, transformer substation electric to connect line as research object, adopt logic form law, analytic method, time sequence simulation law analyze to his dependability respectively mainly.
This text has recommended forming the dependability index of every component of electric main wiring and component trouble state at first, the calculation procedure explaining dependability and analyzing, because mainly wire the systematic particularity, analyze, make, suppose to dependability its, provide, solve general step of problem this kind of while being essential; Secondly, have introduced the mathematical model of the dependability assessment of electric main wiring; Explain logic form law, analytic method, time sequence simulation law analyze electric main wiring detailed step of dependability and then, and apply it to dependability assessment of main wiring. Finally, carry on dependability and analyze to electric main wiring that calculates after citing two embodiments.
Through this text, we can analyze that there is basic understanding about the dependability of the power plant and main wiring of transformer substation, comparing these three kinds of dependability analytical methods, we find they all have their one's own characteristics and applicable scope, they can all try to get more accurate result in its range.

We have good quality managing system, plenty of producing and managing experiences and permission from ecdemic company of self-support export. "Technology exploiture as our way, put high tech productions into market", it is our persistent business idea; "Quality is importantly, customers are paramountcy, truthful and keep our words, make the best better", it is our business tenet. We are looking forward to cooperate with you, together, we will create refulgence!

Your mode of transaction is acceptable by us and I confirmed the receipt of the P.I you sent to me. The P.I is of standard.
I commend you for your understanding and desire to help in the reconstruction of Iraqi's country. If you can work things out and reach a solid agreement with the Hon. Minister of Finance, Mr. Baqer Solagh Jabr Al-Zubeidi then I can most honestly assure you that you will get the contract.
In business relationship, all we need is trust and confidentiality. There are chances for us to earn good money. My company has ties with difference government round the world. As long as you confirm to us your ability to handles businesses of this kind, we would honestly work together in one peace.
I told the minister about your company and your ability to handle this transaction professionally, also I solicited to the minister on behalf of you that your company is well to do and the trust that I found you and believe in you, I am using this stance to plead with you NOT to let me down before the minister. This is because if there be any improper attitude towards this process, it can bring the hon. Minister's image to a mud as you know he is well respected all over the world.
The good news this morning is that, the Minister is convince to do anything under his powers to make sure that the contract shall be yours though there are lots of companies that are biding seriously for this same contract. But we stand a chance of getting this contract awarded to your company because of his interest in the business.
Mr. Jianbin Liu, this not a joke. We have just concluded some deal with some companies there in China and everything was successfully done.
What I will want you do is to abide to my instructions strictly for the success of this transaction to be achieved. As you are going to proceed to the Finance ministry, do NOT in any ways allows the people in the ministry suspect that the hon. Mister is behind your company but having in mind that he is 100% behind you.
我赞扬你们的理解和愿望,协助重建伊拉克的国家。如果你能想办法,并达成了坚实协议的提问。财政部部长先生, baqer solagh贾贝基地祖贝迪的话,我可以最诚实向你保证,你一定会得到合同。

Mr. Al-Zubeidi is very influential here and he is the Prime Minister's point man, He is my benefactor also. He would need your company details i.e., Name & Address; Owner or Managing Director's name, Tax Clearance and VAT numbers for registration with the new Corporate Affairs office here in Baghdad .He will handle every aspect of this through his office because your Company registration has to be backdated and upgraded to a Category "A" Contractor Supplier to the Government of Iraq. His influence would be brought to bear to get this configured in less than a week.
沙雷先生祖贝迪是非常有影响力的在这里,他是英国首相的点男子,他是我的恩人也。他需要你的公司的详细资料,即姓名或名称及地址;车主或总经理的姓名,税关和增值税号码,以作登记与新的公司事务办公室今天在巴格达的,他会处理好每一个环节,这是通过他的办公室,因为你的公司注册为了追溯,提升到了" a "类承包商供应商转交给伊拉克政府。他的影响力将被绳之以法忍心让这个配置在不到一个星期。

交易您的方式是可接受的由我们并且我证实了您送到我P.I 的收据。P.I 是标准。
我称赞您为您的理解和渴望帮助在Iraqi's 国家的重建。如果您能工作事和达成一项坚实协议以Hon. 财务部长, Baqer Solagh Jabr Al Zubeidi 先生我能最诚实地然后保证您, 您将得到合同。
在企业关系, 所有我们需要是信任和机密。有机会使我们赢得好金钱。我的公司有领带以区别政府围绕世界。只要您证实对我们您的能力对这种类把柄企业, 我们诚实地会共同努力在一和平。
我告诉了部长关于您的公司和您的能力专业地处理这种交易, 我并且请求了对部长代表您您的公司很好做并且信任我找到您和相信您, 我使用这姿态恳求与您不是让我下来在部长之前。这是因为如果有对于这个过程的任一个不正当的态度, 它可能带来hon 。Minister's 图象对泥因为您认识他很好被尊敬全世界。
好消息今晨是那, 大臣是说服做任何东西在他的力量之下确信, 合同将是你的虽然有严重等待为这个同样合同的许多公司。但我们有得到这个合同的机会被授予您的公司由于他的兴趣在事务上。
Jianbin 刘, 这先生不是笑话。我们结束了某一成交以一些公司那里在中国并且一切成功地做了。
什么我将想要您将严密地遵守对我的指示为这种交易的成功达到。如同您进行对财务部, 不要用任何方式允许人民在hon 的部嫌疑犯。先生是在您的公司但有之后在头脑里, 他是100% 在您之后。
问题补充:是非常重要由于对期货合约供应的推荐从您的公司并且一旦合同是批准, 您将过来到伊拉克签署资金文件发行和调动以便付款为供应会被发布给您。您或者会必须下来这里或您能去伊拉克政府外国承包商抯 近海付款办公室外部伊拉克由于当前挥发性安全情况在海湾地区。Al Zubeidi 先生在非常显要的这里并且他是头等Minister's 点人, 他并且是我的恩人。他会需要您的公司选派即, 命名& 地址; 所有者或处理的Director's 名字、税清除和VAT 数字为注册与新公司事务办公室这里在巴格达He 将处理每个这的方面通过他的办公室因为您的公司注册必须被追溯和被升级到类别"A" 承包商供应商对伊拉克的政府。他的影响会被利用得到这被配置在不到一个星期内。


我谢谢你的理解和帮助伊拉克的重建的愿望。如果您能设法与财政部长,Baqer Solagh Jabr Al-Zubeidi 阁下达成可靠的协议,那我们真诚地确信您能够获得这份合同。







我赞扬你们的理解和愿望,协助重建伊拉克的国家。如果你能想办法,并达成了坚实协议的提问。财政部部长先生, baqer solagh贾贝基地祖贝迪的话,我可以最诚实向你保证,你一定会得到合同。

交易您的方式是可接受的由我们并且我证实了您送到我P.I 的收据。P.I 是标准。我称赞您为您的理解和渴望帮助在伊拉克人的国家的重建。如果您能工作事和达成一项坚实协议以Hon. 财务部长, Baqer Solagh Jabr Al Zubeidi 先生我能最诚实地然后保证您, 您将得到合同。在企业关系, 所有我们需要是信任和机密。有机会使我们赢得好金钱。我的公司有领带以区别政府围绕世界。只要您证实对我们您的能力对这种类把柄企业, 我们诚实地会共同努力在一和平。我告诉了部长关于您的公司和您的能力专业地处理这种交易, 我并且请求了对部长代表您您的公司很好做并且信任我找到您和相信您, 我使用这姿态恳求与您不是让我下来在部长之前。这是因为如果有对于这个过程的任一个不正当的态度, 它可能带来hon 。大臣的图象对泥因为您认识他很好被尊敬全世界。好消息今晨是那, 大臣是说服做任何东西在他的力量之下确信, 合同将是你的虽然有严重等待为这个同样合同的许多公司。但我们有得到这个合同的机会被授予您的公司由于他的兴趣在事务上。Jianbin 刘, 这先生不是笑话。我们结束了某一成交以一些公司那里在中国并且一切成功地做了。什么我将想要您将严密地遵守对我的指示为这种交易的成功达到。如同您进行对财务部, 不要用任何方式允许人民在hon 的部嫌疑犯。先生是在您的公司但有之后在头脑里, 他是100% 在您之后。

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Carries on the analysis through the literature material law to the partial worlds outstanding 400 meter fences athlete, discovered its 400 meters evenly run between the speed, the fence the rhythm are the influence special result primary factors. Suggested the domestic athlete will want ...

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到哪交费。他把票据放在车主容易看到的地方,通常是把它放在一个雨刷下面 ,这样,它就不会被吹走。在下雨情况下,它被装在小塑料封套里以保护它不被淋湿。当司机回来时,他得到一个令人不快的意外,但这是他自己的错,他的车在泊车表前停靠太长的时间了。逐字逐句翻译的,希望搂主满意。

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弘封润肺:[答案] Last Sunday I did my homework during the dayAt about seven o'clock last night ,I was watching TVThis morning,on my way to school, I met my friend.This time last year, we had finished our mid-term exam...

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