
作者&投稿:营胞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My dear friend的英语作文怎样写
I have a lot of friends. Now let me introduce some to you.Han Ting is one of my best friends. She is a good student. She has two big eyes, a nice mouth. We have the same hobby, drawing and playing. We often play games. It’s very interesting. Sometimes, we do our...

急求一个英语课本剧剧本。要容易背的,6个人,谢谢! 如果好补悬赏分...
天鹅舞曲响起,4大天鹅和小天鹅共同起舞,跳出丑小鸭长成天鹅后的幸福快乐。)画外音:It is no matter to be born in a duckery if you are a swan egg. You ought to be the beautiful swan one day.(只要你是一只天鹅蛋,就是生在养鸭场也没什么关系;总有一天会变成一只美丽的天鹅。)

You dress look rery nice的中文意思

very good和very well和very nice 和 very fine怎么去区分??
very well 和v ery fine 可以指"身体状况"很好.而 very nice 和 very good 可以指"心情"很好.此处 well 为形容词.

英语日常会话-送礼物 这是送给你的。This is for you.This is for you. (这是送给你的。)That's very nice of you. (太谢谢你啦。)Here's something for you.I got this for you.这是你的那份。This is your share. *share“(一个一个分开的)分成的份儿,分开”。This is your ...

peacock的读音是:英['pi?k?k]。peacock的读音是:英['pi?k?k]。peacock的英英释义是Noun:European butterfly having reddish-brown wings each marked with a purple eyespotmale peafowl; having a crested head and very large fanlike tail marked with iridescent eyes or spots。peacock形容词:...

支杨13953241196问: very nice的中文是什么意思 -
象山县英罗回答: very nice的意思是:很好;非常好 【短语】 1、Very Very Nice 非常非常好 2、Oh Very Nice 大丈夫系我 ; 哦很好 ; 吴非常尼斯 ; 哦很漂亮 3、She is very nice 她是很好 ; 她是非常好的 ; 她非常和蔼 ; 她很和蔼 4、very compact and nice ...

支杨13953241196问: very nice是什么意思 -
象山县英罗回答: very :非常,极其nice:好.这个词一般可以形容天气,心情,人的品质,对事物的赞美……当然也可以形容人的外貌漂亮!very nice :非常好!太好了!举个例子:it is very nice of you !你真是太好了!it is a very nice day! 今天天气非常好!a very nice idea!一个非常好的主意!have a very nice time! 过得非常愉快!(固定用法)好了,暂时先给你想这些吧,总之nice这个词蛮好用的,也比较活.

支杨13953241196问: “very nice”的中文翻译是什么? -
象山县英罗回答: 非常漂亮;非常好;非常棒. very nice [词典]很好;非常好 [例句]He's generous and,you know,very nice,very polite 他很大方而且,你知道,很友善,很有礼貌. very nice 很好;非常好 It looks very nice.I want a sweater like this!它看起来非常...

支杨13953241196问: Very,nice中文是什么意思 -
象山县英罗回答:[答案] 非常好

支杨13953241196问: very nice怎么翻译
象山县英罗回答: 一楼写的是什么东东 ?很简单的一个词组 very nice means “非常好”,但楼上 所言极是 不同语境下 这句短语可以表达相反意思 在挖苦 讽刺的语境下 可做“好的很啊”的意思 说话的时候要带出 讽刺 愤怒 或不满 希望能帮到您 祝新春愉快

支杨13953241196问: very wonderful和very well和verynice和very good的区别是什么?各位高手帮帮忙吧.尽量详细点,我会提高悬赏哦. -
象山县英罗回答:[答案] 外教说,没有very wonderful这种说法,因为wonderful已经表达了很强烈的意思,而very之和那些没有那么强烈意思的词语搭配,比如我们可以说very bad,但是不能说very terriblevery nice一般是形容人的,你很喜欢这个人,或者...

支杨13953241196问: It's very nice是什么意义 -
象山县英罗回答:[答案] 一般说来,有两个意思 1 === it is very good (- - - - - 真好.) 如: It is very nice to talk with you.(能与你交谈真好) 2 it is very nice (of do sth.) === it is very kind of do sth.(某人真好,- - - - -)如 It is very nice of you to give us so much help....

支杨13953241196问: very good和very well的区别 -
象山县英罗回答: very good相当于very nice. 意思是非常好,用来修饰名词.例子:The book is very good/nice.这本书非常好.very well 意思也是非常好,但它有两个用途:1.表示人的身体很好,属于形容词...

支杨13953241196问: 英语very nice短语翻译 -
象山县英罗回答: 非常好 谢谢 望采纳

支杨13953241196问: ⅴery nⅰce是什么意思? -
象山县英罗回答: 非常棒,很好!很舒服!表达一切美好褒扬的意思.就看你用在什么场合.

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