
作者&投稿:程咽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

i'm not a good man, but i want to take care of e

4.Give me one good reason why I should help you.我为什么要帮你?给我一个充分的理由。5.She of all people should know the answer to that.在所有的人中,唯有她最应知道那个问题的答案。5. 50 should be enough to be going on with.50英镑该够应付一时半会儿的了。6.ery young ... think fashion is good or not?What are your reasons?
I think fashion is good. First of all ,fashion show us what is hit or popular in the world and leads us to follow up the newest things to motivate our inspiration to creation. secondly, it can make pepole charming and attractive. of course,it is helpful to make friends ...

猎人:(小鸟们开始喝水的时候出场)good luck,a duckling ,my tasty food!(“啪,啪”两声抢响,小动物们都尖叫起来,小鸟惊恐地飞走了,丑小鸭也惊恐地四处跑。) 丑小鸭:Oh,no,help! Help! 场景4:可怜的丑小鸭 冬天(播放风声和小夜曲的合音,小鸭子蜷缩着身子,不停地打着冷颤,走到舞台中间蹲下。) 旁白:(音乐响...

2.That is my mother.==Is that your mother?==Yes,she is.\/No,she isn't.3.His teacher is good.==Is his teacher good?==Yes,he\/she is.\/No,he\/she isn't.4.His name is Jack.==Is his name Jack?==Yes,he is.\/No,he isn't.5.Iam rery old.==Am I very old?==...

3、读书也像开矿一样,“沙里淘金”。——赵树理 西方名言3则 1、我阅读关于我所不懂的题目之书籍时,所用的方法,是先求得该题目的肤表的见解,先浏览许多页和好多章,然后才从头重新读起,以求获得精密的智识。我读该书的终末,就懂得它的起因。这是我所能介绍给你惟一正解的方法。——狄慈根:《辩证法的...

teachers always tell us plenty of knowledge, and classmates would like to answer the questions one by one. After class, we play games like good friends. All the students talk and smile, this looks very nice.I am secondery school student. I live in the have sky I like....

Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again --- by Xu Zhimo 再别康桥 徐志摩 Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the setting sun; Their reflections on ...

Except,except for,besides的区别
一、except, except for都表示“除...之外(其余)都..."。except, except for用于将其后事物排除在前述情况之外,不包含在前述情况之内。I like all fruit except (for) oranges. 除了桔子外其余的水果我都喜欢。(把桔子排除在喜欢的水果之外)She likes going to most sports events, except(f...

Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year. 的 新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。 的 Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season. 的 愿你拥有美丽的圣诞所有的祝福。 的 May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear. 的 ...

焦制13745436216问: very good什么意思 -
瑞昌市抗感回答: very是副词,表程度good形容词 very good非常好,一般指做事很好.this thing that you did was very good 这件事你干的很好 也可表人或事的效果(感觉好坏)it sounds very good.听起来不错

焦制13745436216问: very good 中文意思是什么 -
瑞昌市抗感回答: 很好

焦制13745436216问: very good 什么意思? -
瑞昌市抗感回答: very good: 非常好 注意good与well:good表示事物的“好”,well特别表示身体的“好”

焦制13745436216问: very good是什么意思 -
瑞昌市抗感回答: very good at 很善于

焦制13745436216问: Very Good是什么意思啊?
瑞昌市抗感回答: 很好,非常好的意思.

焦制13745436216问: Very good! 是什么意思 -
瑞昌市抗感回答: 从字面解释为,Very非常的,厉害的.good好,很好.意思为非常好.通常是赞扬、肯定某一事.

焦制13745436216问: verygood是什么意思.急!急!急!
瑞昌市抗感回答: 非常好、非常棒的意思,表赞赏

焦制13745436216问: Verygood中文是什么? -
瑞昌市抗感回答: Very good很好 词汇搭配 in very good nick 健康(情况好)... 例句 1、Mr. Smith is a very good English teacher. 史密斯先生是个很好的英语教师. 2、The young man has good stuff in him. 那个年轻人素质很好. 扩展资料: 近义词的用法 well ...

焦制13745436216问: VeryGood! 是什么意思? -
瑞昌市抗感回答: 非常好.Very :非常 Good:好,好的.

焦制13745436216问: VERYGOOD是什么意思? -
瑞昌市抗感回答: 很好是意思

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