英语口语(要求不少于2分钟)题目:Do you think fashion is good or not?What are your reasons?

作者&投稿:訾青 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
What is your idea of fasshion and what do you think is reallyn in fashion?~

Fashion is something you buy to make yourself appear to be part of a group. The term is usually applied to the latest trend and buying it implies you are trendy and up to date.

As you get older I find keeping up to date gets harder because you can remember how much people laughed at what is the latest fashion last time it stopped being fashionable - flares and stripey men's shirts are just two things which fit this category for me. Leg warmers are probably a good example in women's fashion - everyone had to have them, but now no one knows why or wants to admit to it.

Fashion also gives rise to the idea of anti-fashion. The deliberate wearing of things that aren't fashionable (this is of course a kind of fashion just not one aimed at being trendy) so for example undertakers don't wear fashionable clothes but wear clothes that mark them out as being part of a particular group

I am from America, hope this helps!


I think fashion is good. First of all ,fashion show us what is hit or popular in the world and leads us to follow up the newest things to motivate our inspiration to creation. secondly, it can make pepole charming and attractive. of course,it is helpful to make friends and put forward the popular topics to widen one's mind and soule. the last but not least ,i thik fashion can improve the ablity of appreciating beauty and make people enjoy life .

l think fashion is good.Firstly,fashion makes us ensuthiated to life.secondly,it is of benifit to showing our energy.Thirdly,fashion help us feel that life is great,which also indicate the world is wonderful.it is exactly fashion that lets the world is so colourful.ln addion ,fashion makes eceryone is more attractive and more fashinate.l love fashion.

I think fashion is good. Because fashion can let people know what is hit or popular in the world and can enrich our knowledge besides what we have already learn. Also, fashion make peolle becom famous and in the top too. so I think fashion is good!!~


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