
作者&投稿:长兴狄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I don't regret___even if it might have upset hen
D regret to do没做过 regret doing 已经做过 从后面的have upset看出应该已经做过了 tell不能接内容,只有say可以接上内容,tell sb sth,say sth

(1)一般要接动词原形。(2)如果该动作正在发生,则要接动词ing形式。(3)如果该动作与宾语是被动关系,则要接动词的过去分词。2. remember doing sth 记得做过某事 remember to do sth.记得要去做某事 这里的doing或to do都是remember的宾语,与上一题不一样。doing在很多情况下表示动作正在...

from making oral promises instead of doing well in line of duty. In the first place, owing to the rapid developing in economic, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, so some businessmen is compeled to make money in an immoral way. In addition, honesty is i...

PEP五年级下册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1 do morning exercises(晨练) eat breakfast(吃早饭)have english class(上英语课) play sports(进行体育运动)eat dinner(吃晚饭) when(什么时候)evening(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床)at(在……点钟) usually(通常;一般) noon(中午)climb mo...

Smith goes to see his supervisor in the front office. "Boss," he says, " We're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage, moving and hauling stuff." "We're short-handed, Smith" the boss replies. ...

everyone ['evriwʌn] pron.每人;人人 yourself [jɔː'self] pron.你自己;你亲自 hen [hen] n.母鸡;雌禽bored [bɔːd] adj.无聊的;...\/try doing sth.) bird [bɜːd] n.鸟;禽paragliding ['pærəɡlaɪdɪŋ] n.空中滑翔跳伞 bicycle ['baɪsɪkl] n.自行车 ...

spend…(in) doing花费(时间)…做…hour(n.)小时exercise(n.)锻炼,做操;练习,习题(v.)锻炼baseball(n.)棒球pretty(adv.)颇,相当;十分,非常(adj.) 漂亮的,俊俏的pretty well相当好jump(v.)跳跃(n.)跳跃;猛扑weekend(n.)周末the high jump跳高the long jump跳远p.m. 下午,午后a.m.上午,午前popular(...


5.Lost time is never found again. 岁月既往,一去不回。光阴一去不复返。时间一旦流逝便不再回返。6.Life is short and time is swift. 生命短暂,光阴飞逝。生命短暂有如白驹过隙。7.No pains,no agains. 一分耕耘一分收获。8.Doing is better than saying. 与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动...

1.Can you get to the music room at( eight )o' clock ? (e在开头)2.The students ( begin )their lesson at half past eight o'clcck in the morning. (在第二个字母)3.The T-shirt is expensive,that one is ( cheap ) (e在第三个字母)4.I( already )...

斋哗18775003031问: when做时间状语的用法,以及when doing sth的用法 -
丰都县珍珠回答: 一.用作连词 一.)用作从属连词 1. 引导时间状语从句 ,表示“当……的时候”,相当于at the time that.从句的谓语动词是延续性的,也可以是非延续性的.它引导的时间状语从句常用一般现在时表示一般将来时;用一般过去时表示过去将来时;用现在完成时表示将来完成时. When water becomessolid, we call it ice .当水变成固体的时候,我们就叫冰. Don't be afraid ofasking for help when itis needed. 当你需要帮助的时

斋哗18775003031问: when+doing 还是when+to do sth. -
丰都县珍珠回答:[答案] when+to do sth.

斋哗18775003031问: when to do与when doing的区别是什么? -
丰都县珍珠回答: when to do和 when doing的区别如下所示.1. 释义区别: - "When to do"表示某件事情应该在何时完成或进行. - "When doing"表示在进行某件事情的同时发生的其他情况或事件. 例句: - When to do homework is up to you.(何时做作...

斋哗18775003031问: when sb. do sth.和when sb. doing sth. when do sth. 和when doing sth.区别和用法 -
丰都县珍珠回答: when sb. do sth 是说当某人做某事,也就是时常做的,请看Does when doing sth 是说某人正在做某事,不一定是习惯做的.强调“正在”,请看Doing 那给你举例子好了.She usually open the door when she watchs TV She opened the door when she watching TV

斋哗18775003031问: when to do和 when doing的区别 -
丰都县珍珠回答: when doing 当做....事情时 如when doing the exam,we should be careful.实际上这里完整一点的说是这样when (we are) doing the exam,we should be careful.而when to do何时做.如she will tell you when to do it.

斋哗18775003031问: when sb. do sth.和when sb. doing sth. when do sth. 和when doing sth.区别和用法务必简单明了. -
丰都县珍珠回答:[答案] when sb.do sth 是说当某人做某事,也就是时常做的,请看Does when doing sth 是说某人正在做某事,不一定是习惯做的.强调“正在”,请看Doing 那给你举例子好了. She usually open the door when she watchs TV She opened the door when she ...

斋哗18775003031问: when 后面直接+doing 或者+ did 是什么语法现象? -
丰都县珍珠回答:[答案] 1.when doing ...,主语 ...= when 主语 be doing ...,主语 ... 这里的 doing 是现在分词 2.when did 这种提法不正确,应该是 when done ...,主语 ...= when 主语 be/have done ...,主语 ... 这里的 done 是过去分词

斋哗18775003031问: 整个过程when是doing sth吗 -
丰都县珍珠回答: 你是想问when/while的区别吗?when后面一般用的是点的动词.while后面往往跟的是表示过程的动词.例:I came back home while my mom was cooking. When I came back home ,my mom was cooking.while还有一个用法,表示两个动作同时进行.I was doing homework while my mom was cooking .

斋哗18775003031问: when 后面加doing 是绝对的吗?这句话对吗? -
丰都县珍珠回答: 不绝对, when 后面没有 主语 属于 状语从句的省略, 当主句主语和从句主语相同 并带有be动词或者主语主语是it并带有be动词时,可以把主语连同be动词省略, 所以说,有一个句子 When I was rescued,I was happy.省略了就是When rescued ,I was happy,而事实上,做题时只要看主句主语和从句的关系,就可以了,主动是doing,被动是done.

斋哗18775003031问: when doing sth 还是 when do sth (语法问题) -
丰都县珍珠回答: computing, 动名词做状语从句

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