
作者&投稿:诺雄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I like the song"we are the world",which was sang by Micheal Jackson.我喜欢We Are The World这首歌,是Michael Jackson唱的.I like it because the song is very meaningful.我喜欢这首歌是因为这首歌很有意义.In 1985,Africa was suffering from famine,thousands of children were threatened...

Teapot Onceuponatime,therewasaproudteapot.Itwasproudofitsporcelain,itslongmouthanditsbighandle.There'ssomethinginfrontandbehindit!There'saspoutinfrontandahandlebehind.It'salwaystalkingaboutthesethings.Butitdoesn'ttalkaboutitscover. Thelidwasbrokenlongagoandnailedlater;soithasashortcoming, and...

分词是动词的一种形式,兼具形容词的特点和动词的部分特点(例如表示某种时态、语态(主被动态)等),英语中有两种分词:过去分词(也叫做完成分词)、现在分词。 过去时是动词的一种时态,它用来表示动作发生的时间概念。换句话说,过去时是一种定式动词(不定式动词即动词原形,定式动词即动词变成了一个...

Hiding out in the schoolyard at night with my matesWe climbed the wire nettingThe field seemed...Kami・koe・kuchi・yubisaki he todokeIma dake demo ii (Ima dake demo ii)キミモノガタリ\/...sonna KIMI wa machigai janai saTodoke todoke tooku eima wo kishikaisei namida azuketeitsuka ...

sidewalk 怎么造句?
He stood on the sidewalk with his hands buried in the pockets of his dark overcoat.他站在人行道上,双手插在黑色外套的口袋里。She tripped over the bump on the sidewalk.她被人行道上一块隆起的地面绊了一下。

万圣节的来历(英文版):The first of these traditions came from a tribe of warriors who lived on the British Isles.They were known as the Celts and they celebrated a holiday known as Samhain.This is the Gaelic word for November.Samhain was celebrated at the end of October just ...

aspersetwomountainsinthemountainstofindpeople,seeingit,hopingtodigagold. YuMr.Wherethesedays,seemedtoknow,andgasandtired,MenJiudrinktosleepaskylight,ifitweren'tforhergoodshakehisday,sleepisnotcome.Hiswifeandsays,"youwillwakeup,palaceofthelictorsayard,areyou?"YuMr.Rubbinghiseyes,theysaid,...

Michael Jackson的《Up Again》 歌词
The God home from the pen, he left the yard behind Got a brand new sampler, take the breaks and I loop it Got a license for the gat, in case the public is stupid Plus, I ain't afraid to shoot it A man with the family, is firmly rooted We on top right now, we ...

Michael Jackson的《Up Again》 歌词
The God home from the pen, he left the yard behind Got a brand new sampler, take the breaks and I loop it Got a license for the gat, in case the public is stupid Plus, I ain't afraid to shoot it A man with the family, is firmly rooted We on top right now, we ...

Michael Jackson的《Up Again》 歌词
The God home from the pen, he left the yard behind Got a brand new sampler, take the breaks and I loop it Got a license for the gat, in case the public is stupid Plus, I ain't afraid to shoot it A man with the family, is firmly rooted We on top right now, we ...

化平18258101641问: 一篇英语文章翻译,禁止使用翻译软件 -
代县跳骨回答: 一次,拿破仑住在一个小旅馆,第二天早晨,他对老板说:“你的服务很好,我要奖赏你,告诉我你想要什么”.“先生,我什么都不要”老板说,“不过您能回答我一个问题么?” “什么事”拿破仑问.“我听说过一件事”老板说,“在战时...

化平18258101641问: 庭院拍卖会的英语作文 -
代县跳骨回答:[答案] Mike and I hold an yard sale at his house today. In the morning,we took out the stuff that were ready to be sold.During the sale,we sold some of our old books,some old toys,also an old bike.Many people came to our sale,and a lot of them did make their ...

化平18258101641问: yard sale 英语作文80字左右代汉意思 -
代县跳骨回答: 任务占坑

化平18258101641问: 关于学校将有一个大拍卖的英语作文 -
代县跳骨回答: Mike and I hold an yard sale at his house today.In the morning, we took out the stuff that were ready to be sold. During the sale, we sold some of our old books, some old toys, also an old bike. Many people came to our sale, and a lot of them did ...

化平18258101641问: 人教版初二英语8单元a部分3a翻译,快,在线等啊!!! -
代县跳骨回答: sectionA 3A class 9 had great time on school trip.they went to blue water aquarium for the day,first they visited the visitor's center and watched a movie about sharks.they watched a dolphin show, after that they went to the outdoor pool and saw a ...

化平18258101641问: 英语作文啊,上周日上午你们班举行了庭院义卖活动(yard sale),同学们把一些书籍,学习用品,还有自制的飞机模型,风筝等手工作品(handcraft)带到... -
代县跳骨回答:[答案] Last Sunday morning our class had a yard sale on our school playground. All varieties of goods, such as books, writing materials, even handcrafts-like handmade airplane models and kites- were brought to the playground for selling. Thanks to the active ...

化平18258101641问: 我喜欢看玩具总总动员,要写出因为什么才喜欢看它的,但要用英语表达出来, -
代县跳骨回答:[答案] Buzz Lightyear - a "space ranger", and wears a space suit with various features such as retractable wings and transparent helmet, a laser "weapon", and various sound effects. In Toy Story, he begins the series and develops a rivalry with Woody, ...

化平18258101641问: 关于参加庭院旧物出售英语作文:内容:昨天参加了长江社区的庭院旧物出售活动,有200多人参加这活...关于参加庭院旧物出售英语作文:内容:昨天参加... -
代县跳骨回答:[答案] It was fine last Sunday. I went to the Yard Sale in Changjiang Community. More than 200 people took part in the activity .Some people sold used things such as bikes, toys, and clothes. Others sold cakes, cards and bookmarks made by themselves. Used...

化平18258101641问: 英语翻译3.他们将一些旧东西拿出来进行了庭院销售(PUT) -
代县跳骨回答:[答案] MAIL want to be a writer in the future.The last time the rest of the time,we went to the beach to play for a whole day.They put some old things out of the yard sale ( PUT ).也可以去百度翻译里找哦ʌ...

化平18258101641问: 渔夫和金鱼的故事的英语梗概 -
代县跳骨回答: 改编1 从前有一个村庄,村庄里住着一个叫阿木的聪明勇敢的男孩子.阿木有一条破旧的小船,他不论刮风下雨都会摇着小船出去打鱼,因为他是个孤儿,他需要靠打鱼来养活自己.但他从来都不怨天尤人,每天快乐的唱着歌.他的歌很好听,...

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