
作者&投稿:左丘熊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

spend pay cost take的区别和用法
cost的主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示“值”, 常见用法如下:sth. costs (sb.) +金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。例:A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。ake后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法有:It takes sb. +时间+to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。例:...

ake a chance v.冒险 take a drop of something v.喝一点酒 take a false step v.走错一步, 失策 take a fancy to v.喜欢 take a flyer v.冒险做事 take A for B v.把A误以为B take a hack at v.尝试 take a holiday v.休假, 度假 take a horn v.喝酒 take a leaf out of ...

作使役动词let、have、make以及感官动词feel、hear、see、watch等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to要省略。The teacher made him say the word like this. 老师让他像这样说这个单词。作动词help的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to可以带,也可以不带。Could you help me (to) carry the heavy box? 你...

take pictures from sb.和take pictures of sb.各是什么意思?
如:①I want to take pictures of you.我想给你拍照。②Sato Miyoko took a lot of pictures of the Great Wall.佐藤美代子拍了许多长城的照片。③Please take a picture of my family 请给我们全家拍张照片。注意t ake a picture of sb.也可表示为 take sb.A picture 如:

take pictures of sb和take a picturce有什么区别
如:①I want to take pictures of you.我想给你拍照.②Sato Miyoko took a lot of pictures of the Great Wall.佐藤美代子拍了许多长城的照片.③Please take a picture of my family 请给我们全家拍张照片.注意t ake a picture of sb.也可表示为 take sb.A picture ...

神起反转剧 《假面武士》《初恋》《危险的爱情》《东京假日》《没有招待的客人》《寻找丢弃的时间》《生命中无法忘记的女生》《Vacation 》《最后的样子》有天主演 《辅导东方神起》 允浩主演 还有《王的男人》这不太像是反转剧,不过挺好玩的 彩虹罗曼史04 有天 彩虹罗曼史06 有天 彩虹罗曼史62...

spend pay cost take的区别和用法
cost的主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示“值”, 常见用法如下:sth. costs (sb.) +金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。例:A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。ake后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法有:It takes sb. +时间+to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。例:...

some them caake give连词成句并翻译?
Give them some cakes.给他们一些蛋糕。固定用法 give sth to sb 给某人某物

答案:B。 tell sb to do sth 的否定形式为tell sb not to do sth. 2) She pretended ___ me when I passed by. A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen 答案:A。 pretend 后应接不定式。其否定形式为pretend not to do sth.。 3)Mrs. Smith warned her daughter ...

回答:M,ake lo, ve with sb Have se.x with sb somebody

经殃15149865680问: make+sb+to do还是+do -
鸡泽县苦参回答: make sb do 让某人做某事(主动语态) be made sb to do 某人被要求去做某事(被动语态)

经殃15149865680问: make+sb+do,make+sb+to+do -
鸡泽县苦参回答: 没有make sb to do这种用法,只有make sb do,例如: The boy made the baby laugh by making a face at him. 那男孩扮鬼脸逗那个婴儿笑.

经殃15149865680问: make sb ~ 其后都可以接什么类型的词 -
鸡泽县苦参回答: 形容词(原级,比较级),动词原形.动词的过去分词(表被动)

经殃15149865680问: 英语中为什么没有make do sth.使某人作某事 -
鸡泽县苦参回答: ask sb to do; tell sb to do必须带to help sb to do, help sb do;need to do, need do 均可 三个让:let, have, make+sb+ do主动语态不带to;感官动词:see, notice, hear, feel等+sb+do主动语态不带to;但是被动语态中省略的to必须还原:sb be made ...

经殃15149865680问: 英语 求解 HOW can you make yourself [understood](understand) if you cannot express yourself clearly -
鸡泽县苦参回答: 楼上几位不要把问题复杂化啊,这里就是一个过去分词作补语的用法,understood在这里相当于一个形容词,类似于,the book makes me happy.此外如果make+sb+do的话,这个动词必须用原型,因为这里实际上是不定式的to被省略了,即make+sb+(to)+do,如果碰到类似题目的这种情况,肯定就不能从动词方面来考虑了.

经殃15149865680问: make sb +形容词 -
鸡泽县苦参回答: make sb+形容词 后面可以跟形容词原级或则比较级,这要看句子的情况了make it +adj /n + (for sb) to do sth / that cl- / wh –例如:He made it interesting for us to learn.还有make me happy等make后也可以跟形容词比较级例如:make ...

经殃15149865680问: 动词+sb+do/doing/to do -
鸡泽县苦参回答: 英文语法:V+sb+to do sth , V+sb+ do sth, V+sb+doing 标签:英语语法 一、哪些动词用V+sb+do sth或者 V+sb+doing sth?口诀如下: “一感二听三使四看半帮助". 口诀解释: 一感指 feel 二听指 listen to 和 hear 三使指 have,let 和 make 四看见...

经殃15149865680问: make的用法及造句 -
鸡泽县苦参回答: 去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:其其工作室*make+sb+do sth.(不带to的不定式)”意为 “使某人做某事”. 1.什么东西使得草生长?What makes the grass grow? 2. 老师使得我们感到更自信了.Our teacher makes us feel ...

经殃15149865680问: 请问有make+sb+形容词的用法吗? -
鸡泽县苦参回答: I can make her happy有啊,如.我可以使她高兴 再看看别人怎么说的.

经殃15149865680问: make sb to do sth. or make sb doing sth. 二者有什么区别,用法分别是什么 -
鸡泽县苦参回答: 你说的那两个句型我没见过.make的一些用法:make make sth. 做,制造 make sb. do sth. 使得...make sb. (sth.) done make sb. (sth.) + adj.make sb. (sth.) + n. make it + adj.(n.) + that...make it + adj.(n.) + to do sth. make it + adj.(n.) + doing sth. ...

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